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As she sobs in the night,
Her parents start another fight.
As she hears the screams,
She sits alone and weeps.

The fighting has now stopped,
And her crying starts to cease,
When her innocent tears dry,
Her mom walks in and speaks.

I'm sorry that made you cry,
He means not what he says,
You know we both love you,
She swears wiping the little girls eye.

As her mom leaves the room,
Daughter is all settled down,
Until she hears a door slam,
Then her dad walks in and says.

Stop crying right now you "stupid little brat,"
You know we don't care if your feeling that sad,
Struggling to get up, you hear a big smack,
She is back on the floor, her face blue and black.

He kicks her, then swears, then yells really loud
"No one loves you here, so get out of this house."
The very next day she tries to run away,
But her dad soon finds out and it begins all again.

That day was the same, yet different in many ways,
All I will say is that poor little girl, just faded away.

Now she is in heaven,
Her mom really sad,
Her dad doesn't care,
He ended her life so bad.

Her mom was so sad that she went for a drive,
Her behind the wheel, and the dad by her side.
All of a sudden the car lost control,
Then went over a cliff,
On purpose I know.

Now she too is in heaven, her little girl by her side,
The dad never made it
With them into the clouds.
Although all three have died
Just wanted to say this did not happen to me or anyone that I know. I write poems about subjects that I feel strongly about and I believe that no man should ever harm a women or child.
Scorched* from the pain
Bleeding from the vain
Why oh why do I still need you for my gain?
Still crawling back to you, though you told me not to

I cannot complain
You're the one I choose
Making you feel that you're one in a million
A shining star that I would never have found

I am in no rush
Patient with every stroke of your brush
Gentle with every touch, don't want to get burnt
Once more, with a world full of hurt

I don't want to go back
Living life in my mundane shack
Without you I cannot cope
You are my sugar that balances me on my tightrope

When I reached the end
I thought you weren't there
Like those who have left
Leaving me there without a care
This heart I share
Protect it like a bear
Vulnerable and bare

You are my coffee, my bitter-sweet honeybee
And kid, no one is going to pick you up
from the tiles of the bathroom floor,
with wrists stained the colour of
your mothers favourite lipstick.
Imagine if she saw you now.
So stop waiting for them,
and stand the **** up,
because who ever said
that you couldn't do it alone.
 Nov 2014 Samantha
love me
 Nov 2014 Samantha
love me
how could a heart like yours
love a heart like mine

your heart is full of love.
you dream of life.
you have no regrets.
you live without fear of the future.

my heart is full of-
well it's not full at all:
it's broken; shattered,
into a thousand tiny little pieces.

and somehow, someway,
you were kind enough;
to hunt for every little piece,
and put me back together.

and this is why i,
will never understand,
this silly little thing,
we call love.
 Nov 2014 Samantha
I'm sorry
 Nov 2014 Samantha
It's not that I don't trust you
It's just memories of the past
Warn me not to
You make me smile
for a little while

Then you make me cry
and say good-bye

The love of my life
wont make me his wife

I thought we had somthin
but now we're just nothin
This is for everyone out there who has been misleaded by those simple *******.

— The End —