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15.8k · Nov 2012
Boy Scout Camp
Ross J Porter Nov 2012
He forgot his soap
What a dope
No one here can cope
He's worse than campfire smoke

He could of brought it on a rope
So he wouldn't have to *****
Instead he'll mope
For friends he's got no hope

They run when they scope
The boy without his soap
Rolling down the *****
Singing baroque
Like the pope

He tried a bath in coke
Oh what a joke
Because the sugars provoke
Mosquitoes to bite and poke.

Still he stinks like BO and oak
Smells like a singer of folk
Whose hair is matted into rope
Cause he won't use soap
What a dope!
11.7k · Sep 2010
Ross J Porter Sep 2010
Small hands holding tight
To strings of laughter
On ends of floating
Bubbles of wonder

Sand filled toes in shoes
On quick feet, dancing
Through my greatest dreams
Of who she will be

Soft kisses from lips
Formed from my own heart
Melting into a
Stream to her future.

Sweet songs of her love
Belted with fervor
From within the small
Light flowered sun-dress

Mischiv'us smiles with
Doll filled hands playing
Games to fill the day
With her glow of joy

Bright eyes signaling
A future brilliant
As the twinkle of
the stars they've stolen

Trusting complete love
Holding tight to life
As it floats away
On bubbles of wonder
All rights reserved. © 2010 Ross J Porter
4.7k · Aug 2015
In the Deep
Ross J Porter Aug 2015
In the deep beyond sun's shine,
I lie there, hidden in secrets, defined.
Deep, where the crystal blue turns charcoal black,
And lifelines of lies break from light's slack.

Diving down beyond the reach of light,
Plunging into my horrid un-perishing night,
Then manifests that most frightening thing to see:
A mirror reflecting the whole of me.
© Ross J Porter, 2015
3.1k · Jun 2011
Ross J Porter Jun 2011
Knowledge is butterflies in flight.
A doubting caterpillar needs
His faith in metamorphosis.
Without it his future: horror.

Mother gone this way before him.
Father gone before his time here.
The only hope: whispered instinct.
A still sound in the face of fear.

"Those who've gone before me", says he
"Loved me and wanted good for me."
"They willed me to believe in life
Beyond: the metamorphosis."

Every day, eat of leaf. Chew. Rest.
Do not wander ye from safety.
Heed ye these rules, follow the way.
Know ye that our decree's from love.

Brother tells tall tales, adventure
Excitement, a world of wonder
To have now! No waiting, no need
To wait, fear, hope. Enjoy it now!

Brother says: "metamorphosis
Is a tale made by those who want
To control and manipulate.
To keep us from pleasures in life."

Brother says: "The dark chrysalis
Is a grave, death, ending, final.
Now is time to discover.
What tastes good is the true good.

Only now do we have the chance
To learn, explore, see and enjoy."
He's eaten leaves outside the path.
Brother says: "they are juicy good!

Come all, leave this way mapped by those
Who want to keep you from juicy
Leaves and the whole wide world to see"
Brother says. "Don't hope, enjoy now."

Sister left the barque, left the safe
Path to the leaves mapped out by some
Unknown cartographer. Unknown!
She's not back. He hopes for her best.

But our caterpillar here, friend,
Has chosen the old dreams and hope.
To follow the path mapped to leaves
That nourish the body and heart.

He has chosen to believe that
The wisdom of age and instinct
Is more trustworthy than the word
Of youthful brother's juicy world.

His doubts he's cocooned in faith's silk.
These bland leaves he eats for promise
Of sweet flower's nectar beyond.
Today's toil for tomorrow's joy.

Doubt frightens. The chrysalis looms.
No control, nature compels it.
Unfair, afraid, the silk spins tight.
In pain, the world grows dark and still.

He faces his end. He must choose
To listen to the still, small sound.
Have faith he's not schizophrenic.
Believe in more passed the cocoon.

His ancestral council and creed
He chooses to embrace and trust
To face his end with dream and hope.
His doubts cocooned by faith in Love.

Butterflies are knowledge in flight.
For at their end, faith is fulfilled.
These butterflies their joy have reached,
Through faith in metamorphosis.
1.6k · Nov 2012
The Carpenter's Place
Ross J Porter Nov 2012
Two screws in a week have turned loose.
Upholstery? It's needin' a boost.
So off to the carpenter's place,
A quick calming break from the rat-race.

The best looking go daily, you know.
Always ready for their final show
Though weekly's required
to keep ruddy and clear,
Pity those going but twice a year.

Seems like he can fix in a jiff
A heart that has hardened too stiff;
And when soul's window pane
Has grown cloudy again,
He'll wash it and call it a gift!
Whose the Carpenter in your life?
Where is his place?
1.5k · Dec 2010
Lazy Free-Verser
Ross J Porter Dec 2010
Free verse is great,
when used by great poets,
but it seems that it has more recently become
a way for amateur poets
to be lazy.

To take opinions,
expressed in prose
and convince the world its poetry.
What is the beauty of poetry if not
in seeing how the poet commands
the language?

