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Are like chocolates,
Some are sweet,
Some are sweet and sticky,
And others have nuts too.
 Sep 2020 arthur samuel papa
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“Struck is the hour from its ivory tower,
At sixes and sevens, the stars in their heavens,

As minute hands dance at twilight's advance,
To the cadence of time, the archangel’s chime;

Listen closely for me at a quarter to thee,
‘Twixt the tick and the tock of grandpapa’s clock,

Unquicken thine pace, for run is the race,
Hear the pendulum lock, ziccoty, diccoty, dock.

‘There was a sudden stillness like the gap between ticks on a clock, but the next tick never coming.’
- Sadie Jones, The Outcast
My sister love me so much
I love my sister too
Not only she’s my sister
Also my best friend
She always been there for me
I’m glad God
Give me a beautiful sister
Very understanding
And loving person
She is. I don’t want nothing else.
I almost died in a car accident,
I saw the Angel of Death take my
husband with him,
I desired to leave the world too
with my beloved .
The conductor refused me to board the bus,
Saying my name was not on the list for almost twenty years to come.
So here I am writing poetry on HP.
I want to live in a world,
where I can smile,
I want to live in a world,
where I can cry,

I want to live in a world where,
when I cry, there are people,
there out are people that see me crying,
and these people that see me crying,
they come and hug me,
and I hug them back when I am crying,
they come and hug me,
with all their heart.

This is the world
I want to live in.

I want to live in a world where,
when I smile, there are people,
there out are people that see me smiling,
and these people that see me smiling,
they give me their own smile,
and we smile together,
and we together laugh,
from all our heart,
we together cheer up.

This is the world
I want to live in.
I am like the Earth.
I mold easily
so that you may enjoy the fruits of my soil
and live upon my flaking surface.
But my love,
you are killing me with all you take
and the little in which
you are willing to give
so that we both may live.
An excerpt from a journal entry on 9/23/2020. In the title "LIKE THE" are presented in all uppercase while "earth" is presented in lowercase accentuating how we continuously place value on the wrong things (or words) in life. Enjoy.
In the lull
Of our constricted voice

In the hushing
Of our sullen realm

In the finite
Of our broken hinterlands

A watermark
No, rather

A barrow
A grave

Without inscription
Only handprints

In memoriam
Of the receding surf

Never heard
Never reached
He asked me- "Why are you still a ******?
I smiled and said- "I'm good at DIY"
The science of our body is such that it doesn't distinguish between ******* and ****** ******* since, the end result is the same.

Then why do we lust for people? Why do we look for mates even when we aren't planning to prove Darwin's Theory of Survival of the Fittest!
might just be
the promise
I have always made
to myself
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