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Umi  Jul 2018
Island Wind
Umi Jul 2018
A delicate sillhouette, agile and elegant, sweet and unique.
Almost playful, she slides over the water so majestically,
Even if the whole world were to drown in the deep blue sea, all her hope would gather into the motivation to move forward, burst forth.
Oh wind, carry me out of this sea of tears, of bottomless sadness.
Sail towards the coming future, sealed doors can be broken open,
What hope does the future hold for one who survived but couldn't protect her friends, going down alike the sun, slowly slipping away,
Even the azure beauty beyond us is filled with danger and misery,
But I will stay positive, for it is you my little breeze who is gently holding me, letting me sail with you through thick and thin.
Leave the waves behind you, swiftly like a shooting star but proud like an eagle in flight, but warm alike the ray of sunlight.
As the sun rises, the clouds have drawn a picture in the sky over us,
Quietly, serenely, you live with determination in your heart, when all freedom and light, ego and deception have become lost in this world.
Trailing over and over, with irrigular gaps I caught a smile in this clear water for the first time of our long journey.
It is for you, my dear Shimakaze.

~ Umi
Marisa Lu Makil Feb 2015
"I'm a silhouette asking every now and then
"Is it over yet? Will I ever feel again?"
I'm a silhouette chasing rainbows on my own
But the more I try to move on, the more I feel alone
So I watch the summer stars to lead me home"

~Sillhouette, Owl City <3
I love this song <3
Nik Bland Feb 2013
I dreamt of you last night under a cloud covered moon
As if the full moon's glow was moving me like a monsoon
The eerie beams immolating through the clouds traveling on the gale
Laid me down and sent me to sleep with a lullaby so frail

I dreamt of you last night while my mind was fast asleep
Unaware that my heart was yearning for your memory to creep
It painted the scene of so many worlds to which I'd never been
But all for naught, for my eyes were on you in the setting it put you in

I dreamt of you last night and I wish I never had to wake
For I felt you were so very real in my imaginary embrace
And as my eyes were under, my subconscious said a prayer
That if the sun should disturb my slumber, wherever I was, you'd be there

And so I dream in morning light and think back every then and now
Knowing in a way we'd be together again somehow
And if that day is farther than the sun and moon make it seem
I will lay my head upon your sillhouette and catch you in my dreams
Megan James Apr 2013
My mind is consumed.

Drifting through the shadow of fear
As I protect you beneath these tears

With each tiny kick taken by surprise
Your delicate sillhouette I have come to recognize

Taking one step at a time to shape you
My angel, this is what my life has come to

Anguished spirits have withered to an end
With overflowing strength my heart offers to extend

Enhancing life with a lusterous glow
Emry Rene, always follow your heart and never let go

Confide in me, your feeling deep inside
While your path may change, you will never have to hide

Never let the worlds charming facade deceive you
I will stand by your side as we depict the view

Satan  Jan 2011
The Stalker
Satan Jan 2011
It was raining hard and cold.
As i walked myself home away from the mad thunderbolts.
Shivering and starving, i felt it all.
Under clouds of storm that rolled.

Then i felt it very clearly.
Somebody was watching me intensely.
I turned around and saw a dark sillhouette of a man in the thick fog.
Walking towards me, alert like a dog.

Feeling cold on my back i kept walking, faster and frightened.
There was something eerie about him that forced me to hasten.
Like a dark shadow in the fog he kept following me silently.

I turned around once again and the man stopped moving.
He stared back at me, the wind kept howling.
And very slowly, as i watched him there, he was fading away, under the street lights.
He was turning into thin air as the fog covered him out of my sight.

He was gone completely...

I did not see it.
A car travelling at very high speed hit me hard.
I fell on the road and then i saw nothing.
It was all dark.

When i opened my eyes everything had changed around me.
Everything was blur and vague to see.
I saw differently.
I smelt differently.
I heard differently.
I felt differently.

And i saw a man walking by hurriedly.
I started to walk, following him silently.
Death is our forever stalker...
T E Pyrus  Mar 2016
faery dust
T E Pyrus Mar 2016
faery dust

i conquered Latmos at sunset.
wind flew swift and secretive.
gold-orange leaves had songs to give
my triumphant sillhouette.

my fingers held misty stardust.
the purple paintbrush flickered hues
of flaked and rosy multitudes
of soft and silent lust.

the evening star twinkled so bright.
my tip-toes rippled the moonlit lake
and watched the spell of daylight break
to mysterious twilight.

wait until faeries arrive.
and slide into an evening, still.
like latern on the windowsill,
the night sky came alive.

the willows wept heartache.
a night owl glided softly by.
under a billion suns i lie
for evermore awake.
I was walking among the trees.
Looking through the sillhouette of the trees.
There stood a lonely willow before the river.
I saw the moon shimmering in the water.