To write a sonnet,
To write a limerick,
To use iambic pentameter,
The poet must form the language
to fit the structure,
accomplish the meter.

The poet has to find
creative ways of expressing
a thought that fits within the structure.
Free verse does 'free the poet' to express ideas.

There is a lot of great
free verse poetry.
Because it allows
for an arrangement of ideas
without a strict form.

Sadly it also
frees the poet to be,
Well, un-poetic.
Is it a poem, really,
with not a single simile,
no metaphore, hyperbole,
no alliteration, no assoonance,
no meter, no rhyme?

If your not using
any poetic devices at all,
is this really poetry?
Or just prose in disguise?
©2010 Ross "Joey" Porter, all rights reserved.
1.4k · Feb 2013
Frozen Fun
Ross J Porter Feb 2013
Winter, snow,
Racing down the sled hill.

Wind blows,
Frozen toes,
Bring me more hot cocoas!

-by Nathan Porter (age 10)
  with Ross Porter
Composed this with my son while we were on a road trip. I'm so glad he enjoys poetry and so proud that he wants to write.
1.4k · Jun 2011
I Hate that I Love You
Ross J Porter Jun 2011
I know only this,
With you died my bliss.
Why had you to go,
When I loved you so?

What in my love
Was there not enough of
For you not to see
You were needed by me?

Just a selfish act
Without thought of impact,
Of how it would destroy
Me, your little boy?

I want you back
From your self-attack,
From your self-hate.
Come out of that crate!

I won't let them bury you
Or away let them to carry you
I refuse to desert
My daddy to dirt.

Why did you flee
In a way which would be
Such forever unending a leave
Bequeathing me only to grieve?

Why did you hate me
Leave me, forsake me?
I loved you with all that I had,
Daddy forgive me if I made you mad.

Come back poppa, please
I'm here on my knees
Begging, please don't be gone;
Tell me this is just some con.

I Loved You! I Love You!
I Hate that I Love You!
For now love is only deep pain
From love now there's nothing to gain.

-From the Author-

And hopefully this
Explains why I dis,
And will have no pity
For a 'poetic' suicide ditty.

Just such selfish gusts
From self-absorbed egotists
Playing as the word is a toy
That wrecked the heart of this boy.
©2010 Ross "Joey" Porter, all rights reserved

The pain of a suicide cuts many ways, but when it's used as a "device" in poetry, it annoys me.
1.3k · Jun 2011
Ross J Porter Jun 2011
The hate that I have
I will not let go
Though its wrong,
And a prejudice.

I hate all the people
Who've hurt their own child
Left them
Abandoned and hurting.

I hate all the haters
Who tell others the way
They are supposed
To think and behave.

I hate all the people
Breaking hearts of so many.
In bids for importance.

I hate all the haters
Who blame always the others
For their broke
feelings and lives.

I hate the Author,
I hate the Poet,
I hate the
Writers of songs.

They make me think,
That aweful bunch,
That my hate may be
©2010 Ross "Joey" Porter, all rights reserved
1.2k · Nov 2012
My Stage
Ross J Porter Nov 2012
I live my life. I don't live yours.
I choose my set and dress my doors.
You'll disagree and share your thought.
You'll preach perhaps 'bout what I aught.

I'm glad you dare! I'll lend my ear
In hopes you'll share a new idea.
But if old rote truths are all you have,
I know them cold, don't waste your salve.

If that's the case, please save your breath.
Give me my stage, I'll play Macbeth.
Embrace your way? Perhaps I will.
Come truth what may but not until.
In some parts of the US "idea" (pronounced: i-deer) does indeed rhyme with ear.
1.2k · Feb 2016
Food For the Journey
Ross J Porter Feb 2016
Life is a journey,
A hike through your own
Forest of pain and woe;

A walk becoming;
A trip through your time;
A course to fields of peace.

Walk well on the path
You have now chosen
And heed the age-worn ways.

Embrace the challenge
Of forging the Way.
The end is ever near.

On what should you feed
On the journey life?
Will you be nourished well?

How shall you strengthen
the you, becoming?
Feast on the Bread of Life!

Food for the journey,
Feeding the Body,
And nourishing your soul.

Love made incarnate,
Broken and portioned,
The feast for life is Life.
©2016 Ross J Porter
1.1k · Dec 2012
Ross J Porter Dec 2012
Though I have fought my own many wars;
Lived through and settled so many scores;
Avoided those hooks, saw the bait coming;
Learned when to bite and when to keep going;
Still I'm delighted when tasting your dish -
The sweet observation of a much younger fish.
Imaginations it seems are oft better teachers;
Wars and their scores tend more to be preachers.
Appreciating the insight and creativity of those who, though they may seem younger and inexperienced, still delight my imagination and feed my poetic soul... Thank you all.
1.0k · Nov 2012
Handling Monkeys
Ross J Porter Nov 2012
They bounce, they swing
On crazy trees
Hewn and formed for sleep.

