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Jesse Bourque Aug 2010
unheard and unnoticed
Skipped over
Missed and unmissed

Like a gust
of wind
Passed on
Out of mind
and quickly
This is more true than I'd like it to be.

(c) Jesse Bourque
SassyJ  Jan 2017
Unmissed kisses
SassyJ Jan 2017
You left me with the a bid
a bigger slice of my best
a wish me well that lingers
even longer without your love

Your unformed abrubt reasons
of tainted unsainted failed logic
a wish you well, no hesitations
on the table of untouched melodies

My walls are a brighter emerlard
with stripes of the unmissed kisses
matted with peace and liberation
of torn risks and control measures

My sad blues were washed by the rains
above the moon and over skies above
scouring, soaring, scrapping, summing
in another forever of amaizing lines
William Fischer Dec 2012
A caress,
    A captivating touch,
    A smile gone.
    But not resented.
    What remains?
     The burden
     Or the freedom?
    That I no longer wish
    For such affection.
Katelyn Billat  Dec 2018
Katelyn Billat Dec 2018
I will accept this loss
As I know it will bring
Prosperity in the future.
For I am a queen in training,
And I know what is best for
My kingdom.
If that means losing you,
And hurting for a little while,
I'll take that on a silver platter.
I've gone through worse things,
And I've learned how to
Pick myself up out of the
Rubble of these castle walls.
I've rebuilt every part of
It with my own two hands.
So when you try to break me down,
Remember that I am a future queen.
I can't be torn down anymore.
Nothing you can do
Can hurt me.
I am untouchable.
Franz Bartolome Apr 2016
Maybe. Just maybe.

Maybe we'll meet again, when chances itself had opened its doors for us
When time itself isn't running us out
and when faith replaced all our unspoken doubts

Maybe we'll meet again When that song doesn't need to end so soon.
When we don't have be alone anymore looking at the same moon.

When sad movies doesn't need to be sad anymore.
And when we'll finally see with closed eyes what we have not seen before

Maybe we'll meet again when we don't have to be strangers anymore
When things are not complicated by goodbyes
And beginnings doesn't need to start up with a hello.

Maybe we'll meet again somewhere in time
when we know ourselves all too well,
That we don't have to let each other go
When we're old enough to be young
And when we won't be fool to destroyed with our tongues.
When we are already capable of doing what we are not years ago.
When we have already faced our fears,
And sadness doesn't describe anymore our tears.

Maybe I'll fall in love again with you or maybe I would not,
And I just have to met you for some reasons life would let me know later.

Maybe we'll meet again, and we're not us, but the same you and me years ago, not actually caring if we have been
loved or unloved, missed or unmissed; have been lost or have been found, have been broken or have healed, or if we're still beautiful or had became a disaster.

I would not care at all, meeting you and this love once again along the way someday.

And maybe, just maybe; it doesn't have to be a maybe.
Broken hearted poet here.
Cassandra Hiatt Apr 2013
“You have a kind of sick desperation in your laugh.” – Tyler Durden, Fight Club

You have a kind of sick                                                             ­                                       
desperation in your laugh.
You always think of others.
They never do,
                          on your behalf.

He’s there        you’re him.
You’re here      he’s you.
He says     he’s     Tyler.
And you are?

Clinging to the manic sense
you get when you’re a l o n e .
String up the failing,
                   ­                         l
                ­                                n
                               ­                   g
   ­      you feel you must atone.

Who are you really?
    f   l   a  i l i n    g
unmissed and left to burn.
Black and darkened
Your heart unharkened
The page is left,

jeremy wyatt Dec 2010
The Queen of Winter looked about,
tinged with sorrow, touched by doubt.
The time of change was in the air,
a keen smell dancing through her hair.
Springtimes breath should fill her dreams,
casting spells of summers peace,
as with her court she, serene sleeps,
awaiting on autumns counsel fair.

But troubled now, her gaze is sharp,
what things are come forth from the dark.
Drawn uncalled by winters cold,
things unholy, things too old.
Prowling in the biting frost,
preying on unwary lost.

"there is a way," she says to all,
"to reawaken springs fair call.
I need a braveheart, strong and true,
to carry springtimes promise through!"
None spoke, none moved, all-fearing stood,
then from beneath Her throne of wood,
"I'll go."

And there was an unlooked for guest,
a small young Hare to take the quest,
And she remembered then his face,
beneath last years fall of  leaves.
A little leverett, bereft, born too late,
so sadly left, but seen by chance.
Compassion in the great ones glance.