What has got into me, i whispered.
Such a magic i beheld as i fell deeper.
The trees were alive and old .
Ancient lights were swirling round their branches so cold.

Was it the moon in the water i saw hypnotizing me...
Was it too dreamy to be...
Suddenly in my cupped hands this tiny little thing flapping i felt.
And my consciousness trembled to melt.

The willow tree was looking at me.
Ancient, old, and mysterious.
I stood there shaking like unconsciousness.
'Stumble to fall' he hissed.
what was mine was his.

Stumble to fall.
Stumble to fall.
Stumble to fall.

I went back home to find my Father's last breath.
hadley Jun 2017
and do not tell me this is not love.
do not tell me that watching his sillhouette fade
into yesterday's sun and tomorrow's rain
is any less than a serenade
sublime in its intent.
do not tell me that love must be
late nights/entwined limbs/shut the blinds until rays of light rejoice over the entanglement of warm in living in a sacred room.

my love is radiant
it is my eyes on his with not a touch or a whisper of softness
it is the quiet dedication of unrequited
the softness of what i know his hands would feel like if only i could
reach out.
Katie Milburn  Mar 2014
Katie Milburn Mar 2014
Sterile white cast a sharp sillhouette
Againt burgundy--
That swam with shadowy velvet
And creamy blurs of silk
Each so like a soft brush stroke
Save for that sterile white
In its clean geometry;

And the carpet installed short and durable
By hopeful design it would last
Through years of dance-worthy occasions
Ballroom turf bled into my hiding place
Stippling my palms pink
As my weight shifted

And I leaned into the wafting scents
Of ladies' perfumes and catered delicacies
Every time the table cloth rippled
Out of fear or respect from passerby

Even shimmied with the clinking of glasses
Above the dull congratulatory murmur of guests
Later they would all be drunk
And murmur would turn to ruckus
But then, only indistinguishable voices

Too they were far away, drifting almost
I imagined nothing but that white
Sterile still, pure
And matrimonially sweet
The tiny bride and groom testifying from atop

But a plan was already in motion
To hide and wait;
The waiting was done
So young, as I was
Finding nothing so sacred I couldn't soil it
Found the oppurtunity to touch my tongue to it
That white, I wouldn't say sterile
But oh so sweet.
This was an actual assignment back in high school. It was suppose to have a strong sense of voice and evoke the senses. I actually did lick my uncle's wedding cake when I was little, so I'm sharing this in loving memory of him.
alan  Jun 2012
untitled (3)
alan Jun 2012
I gaze at the evening sky
framed by the sillhouette of trees.
I wonder if the faint stars
in their places still exist.
or are they like my presence
I am here, but not my heart.
lua  Jun 2020
lua Jun 2020
When I blinked, the fires were gone and so were you

And for the longest time
I walked along the shores
Panting and shoulders heavy
As the sound of the river's currents followed my every step
The coarse dirt and sand felt like a thousand needles pricking the soles of my feet
The black sun rises high in the skies
Sweat rolls down the apples of my cheeks

When I called your name, what echoed back was only my voice
Coarse and rough from exhaustion
From the dust and smoke that choked me
When the fires began to burn

I shut my tired eyes
And I try to imagine your face
But all I see is the smokey sillhouette
You left behind

I wandered and wandered
And with each aching step,
My knees shake like jelly
Weak, as they buckled
In the corner of my eye I see Charon's boat
His tall looming figure clutching the handle of a paddle
Hunched over, murmuring
As his eyes follow me like the currents of the river
All knowing
I felt transparent
And they were the last things I saw
Before my face met the ground
With a thud.

I rise to the sound of rushing water

My eyes flutter open
To see nothing but a grey haze
I lay
As water drifts my motionless body in gentle currents
And when shore hits my back
I stand
The blades of grass tickling my skin
Prickling my flesh

Where am I?

And I see it
The outline of a figure
Walking through the fog
Sitting atop a jagged rock's edge
As the sun peaked through
Its thick wall of clouds

And it's beautiful

It almost looked like you.
part 5

— The End —