They screech and scream
and kiss and sing
As they lay their heads

They pray, they giggle
and like to snuggle
And often beg for drinks

A Parent's joy,
that nightly chore,
Handling monkeys.
986 · Jun 2011
Winter Anthem
Ross J Porter Jun 2011
Old Winter, he's such a cold gloomy cuss
Know that I know that his bluster's bogus.
I do not fear him - his cold winds caress;
Refuse his dismay - he's only Spring's cusp!

A Spring of rebirth when life blooms once more,
That fills men with love right down to their core.
Comes she with sunshine and flowers galore,
Lightening hearts - a proud show to adore.

Then Summer, her mate, in with a storm blows.
All his great heat drying river and rose.
Autumn, comes then to squash summer's toes,
Giving great harvests and filling silos.

With leaves of bright colors in falling season,
Winter sees then, the chance for his reason.
He laughs in my face and presses his gloom.
But I fret for naught knowing Spring will soon bloom.
All rights reserved. © 2010, Ross J Porter
949 · Jul 2011
Ross J Porter Jul 2011
Small, dark and cramped
Smelling of old wood,
Murphy's Oil Soap,
And Old Spice,
Here I kneel.

A closet, too small to be a room
Like the dark of my heart
Where my sins think
They are hidden.
Here I confess.

In this dark corner of His home,
My home, our home, the sins
Feel safe to say aloud
To admit, to escape.
Here I repent.

The small white lamp burns brighter,
Goose-flesh covers head and toe
The darkness is pierced
By one drop of blood
Hear, He forgives.

Great blinding light explodes about me,
The Joy of my salvation returns,
Never lost, just forgotten,
Hidden by soul's stains,
There no longer.

Sunlit colors of mercy and love
Colors of water and of blood
Of being born again
And sanctified
"Jesus, I Trust in Thee"
946 · Aug 2011
Ross J Porter Aug 2011
When first you let your beauty go,
I saw a heart deep below
Layers of peanut butter
With brown sugar

When next you let your beauty go,
I saw a heart deep below
Layers of insecurity
And cruel words.

When then you let your spirit shine,
I saw the insecurity was mine,
Layered in confines
Of false confidence

When then you let your love show,
I saw my heart was shallow
Seeking external beauty
Missing your heart

When at last you shared your mind,
I knew then I was unkind
Demanding only the fine
Expecting swine.

Yet my presence you demand,
To satisfy your base command,
Do I stay and smile and nod?
Do I walk, and cry unshod?
Ross J Porter Nov 2012
Love, I came so late to know You.
Beauty, always fresh,
Yet older than the world,
I came so late to love You.

I was looking for You
In all the wrong places.
I was looking for You
In flowers and in faces.

I became so ugly
Looking for You
Outside in the lovely
Things. They aren't You.

Things that are lovely
Only because of You.
Things that are ugly
Because they lack You.

Yet through my closed ears
You announced yourself.
You opened these ears
Deafened by too many answers.

You shone like a sun
Burning away the blindness
Of these eyes. Eyes drunken
By a lustful chase for beauty.

You breathed on me
And my breath returned.
The stench of my dead soul
Washed away. I'm alive!

Here You were
All this time
Hidden, quiet, soft
In this heart of mine.

Here You were
Waiting for me
To clear my eyes
To open my ears

Here You were
Hidden in plain sight
Speaking to my heart:
"There is so much more!"
867 · Dec 2010
Fun Family Anthem
Ross J Porter Dec 2010
She's there for comfort
When life is too much..
He's there at your back
When fight it you must.

Oh brother, oh sister
Oh cousin, oh dear
Oh Mother, oh father
Let's drink, we're all here!

Sisters or brothers
Spouse, cousins and friends,
With all you call family
Always make amends.

Oh brother, oh sister
Oh cousin, oh dear
Oh Mother, oh father
I'm glad we're all here!

Mother and father
Wife, husband and child
They keep your heart open
And your soul beguiled.

Oh brother, oh sister
Oh cousin, oh dear
Oh mother, oh father
Let's laugh, we're all here!

For its when you need them
They'll always be there
Love from your family
No Love can compare.

Oh brother, oh sister
Oh cousin, oh dear
Oh mother, oh father
Let's sing, we're all here!
©2010 Ross "Joey" Porter, all rights reserved
850 · Jun 2011
Future's Hope
Ross J Porter Jun 2011
Buzzing, like bees fresh from a field of clover blooms -
The beautiful din of childhood conversation.
Sweet frosting dripping through layers of love baked cakes.
The smell of beeswax melting to puddles in flames.

Colors, akin to the late evenings proudest show,
Waiting to be ripped apart to reveal their gifts,
And streaming across the room in wisps of wishes
From family and friends making happy memories.

The jubilant ring of children singing brightly.
The sudden hush as hopes and dreams are planted.
A mighty breeze of faith, held for a year, exhaled.
Lights of age extinguished, replaced by childlike glee.

