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 Nov 2014 Samantha
How could I possibly move on when
Every. Single. Moment.
Reminds me of you

From the songs on my ipod when I hit shuffle
To the words you would say,
When I was the only one who would listen
Its a raging, roaring battle
Inside my roaming heart
I want to move on
But I can't seem to last an hour

I swear to you
This is the hardest task
That i have ever had
And somedays I'm fine
Even when you cross my mind
Until I savor your favorite foods
Without intending to
...and thats when things are the worst
We went to the movies and I didn't bring a sweater.
But the night was coldly filled with goosebump raising weather.
There were goosebumps on my skin but I didn't have my sweater.
I thought it would be better if we sat closer together.
You wrapped your arms around me and were my warmth spreader.
You made my heart melt and now I will forever be your debtor.
 Nov 2014 Samantha
 Nov 2014 Samantha
I'm not your lover
or your friend
I'm not your listener
or just a past time
I'm just simply an old memory

I used to think you're an angel
sent from above
but then again
I'm atheist

So watch me stand by in the winter snow
not doing anything
but wonder what went wrong
or how things went wrong
between you and I

But that's the thing about this
there was never a you and I
Just another past time
and why I'm just another memory to you
 Nov 2014 Samantha
love me
I write to free myself
from the demons inside me that entangle me in their monstrous webs
I write because the words listen
to all my problems big and small
I write to feel
the feelings i cannot put together in my own head
I write to dream*
of the person i hope to become
I write to forget
the memories of him that haunt me*
I write to remember
the memories of us that made me
I write for hope
*so that i may look forward to the next day
 Nov 2014 Samantha
My heart continues beating
My mind continues wandering
My lips continue to sing
My lungs continue breathing
I am without you
But I continue to live
You told me I couldn't
And I believed you
My thoughts told me I'd die
If you weren't here
And I believed them
But here I am
On my own
And still living
 Nov 2014 Samantha
I have a mission:

today is a new day
this is always true
today is a sunrise
as the earth turns
the dark skies blue.

today is another chance
to look within
speak my truth
heal my heart
as living proof that
I alone am strong in faith

and so,

I walk my path today
to take my part in destiny
and write the pages of my life
exactly as I choose to read.

the author of my story
the ink of my words
the love of my life
the sky full of birds
the roots of a tree
the air that I breathe.

I am ready
I am ready
I am ready
Yes, I AM.
My mantra today :)
Feel free to say it with me if it feels right for you too.
Have a really great day!
 Nov 2014 Samantha
Cupid's arrow is such a dangerous thing,
Hitting people without a clue,
Fixing their hearts together to never fall apart, stuck together like glue.

Until one day,
Cupid's arrow disappears and the glue fades away,
The people become depressed and lose all interest in life,
Their hearts feel like they've been ripped apart with a switchblade knife.

And once again, that stupid arrow comes flying past,
Creating love too fast, and destroying people's hearts,
Cupid's arrow is such a dangerous thing.
 Nov 2014 Samantha
One by one,
The petals fall,
Softly to the ground.

One by one,
My tears fall,
Rolling down my cheeks.

We are just the same, you and I
We are both longing to survive,
But as every petal falls and every tear rolls,
The beauty inside us slowly dies.
Everyone is beautiful, no matter what. But soon were all going to die. Beauty cannot live forever.
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