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Alif Imran  Jun 2016
Alif Imran Jun 2016
I wish I am bulletproof,
Bulletproof from love,

Bulletproof, Bulletproof,
give me the strength to be bulletproof,
I can't accept more of this pain,
I'll die eventually,

Bulletproof, Bulletproof,
stop shooting, stop,
I can't handle much of this stress
end it up for me,
end it up for good,
end it up.

Bulletproof, Bulletproof,
show me the truth,
give me only the truth,
even if it's hard, even if it hurtful,
just give me the truth,

I can handle my own broken heart,
I have mended it before, for you,
and I can do it again.
Big Virge Jul 2021
Well Wouldn’t You Know It... ?
I’m A BULLETPROOF Poet... !!!
That CLEARLY Show...
That It’s Really NOT Wise...  
To Try To Deride...
My Poetic Lines... !!!
And BULLETPROOF Rhymes... !!!!!
That’s NOT Microscopic...
When It Comes To The NONSENSE...
That Is Now Evolving...
Like Guns KEEP Revolving...
That Now NEED STOPPING... !!!
Because They’re STILL CLOCKING... !!!!!
Coppers Whose Bullets...
And Crooked Conclusions...
And Undoubted PROOF...
That It’s US Who NEEDS Vests...
When We Encounter Them... !!!
That’s Right I Mean The Feds... !!!
That I’m FEEDING You... !!!!!!
Rather Than The FAKE News...
That’s Now Being Used...
Like Bullets And Blades...
On Display TODAY...
That HITS My Page... !!!
When It Comes To The Way...
That The Media PLAY...
The Same ol’ Game...
When It’s WAY TOO LATE...
To SAVE Young Brains...
Who’ve Met Their FATE... !!!!
BEFORE They’ve Reached...
Or SEEN.... “ OLD AGE “.... !?!
Because They’re NOT...
... BULLETPROOF... !!!!!!!
And THAT’s Some TRUTH...
That NOBODY Can DISPUTE... !!!
Which Is Why As I’ve Said...
I’m A Poet Who’s BULLETPROOF YES... !!!
Because What I Write...
Does NOT Embrace... LIES...
Or Writing Rhymes...
As One Of The Guys...
Who Faced BULLETS...
Cos’ of LIES They Spread...
That OFFENDED Heads...
Who Used PLENTY of Lead...
To Leave Them... DEAD... !!!!!
I Could Be NEXT... ?
Well So Far NOT YET... !!!
I’m NOT Afraid Of Death..
Which Is Why I’ll STAND BY...
The Things I’ve EXPRESSED...  
In... “ My Poems “...
Because Their Defence...
That Are EXACT... !!!
Send The Hacks...
Back To Their Pack... !!!!!
Their Pack of WOLVES... !!!
Who Shoot Like Dudes...  
Whose Aim Is Lame...
So Are Bound To LOSE...
If They Try To Shoot...
My Wordplay Down... !!!
Like THOSE IN The Suits...
of... Government Clowns... !!!
I May End Up BROKE... ?!?
But My Use Of Prose...
A Style That’s DOPE...
Like ******* Folks... !!!
So Now You KNOW...  
Why This Piece of Prose...
That When It Comes To...
The Verse I USE...
It’s Cool And TRUE...
And One Other Thing....
..... “ BULLETPROOF “..... !!!
There aren't many things that are, with the bullets available now, however, I figured words would be a good thing to define as being, something that is ....
MA Montgomery Apr 2018
you have the
to say that women are

when we see blood
month after month

you say we are too emotional
to hold office,
too fragile
to be independent,
too unpredictable,
to be on our own

but you forget
we are bulletproof.

you forget
we have stamina
and fire inside of us

because we are fighting
twice as hard
to be recognized
as the amazing,
successful people we are.

we are fighting
to be seen
as more
than our appearance,
to be valuable
because of our brains
instead of our *****.

we are bulletproof.
I've been ogled too many times, and skipped because I am seen as less worthy to my male peers, and I'm angry and tired and I have to fight twice as hard when I am more qualified and ready to do a good job.
Silverflame  Mar 2018
Save Myself
Silverflame Mar 2018
A loaded gun behind the perfect shot,
infiltrates my mind with memories I forgot.
Pills and potions couldn't help ease the pain,
the man with the mask I can no longer keep sane.

And in the bleeding sky I saw,
scars I've encountered once before.
The depth is scary, but I can't look away,
I dive and drown in this red ocean every day.

I close my eyes and hum a song,
trying to outshout the things I've done wrong.
It's a suicide mission to try and win this fight,
so I'll just get lost with the strangers of the night.

On the gleaming tracks I run with no goal,
it's just an endless journey within a distant black hole.
I'm just a fraction of something that could've been great,
but, I know it's too late to change my bulletproof fate.
CharlesC  Jan 2019
CharlesC Jan 2019

How is it
that we can make an argument

We might say that if the argument
addresses both sides of a question
and demonstrates affiliation with both
and points out that diminishing one side
diminishes the other..