Scooped frozen cream with slices of honeyed layers -
Plated, shared, enjoyed by young and mature alike.
These, a very taste of wide-eyed innocence and sweet
Memory of bygone years spent loved and nurtured.
849 · Dec 2010
What She Wants
Ross J Porter Dec 2010
Guy who's like me
She says would be
The perfect man for her

One who writes sonnets
Love writ large upon it
She says she would treasure and keep

Courageous but kind
A deep thoughtful mind
She claims that she seeks for a mate

Romantic and loving
Respectful not shoving
She lists as her prerequisites

Found me last week
Took a walk on the beach
And sent me home packing today.

She says that I was
Too 'gushy' because
A courageous romantic is weak.
©2010 Ross "Joey" Porter, all rights reserved.
835 · Aug 2011
When I'm Not Proud of Me
Ross J Porter Aug 2011
I'm no perfect saintly man.
I'm nothing like a Peter Pan.
And my mistakes I oft take out,
By sending you a wicked shout.

And when I've really f'd things up
I spew my venom in your cup.
With wicked silence, evil eyes
I work to hide where true blame lies.

But no full-on self-delusion,
No raged satanic collusion,
Will hide the fact that it's my fault
That I'm not proud of me.

I fail to be the best of me,
That image which I'm built to be -
So on I jump that train of blame,
A ride designed to stop tear's reign.

I know there's hope, I know my heart's
Not wicked, just tearing apart,
Not angry, growing passion's fire
For those whose love I most desire.
815 · Dec 2010
Green Ham and Eggs
Ross J Porter Dec 2010
Tell me would you, could you, please
Of all the sounds you see
In a house or with a mouse
Hey, define a lady's blouse.

Tell me would you, could you, please
Of all the smells you taste
In the rain or on a train
Write it to move or just entertain

Tell me would you, could you, please
Of all the visions you hear
In a box or with a fox
Write of Tigers or even Socks

Tell me would you, could you, please
For by your writing I know
Here and there and everywhere
Are Green Ham and Eggs to spare.
©2010 Ross "Joey" Porter, all rights reserved
804 · Nov 2012
Old Friend
Ross J Porter Nov 2012
We walked through our youth filled time
Along a common path through life
I oft paid your tolls, you oft paid mine
Together we mastered our trail.

And you stood by me despite the wild and the sea,
Through both the straights and twisted routes.
And when off I forged for a new road home
You walked beside this fool, this me.

And next to you, I was glad to be,
As from your many storms you fought to break free
Though ruts and roots and thrown debris
Hampered your path, we cleared your way.

Then came that cross-roads, that vexed choice
Of different paths to follow ahead
And without even waving good-bye
We took our divergent roads away.

There was that day, I missed your voice
I forged the wood to find you on your path.
But I arrived on a path so strange to me,
I could not chart the course to you.

So back I walked to my own path.
And I missed you and I feared you lost,
So then, at each new crossroads I'd yell
For my old friend, but only silence came in reply.

Then ahead of me on my same path,
One day I met the one who'd share this walk with me.
What a joy to meet her on my same route,
Walking the same trail I had chosen.

So know, please, old friend, though our time
Met it's end, I walk now in joy
Hand in hand with a lovely soul
Who lights my path as I light hers

We chose separate byways long ago
But still I would like you to know
I found  joy along my new path
And I pray that you have found it too.
789 · Jun 2011
Vengeance's Reward
Ross J Porter Jun 2011
You were a part of my soul.
A part I gave with joy
So to see your life unfold.

Then came the horrid day
When you poured that part away
In blood from your cut veins.

I miss you so much
My princess, daddy's girl;
Your gentle kiss goodnight.

I wish that my love
Could have healed your despair.
I wish that just love was enough!

But my love could not.
It was not enough to save you
From that monster they tried as a child.

From that evil boy
Who ripped up your mind
As he tore your dress away.

My heart stills hears your screams,
As he was eating your soul
"Daddy, please, come save me."

I could not save you!
NO! NO! God NO! Please!
Not my precious child!

I come now to your stone
Because I want you know
He's buried alive, far from you.

And all that is left
Of my soul is now gone.
The full price for my vengeance's reward.
787 · Jun 2011
Fight or Flight
Ross J Porter Jun 2011
Crashing, Crashing, Crashing
Breaking on the floor
Here now skirt a plate, a cup
I think we're now at war

Tearing, Ripping, Cutting
Ruining my soul
Here now blurt a hate, a curse
I know we are no more.

Yelling, Screaming, Yelling
Hurting all we can
Hear overt the hidden heart
It me who you abhor.

Goodbye, Goodnight, Good riddance.
786 · Nov 2012
Ross J Porter Nov 2012
This lonely, sad year
               is now passing by.

This year where each day
              brought more tears to cry.

Each party that was,
             was a bit melancholy,

They were all missing
             one guy's joyful folly.

It seems no one knew
             quite what to say

Or how to pretend
             that we held grief at bay

Or how even to smile
              when you were not near

With your great big grin
              stretching from ear to ear

We keep looking for you
               in each passing day

Wishing you'd been
               given more years to stay.

Each day convinced
              any day you'd walk in

And we'd all be laughing
              with you again.

But hard as it is,
             we go on for that's what

You would demand,
            though the pain's a deep cut.

