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 May 2014 Sarah
Fatima Zahid
 May 2014 Sarah
Fatima Zahid
The shooting stars know my deepest secrets
The golden moon knows my deepest fears
The elegant sun knows my deepest dreams
The serene night time knows my deepest scars
The gentle sea knows my deepest lies
The never ending sky knows my deepest loves
The wispy autumn leaves know my deepest wishes
But nothing will ever know what I keep hidden deepest inside *me
#Secrets #Life
 May 2014 Sarah
Fatima Zahid
 May 2014 Sarah
Fatima Zahid
My entire life I was told that  death was bad bad thing. I still remember that day when I was about 7 years old and my mum was locked upstairs in her room, crying. I quietly unlocked the door and I asked her what was wrong and she hoarsely replied"My mother is dying." From that day on I knew that no matter what I saw or heard death was a bad thing. Time went on as it always does and here I am 7 years on. Now I believe that death is a good good thing. I am baffled by why everyone fears death because to me death seems like the only certainty. Death is my escape from the terrors and pains of this world so once again I ask why is everyone so afraid of death? Destiny is all a lie and we all have the right to craft our own way to die. On the next shooting star I see I have already decided what my wish shall be. My wish is to die.
 May 2014 Sarah
Fatima Zahid
 May 2014 Sarah
Fatima Zahid
Every time I look at you I just smile
All my unconditional love building up for you in an enormous pile
My whole life is spent trying to repay you
For all your endless guidance and clues
Without you I doubt that I  would be here writing this for you today
The reason I am is  because of your endless prayers
I don't know how to let you know
How much you have helped my confidence grow
Every single bit of me that broke off
You were right there to cure me of that cough
No matter how much I write and say
It will never, ever be enough
Enough to thankyou
And repay you
And most importantly
I will never be able to show you the love you show me
*I love you mama
Happy Mother's day to the best mama in the world, I am truly grateful for having you in my life; I hope I die before you because I know that I  will not be able to survive a single day without you.
 May 2014 Sarah
This is a time when
Words have lost their meaning
Jumbled together like a dismembered jigsaw puzzle
This is when
The melody in your head
has been replaced by noise
Nothing makes sense enough
To even be titled
As nonsense
This is when
doesn't even begin to describe you
 May 2014 Sarah
Hannah Anderson
When someone is gone
it hurts your heart
the way no one can describe or compare
a different kind of hurt
you don't know it because it's their hurt,
their love
their memories
that have vanished from
their heart.

When someone is gone there is an empty spot in your day
there is something missing, that they do
there is something missing, that they say
there is something missing that you feel
it feels lonely and dark
sometimes it doesn't feel real.

the moment you know,
everything changes
they are here and gone in a flash.

your heart is heavy
your eyes are sore
your stomach is queazy
your legs are weak.

what do you do without your love

you have to live and live for them
you have to thrive and thrive for them
you do the things you want to do
and you do the things they cannot do
you do it all for them
you do it because they can't
you do it because they didn't want to.
 May 2014 Sarah
Hannah Anderson
How dare you think you have the power to take your own life.
You are loved,
you are worth it.
 May 2014 Sarah
I am the boy
Standing in the rain
Wishing they understood

I am the teen
Who thinks he knows it all
And wishing that he could

I am the cutter
With the blade at my skin
Wishing the pain could subside

I am the friend
With all the advice
Wishing to live life

I am the heartbreaker
With the guilt on my shoulder
Wishing she was here to hold me

I am the
The boy,
The teen,
The cutter,
The friend,
The heart-breaker,
Wishing, wanting
To be set free
This is an old poem of mine
 May 2014 Sarah
Forgotten Heart
you hurt me
with your eyes
you hurt me
with your words
you hurt me
with your style
you hurt me
with your absence
you hurt me
every time
i am so glad
you once thought
thanks to you
I wish I wasn't stuck over here
Powerless as you shake with fear.
I wish I could run over there with haste
and wrap my arms round your perfect waist
Protect you from, your terrible dreams
and calm you when you wake with screams.
Hear my voice, then forget your fears
I'd kiss you and I'd dry those tears
I'd help you fix your broken sleep,
embrace you when you start to weep
You shouldn't deal with this alone
I'd be there with my loving tone
 May 2014 Sarah
Fatima Zahid
 May 2014 Sarah
Fatima Zahid
I used to think that I wouldn't be able to live without you,
Without your care and affection,
Without you laughs and secret smiles,
I used to think that I wouldn't be able to live without your sly comments in class,
Without your silly hair flying everywhere,
Without your rainbow eyes dancing around judging people but not being fair,
But that is all the past now and this is where we are now.

— The End —