Set free to tumble in the spring,
to run and dance, and dream and sing.
But wise to evils coming threat,
returned to pay his debt.

"I'll carry springtimes welcome song,
my eyes are bright, my legs are strong,
and though I know you dread I'll fail,
a faithful heart can but prevail!"

A speech of such unwitting grace,
that tears did stain the lady's face.

"So little one, you made a choice,
how gentle is your sweet young voice,
and I instill my strength and love,
to bear your burden far.
And if you fall, the world will know,
my tears of ice will stain the snow."

A little bag of felt was made,
new boots of doeskin,
laced and tied,
a cap to cover well his head,
and then the time,
to face the dread.

"Into this bag I place the spring,
no feather weight, no little thing,
though sadness wishes you could tarry,
this burden forth we ask you carry."
And so with spells of love and care,
out into winter sped our hare.

Through the secret postern gate,
into unremitting hate,
dreading not the rising fear,
but only that the spring was late.

Trotting lightly over snow,
the little lad did boldly go,
leaving lightest prints  behind,
nothing for the Beasts to find.
But, stirring in the darker woods,
creatures of despair still stood.

Crawling, stooping, no poise or grace,
evil made a start to chase,
our little hare, who, so well aware,
kept a steady pace.

Beasts of the pit, deep in the earth,
smother life with their dark curse,
drawn to light to look askance,
hating their own long lost chance.

Breaking through and into sight,
using all the darkest might,
straining fibre, blood and bone
to **** our little hare.

Dancing, swerving, to and fro,
Is he caught? Ah through, now go!
How can one so slim and small,
battle evil spirits tall?
But, from towers far above,
flows an ancient, caring love.

Sending creatures of the woods,
fight the evil with their good,
crows and eagles, claws and beaks,
wolves and foxes, strength and teeth.
Fighting now for what they chased,
and grateful for his speed unceased.

" Pass beyond us, little hare,
and we will turn and, face the stare!
Whatever evil comes to pass,
we dream of springtimes fragrant grass"

So captains of the wood as one,
stand together as they come,
though many fall not to arise,
they battled evils changing guise.
None pass unmissed, she sees them fall,
The Ice Queen marks their everyfall.

The breathless runner toils anew,
oh can he take this burden through?
the night is falling dark and fast,
and still dark forces  are amassed.

New foes astir, claw at his feet,
sharp teeth snap, and call deceit,
arms of knotted sinew strain,
to clutch, to grasp, but still in vain!
Our little hero runs so swift,
at each new threat his own pace lifts.

Cut and wounded by the beasts,
ragged ears, and bleeding feet,
nothing slows the running hare,
"come, you catch me if you dare!"
he gasps beneath a fell  beasts stare...

Then, coming slowly into view,
a wondrous sight, and hope anew,
a woodland tinged with shades of green,
could this be spring, will he get through?

And now the Green Man of the spring,
sees the chase and starts to sing,
"Come all my peoples of warm earth,
we'll war these beasts of death and dearth!"
Flashing eyes, and racing foes,
to battle now for good they  go.

Now at the Green Mans feet hare lies,
the light now fading from his eyes,
his burden passed to hands of care,
all gaze with wonder, little hare!
His duty done, his race is run,
it's now his time to die.

But from afar, a Snow Maids call,
"this once, Man listen to my call,
I'll ask of you no other thing,
than heal this creature, let us sing!"