And we know that this pain
             is no less then

The proof of your love
            since the day we began.

In this next year
            help us to see

You're here with us
            in our family.

In a brother's voice,
           we'll hear your laugh

And know sister's hugs
          are on your behalf.

In arms of love
          you still hold us all tight

And everyone will,
          at the end of each night

Envy our privilege
         to be called the 'bambinos'

Of such a great man,
          (that's you Dad), our Dino.
784 · Dec 2010
Poetry Proverbs
Ross J Porter Dec 2010
Ask and you'll receive - Be coy and you'll get carp.
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and it might be a poem.

Winter storms are coming, keep the beer stocked.
Cooler-heads prevail - no one can argue with a drunk.

Family is all you got, don't ***** yourself, make babies.
A parent will love you forever, a child's love is more delicate.

When the world give you lemons,
Throw them at the guy who tells you to make lemonade.

If you take offence, where none was intended, then yes, you are too sensitive.
If you now know you're too sensitive, don't whine, write a poem.

If you start a statement with, "I don't want to offend you" chances are you already have.
If you have an opinion no one asked for, its the perfect title for a poem.
©2010 Ross "Joey" Porter, all rights reserved
777 · Jun 2011
Forbidden Word
Ross J Porter Jun 2011
Cannot believe that it came from your lips
When we have survived so many hardships
Weathered together such crazy life storms
Now comes in anger, that word that deforms.

In heated battles, we've cussed all we could
Every word used that we knew never should
But that word, that word, you screamed it at me -
The one whose lover till death you would be?

Burnt skin by hot coals in fires on dunes -
Nothing compared to the burn of these wounds.
Wish you had rather thrown at me a dish
Or used a gun to say "I will end this!"

Did you really? Is that what you said, love?
Did you scream that while the knife you did shove?
How could you? How would you? Yeah, perfect I'm not.
Feeling the slice, seeing drip the red blots.

Sobbing and puking as my ribs you part
To reach in my chest and tear out my heart.
Ten years of marriage, together fifteen,
Fights, we've had many, but this - what a scene!

You hate me? You HATE me? Oh sh*t! It's true.
Without you I won't know how to make do.
Oh dearest light of my life what's this pain?
Your love the rare thing I could count as gain.

That word we had sworn we never would use;
You used as the sword my soul to abuse.
It is a cut that you cannot undue.
I love you! I LOVE you! Please know that's true.

Perhaps now you do know my love is true,
Holding my heart in your hands, as you do?
****** mess made ripping it from my chest;
Sending me off to an untimely rest.

Now dead, I can see. I know it's not hate.
My pooled blood now given your tears as playmate
Long crimson pink lines now your face striate
Soon you will join me, in death I await.
© 2016 Ross Porter, all rights reserved.
777 · Nov 2012
Love's Greatest Power
Ross J Porter Nov 2012
You who've found love, I hope that you see,
The creative power of its majesty,
And do seek not by the power of Love,
To change once a hawk, into a dove.
Love's power is, the Pow'r above all,
To give response, To answer this call:

"Write stories large of thy life on earth;
Passing those on through giving of birth.
Birth ye a child, or birth ye a song,
The power of Love is thy chance to live on.
Antagonized by hate and Apathy,
The sin is letting these define ye."

This, the command received from on high,
A creator's demand: Go forth, multiply.
Multiply Love, multiply Trust
Multiply Joy in all of us.
Given to answer our quest for our why.
The Creator's answer: my love, multiply.
757 · Dec 2010
A Bad Poem
Ross J Porter Dec 2010
What do you do
When a poem is just bad
When its phrasing is poor
And its pace is just sad?

Oh what a mercy
It would be to me
For only one comment
On this mediocrity.

But you lot just read it
Then quickly beat it
Looking for a poem
With more grit

I long for the day
When there's a comment to say
This work is trash
Go throw it away.

Yes, honesty hurts
But lessons aren't learned
From just a smile or applause.
Now, this poem's adjourned.
©2010 Ross "Joey" Porter, all rights reserved.
752 · Jun 2011
The Currency of Life
Ross J Porter Jun 2011
The Now is a penny spent for a past
Once spent, it's gone for good.
Dreams and joys and sorrow's tears,
All payments to the builder of When.

So you can spend your Now on worry
Or choose to spend your Now on joy.
However you choose to spend it,
It's building you a When.

There's no deposit, no return
There's no second chance at all
For Now buys you your memories-
The bricks that build your story.

We've only one power over the When
One power, just the Now we spend.
So live your Now, for now is when
You build what's left at your life's End.
752 · Jun 2011
Ross J Porter Jun 2011
Feet shod in mud
From chasing frogs
And dreams in a
World all his own.

Sweat pouring out
Young pores chasing
Flows of futures
As yet unknown.

Tight embraces
Of soon strong arms
Swelling pride in
A father's heart.

Wood and leather
Worked to tough threads
Of faith in his

Grass stains on knees
Bending the world
To his purpose.
Moved by his dreams.

Anthems of hope
Sung in his heart
Lifting dad's soul
to love's high planes.