However..note that when all is said
in accordance with the advice
there remain two sides of what is
perceived as reality.. be truly bulletproof
the argument itself must dissolve
in the silence from which it arose..
Silence speaking alone is bulletproof...
Lawrence Hall Aug 2019
Bulletproof School Backpacks...

                DeLuxe model with emojis and a charging port

School days, school days
Dear old shooting drill days
Coding and walkouts and smart pad functions
Taught to a federal court’s latest injunctions
You were my queen in tats (Day-Glo®)
I was your Trump at every gun show
You carved in my skin “i luv U ‘n’ Che Guevara so”
When we were a couple of latch-key kids

As of 3 August 2019 bulletproof backpacks were not on the approved list for the Texas Comptroller’s tax-free school supplies weekend; bulletproof vests are on the list as taxable (
Your ‘umble scrivener’s site is:

It’s not at all reactionary, tho’ it might be drivel.

John F McCullagh Aug 2014
Imagine the outrage
If a band, all-male members,
Refuse to play tunes
for the opposite gender.

Imagine the uproar
The venue would face
For excluding a half
of their customer base.

“It’s rank discrimination!”
The ladies would moan.
If the males got to listen
while the girls  stayed at home.

Yet the Bulletproof Stockings,
That band that wears wigs,
Exclude guys from their concerts
Not just chauvinist pigs.

“It’s a matter of Faith!”
The girl band members say;
No guys at their gigs!
No men hear them play.

Yet I’ve heard pious Pastry chefs
Don’t get to choose.
If gay brides want a cake
It’s a crime to refuse.

An Orthodox authoress
who published a tome
would be most put out
if male buyers stayed home.

So if girl musicians
seek public expression
They ought to think twice
about gender oppression.

Its great that they’re keeping
an orthodox home.
But enough of these concerts
For women alone.
An all girl orthodox Jewish rock band banned all male patrons from their concert and played for women only. Apparently Religion dictates that they are only to perform for the husbands, presumably as solo acts. Apparently their all female audience, who would cheerfully **** a baptist baker for discriminating against a gay married couple, see no harm in excluding male members from the audience. The band should change their name to the Bona Dea.
Qynn  Jul 2014
Qynn Jul 2014
When I was a child, I was bulletproof.
My scabbed wounds and sticks-and-stones attitude
shielded me better
than my mother ever could.

The scar tissue of my scraped knees and raw fingertips
built up
more protection
than I needed.

Alas, that was childhood.
I didn't want to be protected.

Now I am weak.

I am fragile and pale
I can see my pulsing
sickly blue veins
and feel my out of time
and off-beat heart
throbbing in pain.

Now I am unprotected.
Now I'd give anything for a bulletproof vest.
Sar Lopez Dec 2015
In Spanish, VIVIR means To Live, the proper conjugation of which to when you say something as improper as “I live” would simply be translated to “Yo Vivo”.
I live, as a Colombian-American.
I live, as “You don’t look Hispanic”
I live, “Woah! You and your brother look nothing alike. You’re so… white.”
I live, “My mom came home once and talked about a man who simply replied with a horribly pronounced “Me gusta” when my mom said she was Hispanic.”
I live, “My dad condones abusive behavior because he thinks Latina aggression is ‘****’”
I live, my mom asking me “Would you rather celebrate the Sweet Sixteen or have a quinceanera party?”
I live, as the white boy sitting across the room in Spanish class asking “When will I need this in real life?”
I live, as the “Yes I DO have a friend with a skin complexion similar to mine, and yes, he is Hispanic.”
I live, most of my friends are beautiful people of color.
I live, when will you open up the tab in Google and search some Hispanic History to fill your mind instead of “Latina ****”?
I live, the messages on the Internet saying “You’re Hispanic? I bet you’re great in bed.”
I live, there are NO gender neutral nouns in Spanish
I live, yes I DO love coffee
I live, no it did NOT stunt my growth
I live, one kiss per cheek at family meet-ups
I live, “Eskimo” nose rubs
I live, "if you’re hispanic, why aren’t your ears pierced?"
I live, being expected to remember Spanish just because it was my first language, but growing up with an American dad made me whiter than fresh bed-sheets sold in America, made in South America, Hecha en Peru.
I live, my mom breaking into tears as she is so proud that I can sing in Spanish
I live, my mom used to be so embarrassed, when I replied “un poco” to her friends asking “Tu Hablas Espanol?”
I live, "if you’re Hispanic, is your mom an Alien?"
I live, "But your dad looks so white!"
I live, being subject to racism hidden in a joke, hidden in a remark about how pale I am, hidden behind a judgmental look, hidden behind a scoff, a laugh, a pity shrug, a fetishized assumption.
I live the bulletproof clothing and horrible crimes I am warned about when I say I wanna go to Colombia I wanna go to my mom’s home.
I live, as a Colombian-American.
I live.
Yo vivo.
I wrote this when I was really r e a l l y angry ****, sorry.
Lesa Renee Aug 2015
"Limb by limb and tooth by tooth
Tearing up inside of me
Every day every hour
I wish that I was bulletproof