Together, distant words that heal,
renew the turning of lifes wheel,
The young hare races, where he will,
Watch, and you'll see him, running still.
Sorry this is so long, it is a wee story written in my head many years ago. The little hare is self tattoed on my thigh (poorly) and I had a nice paining  done, but gave it away.  Painted a little version on a bucket today, and got all wistful about brave little animals. This little chap saved spring for us!
Joan Karcher  Jun 2012
Joan Karcher Jun 2012
What would happen if I was gone
What would people think
Sure they might imagine that they were upset for a couple of days
But life would still go on
They would forget and they would move on
They would no longer care that I wasn’t part of everyday life
Would there be any regrets that I left behind
I doubt it because no one really cares
Oh, this is why I hate love!
How I used to moon over it;
shape it and craft it and run after it
in my brambles,
how I used to indulge it in my *****
protect it from any uncivil desecration
cherish it for its wilfulness
relish it for its greed;
how I tainted my heart with its fake scent!
It just dawneth on me!
Oh how I fervently remembereth the scene; the very afternoon scene, before me:
I was heaving my dull steps against the sheepish grounds;
so peaceful in their breezy slumbers;
unlike the busy grass afield!
their dainty colours blackened by the whirring clouds from afar.
Hung cozily amongst the sky, whose childishness wasth adjourned by
the sleeping rain!
Oh but it was none yet coldeth but temperate;
when his moorish figure, blent into the naturalness of the afternoonth;
retreated into the lingering scene,
swiftly and lightly as the chirruping birdth aloft,
as if no anguish was within reach,
as wildly glistening as the mirth of the old den!
How my soul warmed towards the sight of him,
and on he went to relate his selfish story.
How I celebrated it - its giddy, gullible outset!
How I endorse its unknowing innocence!
How I adorned it with my passion!
His reclamation proceeded,
I was but astounded to hark to the rest;
into it he amorously poured the account of a bizarre creature;
namely a stranger;
invariably a woman!
How insolent!
He named her his love;
he waveth his moronic praise at hers;
at her charm, andth not mineth!
I was spurned, my heart was churned;
despite my stranded efforts to keep my pair of
relenting eyes
I steadied my legs, I was more than ready to
bounce and go
sway myself away from this gloomy tragedy
as before me the story undesired unfolded:
my love was repressed, my heart was
bludgeoned, heartily bludgeoned,
and I was silenced; could no longer feelth the tinges of blood
in my latent veins.
He hath slaughtered my peace!
My inner visions, hopes, and dreams!
I hath lost all of which!
I hath lost my shrieks; I could not voice my despair;
yet I could not utter my grief!
I was cursed and condemned;
my soul was appallingly dishonored;
my entirety is for lifelong anger,
desolation, ignominy and utmost desperation!
My crossness against the Creator arose,
like a wave of torment,
a surge of unbecomingth animosity,
as to no matter how I suppressed it unthinkingly,
all ended in vain:
My stern heart shan't ever melt to love again.
Oh my love, my love,
my princeth, my deviousth prince,
the only one I was so ardently fond of
how could thou deepen my misery?
How could thou ****** my sweetest virginal affection
in the midst of my isolation?
Like the sultry willows
whose memories unshaken, unbitten in the most
melodious, but pallid from the heath
in this musty, salubrious air
my blooming flowers hath died
I am brokeneth, I am torn!
I am writhing in my vainness,
my foolish longing, unmissed and unsung by the dandy branches aboveth
Dancing in my own blueness, weariness that is both livid
and unforgiving
scared by the heartless world
in the course of this barren winter.
Winter with no whiteness;
winter unholy and fulleth of diminutive, evil suffrage.
How ungodly!
I am raked into pieces;
and this is what remains.
This is my misery; oh how I could not riseth above the misery itself!
This is my solemn admonition,
this is my fate!
I have no right to love,
to embrace and to be embraced,
and from this day on I wanth but to dismiss my love;
onto my heart was bestowed not serene affection but intelligence;
and intellect is far better regarded than love!
How sully, narrow, and vicious love is!
How unimportant it is in the eyes of glory,
and the sea of fictitious admiration.
I quit the monstrousness of yon outer devastation;
I take hold of my pen,
and swim deeper into my whining words, again.
My glass is filled, my pipe is lit,
     My den is all a cosy glow;
And snug before the fire I sit,
     And wait to feel the old year go.
I dedicate to solemn thought
     Amid my too-unthinking days,
This sober moment, sadly fraught
     With much of blame, with little praise.

Old Year! upon the Stage of Time
     You stand to bow your last adieu;
A moment, and the prompter's chime
     Will ring the curtain down on you.
Your mien is sad, your step is slow;
     You falter as a Sage in pain;
Yet turn, Old Year, before you go,
     And face your audience again.

That sphinx-like face, remote, austere,
     Let us all read, whate'er the cost:
O Maiden! why that bitter tear?
     Is it for dear one you have lost?
Is it for fond illusion gone?
     For trusted lover proved untrue?
O sweet girl-face, so sad, so wan
     What hath the Old Year meant to you?

And you, O neighbour on my right
     So sleek, so prosperously clad!
What see you in that aged wight
     That makes your smile so gay and glad?
What opportunity unmissed?
     What golden gain, what pride of place?
What splendid hope?  O Optimist!
     What read you in that withered face?