Secrets of love
And compassion
Modesty hides,
Are known to all.

Pursuing his
Dreams in mud-soaked
Worlds of slick frogs.
His world to own.
712 · Jun 2011
In Progress
Ross J Porter Jun 2011
Who to be:
Who I want
Or who I am?

To climb
And struggle.
Fight the demon.
Slay the dragon.


To relax
And enjoy
Have the cake
And eat it, too

Is the struggle
Worth the pain

Will I be
Happy with
Who I became?

Fight the battle
Or lay down arms
If either way, I die;

If either way
I decompose
Into food for trees.

Who I am is good enough
Though who I could be
Is better.

But why be better?
© 2011, all rights reserved.
653 · Sep 2011
Worth the Cost
Ross J Porter Sep 2011
To still silence was the call-
Was post upon the wall:
"Dollars need be dished,
for poets to be published."

But today the bells do ring
Today again, poor poets sing
For the generous and the rich
Paid our share--thanks Buffy, Mitch.

Now it's up to us, my friend-
Poor poets now we must send
Sweet music that can sound again.
Be worth price, or at least intend.
641 · Jun 2011
Chopped Up
Ross J Porter Jun 2011
Nothing quite so amazing
As smiles from a homeless child
Reaching out to touch the world
With hope

Nothing quite so impressive
As the need in her father
Begging for the chance to give
Her joy

Nothing quite so eloquent
As the tears from her mother
Washing stains of night's foul which
Feeds her;

No, Nothing quite so awesome
As any of that, from me
Just cold words on a page that
Shows you

Choppy words from chopped up heart
Choking back tears of remorse
That I used the mother for
The message:

Inadequate verses for
indescribable renting
of a heart and soul who should
*Love them!
619 · Apr 2016
Soar (a re-write)
Ross J Porter Apr 2016
Knowledge is butterflies in flight.
A doubting caterpillar needs
Faith in metamorphosis—
Without it, his future: horror.

Mother’s gone this way before.
Father left before his time.
The only hope: whispered instinct,
A still sound in the face of fear.

"Those who’ve gone before me," says he,
"Loved me and wanted good for me.
They willed me to believe in life
Beyond the metamorphosis."

The Path

Every day, eat of leaf. Chew. Rest.
Do not wander far from safety.
Heed these rules, follow the way,
Know that they were made from love.

Brother speaks of tall adventures,
Wonders waiting, joys untold.
"Why wait? Why fear? Why hope at all?
Come—enjoy the world right now!"

The Temptation

"Metamorphosis is a lie,"
He says. "A tale they tell to keep
Us from pleasure, from delight,
From tasting all the world can give."

"The dark cocoon is but a grave—
A trap, a tomb, an ending final.
Now is time to discover!
What tastes good is the true good."

Brother leaves the path behind,
Feasts on leaves forbidden, rich.
"Come!" he calls, "the map is false!
The world is wider than they claim."

Sister listens, follows after,
Seeking flavors never known.
She is gone—he hopes she thrives.
But she has not returned.

The Choice

Yet here, our friend, the doubting one,
Has chosen dreams and chosen hope.
He eats the leaves of toil and faith,
Nourishing body, heart, and soul.

He trusts the wisdom passed through time,
Holds firm to instinct’s ancient pull.
A gentle voice inside still whispers:
"This road leads to something more."

The Chrysalis

Doubt still lingers, fear still fights.
The chrysalis looms, dark and tight.
No control—nature compels.
He spins his silk in trembling trust.

Unfair, afraid, the world grows still.
The walls press close—no breath, no light.
He faces his end. He must choose:
To listen to the still, small voice.

"I am not mad. I am not lost.
There is more beyond this dark."

Silence. Darkness. Stillness.

The Fulfillment

And then—wings.

Butterflies are knowledge in flight.
At their end, faith is fulfilled.
They rise, they soar, they drink the nectar
Promised beyond the cocoon.
A, hopefully improved, version of an earlier work.
587 · Aug 2011
In the dark
Ross J Porter Aug 2011
In the dark a secret is safe to tell.
Without the sun, there is no heaven or hell.
In the dark, a soul can hide its shame.
Without sun's flame all sins looks the same.

The path to walk is easy to stray from.
The lost are each and impossible to sum.
Failures never see the light of day,
When the night is where we play.
574 · Jun 2011
Within Me
Ross J Porter Jun 2011
You may never understand me,
                          explain me or remake me.
But you love me and you hold me
                          and you give me all I need.
You who often thank me,
                          praise me, craze me,
I love you and I love you
                         and we will always be!