Wax me
Mould me
Heat the pins and stab them in
You have turned me into this
Just wish that I was bulletproof..."
Hits me right in the stomach.
Robin Carretti Aug 2018
Let's not make this long speech
    my best moment to reach
Day in and Craker Jack out what!!
Please the kiss needs to be longer__

The piano plays incredibly stronger
So short the "Cheez Wiz" visit

Oh! My the lovely edible dish
The long wish
too long its been
way too longare we short on

The strawberry short cake
Please make no mistake
   ******* Barrel crackers
I am Jamming sweet grape jam
Orange marmalade home run slam
New Orleans  Southern hospitality
Don't rain on my parade

A++ Collection can't be beat
King Eternity the Queen *******
Cheese deck what a home wreck
Green Guacamole animal
 crackers green Scrooge

"Long story Witchcraft"
The spell his magic fingers
French Tickler ******* winner
Those finger foods gift matcher
She sees little red riding hood
Getting the right Judge Judy
homemade Country fudge

VIP ******* may I RIP cracked
the code computer hacker
Afterthought but don't
come towards me she's bulletproof
It's today coffee dark swirls
Proud Mary got cracked mug
I only have eyes for

The Leap jump for all
Easter bunny
Long appetizers in her tray
The longer the wait like the
The same star how I
met all the losers

Moms *******
Saltine stuffing
I am longing for English crackers
Like a ritual, out of time lips chuckle
Sweet Berry cheeks and lovely dimples
This life will burn and crumble

Over crumbled crackers?

Dog wear collars of polka dots
Vacation spot Meditterian crockpots
by the sea
Sea salt sprinkling saltine
over the shoulder, good luck
Feeling love sick her revolver
crackers to meet her four leaf clover

This is not only__New York City
  "Apricot" cracked wheat dot dot
What white as a sheet
Longshot transformation
To the Stepford wifes
Robot desperately seeking crackers
The best honey milk

 bedroom eyes like
Star shape crackers
the ship watch your salty lip
The shepherd's pies short skirts
Vampires blood jelly
Be Jolly Santa's baby *******
wicked plot "Santa Claus"
*** of gold belly at a glance

Cheesecake Factory
Trampling over crackers
What a time for a boycott
What fine attribute of
girl scouts
Getting blondie
brownie points

Someone passed her
screen test mirror mirror
cracked the glass shot
Astronaut gravity goes insanty
The third eye three reasons

"Soap Opera Diamonds"
three times got cracked
*** matters lips sensually
Madonna Vogue
The oyster's long love rumors
She just loves her jelly roll and
Mr. Graham crackers

Just appreciate those cracked
wheat ladies
Sesame melba toast short top
of the crack
Whats the matter?
With your daughter
He longs for her divine crackers
That's another short chapter

They crack up those actors
The writer needed to
find more movie extras
Groucho mark with
joke of crackers
The jackpot was hard to hit
Everyone was better to
crack the safe long neck
My lady Giraffe*

The true lover's knot
Your poem is worth the shot
Astronaut I brought you
The perfect flight the men
with the mustache
The salt and pepper shaker
Elvis the King is shaking
Long shot ******* butter fingers
Happy Holiday to all
This is a long shot to wherever you want to go but I cracked the safe what crackers can actually do it is a long shot we arent through
Cadence  Apr 2018
Cadence Apr 2018

Everybody says i dodged a bullet
But the bullet landed
As for the trigger, was it him or me that pulled it?
I thought he helped my heart expand its hard to think i even could with
Both feet braced on solid ground
Our situationship wasnt planned
I know its hard to understand
From the outside its easy to brand me
Can we analyze every time i noticed how masterfully he handled me?
I understand that time is the only poultice
But for a moment Id like to be candid please

The bullet landed and it travelled
It ripped a path through my flesh
Day by day i ate less and less
Let this be as many lessons
As you can manage to pull from this
The side pieces and the rest is all fluff and *******
He put strings on my heart and pulled it
And i danced and said “how high”
And my soul became dull it became harder and harder to wake up every day
Is it ok to say the only redeeming quality is that he never struck me?
But i wanted to escape the pain of being stuck he told me never, ever again to cut
He didnt see that he was the reason i needed release
The Mona Lisa was out of luck

Finally the bullet festered
The pain became so great
And the benefits so much less
The bullet ripped a path
I cut it out and sealed it back
Now the bullet is nothing but waste
And i can find a new way to relate
New tissue to create
It takes talent to close, to suture they say
“Approximate, dont strangulate”
And now the bullet is disposed

So they say i dodged a bullet
But the bullet landed
It ripped a path through my flesh
Til i became so much less
And the wound began to fester
So i cut out the bullet and cleaned up the rest
Now i have a scar to show the truth
The bullet landed
And i still choose
Not to be bulletproof
A relationship in which, looking back, I believe was emotionally abusive, and in which I think he took advantage of me

— The End —