And You, deep shrinking in the gloom,
     What find you in that filmy gaze?
What menace of a tragic doom?
     What dark, condemning yesterdays?
What urge to crime, what evil done?
     What cold, confronting shape of fear?
O haggard, haunted, hidden One
     What see you in the dying year?

And so from face to face I flit,
     The countless eyes that stare and stare;
Some are with approbation lit,
     And some are shadowed with despair.
Some show a smile and some a frown;
     Some joy and hope, some pain and woe:
Enough!  Oh, ring the curtain down!
     Old weary year! it's time to go.

My pipe is out, my glass is dry;
     My fire is almost ashes too;
But once again, before you go,
     And I prepare to meet the New:
Old Year! a parting word that's true,
     For we've been comrades, you and I --
I thank God for each day of you;
     There! bless you now!  Old Year, good-bye!
Ryan Bowdish Jan 2014
And for that second when your genes mashed up, that boy was blank
A clean canvas, a selfless portrait, a plane with no industry, who he was for eternity.
Revolutions from within me burst like a bipolar hormonal abomination
Of catastrophic cacophony and discorded anguish, sunlit by the good times
And slightly obscured through tired, teary eyes...
All to be swallowed back into the abysmal sinful cesspool of simple
Cyclical cynical shriveled up and seemingly plentiful
EMPTINESS, where I'm inevitably spit.

Dreaming? Floating in sarcasm, feigning a figure
Shivering with the bonechill that is the outside world
Can't quite remember the last time I woke up or why
Everything is a bit too bright for me to focus correctly...
A bit jittery, a bit sluggish, all suspicious, subtly vicious
Listless and without bliss and sunkissed and unmissed
******* and ******, no goals, don't even have an interest
These troubling times are demonized, where's the exorcist?

Soft ripples in the air bless my ears with wet lips
The pulse setting hammers me into the ground in steaming silence
Some people go their whole lives without ever hearing the call
Hedonism and nihilism are more attractive to us all.
Dust devils spinning in an empty chest cavity
Throwing themselves over mountains in shame
Whisper in harmony to me to be nobody
Go through my life without playing the game...

Pick through these bones, you'll find grey hair and utility bills
Whether you live in South Central or Beverly Hills
You're beginning to see that we're all alone and desperate
Searching for that person we can stare in the eyes and say,
"I'm just like you. You are a part of me. I want to **** you. I want you to be me.
I love you, I need you, and if you dare go, I will bleed myself blue."
I want to shed every wall, I want to quit hiding behind words
Let the arrows rain and shadows lift to confine me in this verse.
Arcassin B May 2018
By Arcassin Burnham

Do you get nervous everywhere you walk?
Do you get nervous when the light comes down?

Do you have problems in your hometown that your family couldn't
fathom , But would love to keep you around?

Are there troubles that would make you or break you?
You don't know the conditions of my past , so don't have any right
to doubt too.

I say the reasons why my heart stays frozen cause emotions won't
be triggered by my body heat to create a thing called love.
You could make your own purpose , I'm not trying to get in the way.
But If I leave and never come back just know that I'm not here to stay,
I don't wanna be your friend,
I don't wanna teach ya, just to get a piece of knowledge and flee.
I had to end the charade because it was you or me.
Now this day in age friends are pretty overrated ,don't you agree?
I really hoped you saw it clear in my eyes if I give you tools to see,
I don't wanna be your mentor , I wanna be happy,
Ended it so sadly,
i don't wanna,
I don't wanna be your friend,
I'm just trying,
I'm just tying to be with the one above all up in heaven,
One above all up in heaven.

Your dismissed , very unmissed,
Got no time to comprehend this diss,
still you miss,
all the things I've told you, I can't deal with this,
I don't miss,
anything about you, all I care is about the one above all.
All I care about is the one above all,
All I care about is the one above all,
All I care about is the one above all,
All I care about is the one above all,
All I care about is the one above all,
The one above all.

Your dismissed , very unmissed,
Got no time to comprehend this diss,
still you miss,
all the things I've told you, I can't deal with this,
I don't miss,
anything about you, all I care is about the one above all.
All I care about is the one above all,
All I care about is the one above all,
All I care about is the one above all,
The one above all.
Alison MacNeil  Jan 2012
Alison MacNeil Jan 2012
This pen feels like a cut
a sore, a bleeding pendant
On my finger
Scraping, pulling
Threads of cells
bubbling in small drops
holds it close
Gauze and mesh
it becomes a unified burn
A new home,
a new ****,
Your an absence is unmissed
by the healing wound.

— The End —