We once two - became one,
                         a whole one, a true one.
Always you beside me,
                         inspire me and desire me.
Never shall you be,
                        without me but within me
For I love you and I love you
                        and we will always be!
520 · Mar 2016
Ross J Porter Mar 2016
Emotion is a wild beast, dangerous and unpredictable,
But when it is collared by reason and trained by self-discipline,
it becomes our greatest strength.
511 · Mar 2016
Ross J Porter Mar 2016
I saw the bright steel. It leapt from your lips.
Madness come tempted, black, angry, eclipse.
Once we long courses, abounding hardships,
Challenged together; no thought to call quits.
Then came war, sparing
No knife, not caring.
Weapons used knowing
Hate they were growing.
Now The Blade launched.
Locked target, unstaunched.
Why would my death cause
You cheer, your applause?
Fierce hatred burning, your
soul: scorched dune land.
Splaying, filleting at prayer's demand,
The Blade, a weapon convention won't use,
Hot steel released to new heights of abuse.
Mean dark cold ore pulled from lowest of rungs,
Loosed screaming weapon, with all of your lungs.
I sob and I puke, my chest you incise,
Ribbed wall tore open, my heart you excise.
Betrayed and agape,
a lie, said as true,
Avulsion of flesh
you cannot undue.
You dare speak of truth,
while feasting on gore,
Gorging on heart's flesh
still lusting for more?
Gnawing and biting,
perfumed in blood, hot,
Savoring my fear,
your reeking soul's rot.
Biting and chewing,
the taste, the sweet gift
Love ended proving.
This pain, you call shrift?
Colors of freedom,
Speak my vein's plight,
Face red, soon turns white,
'Till blue spells goodnight.
Eternal the rest,
That's destiny best.
I sleep not so blessed,
Your teeth in my chest.
You claim it's okay,
it was not from hate,
Tears shed for me
just carnage's
Ruby sobs
the cheeks
they striate
in knowing,
in death I
I know the indentation is odd... Zoom out on the page to about 50% and maybe you'll understand why...
87 · 2d
Threads of Time
Soft hands once held tight,
small fingers grasping
strings of laughter—
bubbles of wonder.

Now, steady hands weave
threads of her own,
spinning life’s fabric
with quiet resolve.

Footsteps that still dance
through sunlit sand
also press firm paths
of wisdom and grace.

Her voice, still a song
belting with fervor,
speaks with echoes
of strength and love.

Mischievous smiles remain,
tempered by time,
yet still lighting the room
with their knowing glow.

Bright eyes, still seeking,
but also seeing—
a future shaped
by hands once guided.

Trusting, complete love—
a father watches,
holding tight to pride,
as she floats beyond—
on threads of time.
73 · 2d
Son (a re-write)
Feet shod in mud,
chasing frogs and dreams
in a world all his own.

Sweat spills from young pores,
racing currents of futures
not yet known.

Tight embraces,
soon-to-be strong arms,
swelling pride in a father's heart.

Wood and leather,
worked to tough threads—
faith stitched into his aspirations.

Grass stains on knees,
bending the world to his will,
moved by dreams.

Anthems of hope
rise in his heart,
lifting his father’s soul
to love’s high planes.

The quiet secrets
of love and compassion,
hidden by modesty,
are known to all.

He follows his dreams
through mud-soaked fields,
where slick frogs slip
through eager hands—

A world he shapes,
a world he claims,
a world his father
once called his own.
Small hands clutching tight,
strings of laughter tethered
to floating dreams—
bubbles of wonder.

Sand-filled toes in shoes,
quick feet dancing
through my greatest dreams
of who she will be.

Soft kisses from lips
formed from my own heart,
melting into a
stream to her future.

Sweet songs of her love,
belted with fervor
from within the small,
light-flowered sundress.

Mischievous smiles,
doll-filled hands spinning
games that fill the day
with her glow of joy.

Bright eyes signaling
a future, brilliant
as the twinkle
of stolen stars.

Trusting, complete love,
holding tight to life
as it drifts beyond,
on bubbles of wonder
Adjusted line breaks and reworded some phrases to enhance readability and meaning (e.g., "as the twinkle of stolen stars" instead of "the stars they've stolen").

"as it drifts beyond, on bubbles of wonder" subtly reinforces the bittersweet nature of time passing, without losing the lightness.

"Mischievous" is kept intact for readability, and "light-flowered sundress" smooths out that phrase.
67 · 2d
Beyond the Boy
Feet firm on earth,
still chasing dreams
in a world now his own.

Sweat spills from strong pores,
forging currents of futures
he now shapes.

Tight embraces,
arms steady and sure,
a father’s pride made strong.

Wood and leather,
worked to tough threads—
faith stitched into his resolve.

Grass stains on knees,
still bending the world
to his will,
moved by purpose.

Anthems of hope
rise in his voice,
lifting his father’s soul
to love’s high planes.

The quiet secrets
of love and compassion,
once hidden by modesty,
are now lived out loud.

He follows his path
through shifting fields,
where once slick frogs slipped
through eager hands—

A world he builds,
a world he claims,
a world his father
now trusts to his hands.
A follow up to "Son"
Two screws in a week have turned loose.  
Upholstery? It's needin' a boost.  
So off to the carpenter's place,  
A quick calming break  
    From our daily rat-race.

The faithful go daily,  
    you know,  
For it keeps their spirit  
Though weekly's required  
    to stay ruddy and clear,  
Pray for those that come
    just once a year.

Just as the chair  
    starts ever to fade,  
Our soul needs its care  
    to keep it well-made.  
A heart, left untouched,  
    becomes cloudy, unclear,  
But the carpenter's polish  
    wipes cloudy tears.

For the carpenter can fix in a jiff  
A heart that has hardened too stiff;  
And when soul's window pane  
Has grown cloudy again,  
    he'll wash it and call it a gift!
Keep your furniture well made.
I feel the weight of something, but I cannot name it yet.
A stirring in the marrow, a thirst I can’t forget.
It calls me not in orders, nor wrapped in sacred rhyme,
But in moments of quiet beauty, beyond the march of time.
I do not bend to dogma, nor crown the righteous king,
Yet still, a seed within me stirs, a quiet, nameless spring.

A light that flickers softly, where shadows once held sway,
A warmth that rises in my chest, though I push it all away.
I see the world in fragments, yet something seems to fit,
A pattern, faint but fleeting, as though a door is lit.
Not by rules or ritual, not by prayer or praise,
But by love and light and wonder, beyond the shifting haze.

I walk beneath the branches, where sunlight softly falls,
The rustle of the leaves like whispers in forgotten halls
Of dreams I’ve yet to fathom, of truths I dare not see,
Yet here in nature’s chorus, a song calls back to me.
The breeze, a gentle hand that pulls my mind from pride,
And the doors I've locked before, are now flung open wide.

I see the colors in the sky, where clouds and light entwine,
In every tree and stone I see what once seemed undefined.
In dreams, I saw a calling, in nature it appears,
A love that spans the heavens, a peace that calms my fears.
I will not kneel before the altar, nor follow empty creed,
But in this world of beauty, I find the faith I need.

I will not bend, I will not break, but maybe I will listen.
Not to order, not to law, but to beauty, as it glistens.
This is a sequel to "Writ upon my soul"
The stars I’ve come to cherish are shrouded in the gray,
And all the doors I will not open beckon me to stay.
And so, one night, I find myself where shadows press like stone,
Lost among the echoes of a heart I thought my own.

The storm came swift, unbidden, the sky a shattered grey,
I ran through streets familiar, yet found no open way.
Then past a gate left open, past stone both old and worn,
A refuge from the driving rain, I go inside, my jacket torn.

The storm came swift, unbidden, the sky a shattered grey,
I ran through streets familiar, yet found no open way.
Then past a gate left open, past stone both old and worn,
I stepped inside for refuge, from winds both sharp and torn.

The friars in procession, their robes a river’s flow,
Their chants a solemn cadence, the ancient words I know.
I stood, unbowed, yet still, I felt a pull inside,
A harmony I’d never heard, a love that cannot hide.
The hymns rose like a current, a song without a name,
Yet in their cadence, something silenced found its name.

The incense curled around me, like whispers in the air,
Its fragrance bore a memory—a longing, now laid bare.
The prayers, once empty echoes, now rang in words of light,
No longer chains of duty, but truth that burned so bright.

I felt the strength of freedom, unburdened by the law,
Not chained by rites or reason, but lifted by the awe.
For reason was no tyrant, nor faith an empty lie,
But pillars intertwined, beneath a boundless sky.

No throne of gold before me, no scepter’s cruel demand,
But mercy in a Father’s eyes, a scarred and outstretched hand.
No conquest in my bending, no ******* in my fall,
But love that knew my name before the first light touched the dawn.

My heart is His to shape. My life is His to guide.
My soul is His to cleanse. My mind is open wide.
The final in the trilogy in Writ
My heart is mine to rule. My life is mine to spend.
My soul is mine to stain. My mind is mine to end.
I shall grant no quarter, to fancies without order.
Fairy tales, I name them—fools, the ones who claim them.
Though reason may be theirs, though logic may be sound,
Fools I still will call them—their whispers, I will drown.
I will not heed their reasons, for reason I reject.
I will not grant them audience; their pleas, I shall forget.
Wicked, cruel, deceivers—all who claim faith’s name,
I blind my eyes against their love, for sight would bear me shame.

Yet still this hound pursues me in comment and in creed,
Soft-speaking of a Love unknown, my tears begin to bleed.
In painted dreams He haunts me, with visions rich and bright,
Where life and purpose bloom, in hues I dare not write.
His voice like water calls me, it soothes, it lulls, it sings.
Yet I will not be conquered—I will not bow to kings!
I steel my heart against Him, I bar the door with pride,
For though the song is lovely, I must not step inside.

He's writ his sonnets on my soul, yet I shall tear them free,
For though my heart may hunger, I will not let it be.
Let me be a dust speck—a fleeting breath of clay.
Let me rot in comfort until I meet decay.
No joy, no peace, no meaning beyond this fleeting spark—
No future shall I fathom; I will not fear the dark.

Too harsh, too cruel, too simple, this writ upon my soul.
My pride will suffer nothing more than death to be my whole.
I stand upon this nothing, unshaken and alone,
A throne of silent echoes, a heart as hard as stone.

Yet echoes of that singing still haunt the air I breathe,
And whispers trace a hollow space, where certainty should be.

— The End —