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Oct 2020 · 492
Rhea Sheilah Oct 2020
Hold me in public
As much as you do in bed.
I survive on PDA
Hold my hand. Kiss my forehead. Give me random hugs and if you are strong enough [Coz I am a +size :) ]carry me. In other words, mark your territory.
Oct 2020 · 367
Rhea Sheilah Oct 2020
I never forgot about you
May be I will never be able to
But one thing is for sure
Our paths will always be two
That I don't get in touch doesn't mean I have forgotten about you.
That I haven't forgotten about you, doesn't mean I want you back.

Some sentiments are better not acted on.
Oct 2019 · 174
What is in marriage?
Rhea Sheilah Oct 2019
A girl at 28
with a stable income
and a good academic record
is still considered a failure
just because she is not married

A girl at 20
Doesn't have a degree in anything
Doesn't earn even a cent per month
Is considered successful
Just because she is married

What is in marriage
that society finds it to be the ultimate measure of success?
Especially in African countries, society has made us believe that until you are married, you are not successful. Irrespective of all the achievements you have, marriage is the ultimate measure of success. This is partly to blame for the unhappy marriages and high divorce rates we are currently experiencing.  Get married when you find it necessary and on your own terms, don't be pressured in to it.

Even when you think it is time to be married, make sure you are capable financially and mentally to stay in that marriage. And it works both ways, both men and women need to be financially independent before they get married.
Apr 2019 · 197
Too late
Rhea Sheilah Apr 2019
I don't know what to write about
A careless man, a busy man or a ghost boyfriend

I've always loved how i love
irrespective of how much i received back

So i take my precious time
and think about him
wonder why he doesn't look equally crazy in love
why he can't initiate things like i do
why he seems to always be busy to reply to texts
why he wants to see me only on specific days
but still claims he misses me all the other days

Is he the kind of man who doesn't want to be seen vulnerable?
Does expressing his feelings and PDA make him any less of a man?
or am i in love with someone who doesn't feel the same?

I guess our love just speaks different languages
and Imma sit here, wait
and assume that these hearts will understand each other
and when that happens,
I pray it won't be too late
So i came on here just to release some emotional pain off my chest. How do you get to touch the heart of someone who doesn't want to let you in?
Jul 2018 · 414
Bad days
Rhea Sheilah Jul 2018
Have you ever missed someone when he is standing right in front of you?
Minutes ago I was standing with you
And I realized how I have missed you
I miss your aura and humorous side
I miss your random hugs and winks
I miss seeing you smile from the heart
I miss the part of you that allows me to be myself when I see you
I miss not feeling judged when I am around you
I miss the original US….
So for the past 2 days, my friend's moods changed and he was acting unusual
He would send texts and through them i feel the pain he has
but thank God for this talent, this poem has helped me get him to open up and tell me how he is feeling.

there are days in life, when we feel low and broken but then friends like me, talk to us and we are whole again.
Jul 2018 · 1.0k
The Warrior
Rhea Sheilah Jul 2018
I got this text from an unknown number
long story short
we're now chatting
and i am loving  it..

So we got to explain our names
and his means warrior

I met a good warrior
his sword is in his voice
and the way he pulls those strings
he is a killer..

he has more than just a voice and guitar skills
and that is a story for another time
inspired by a new friend i just met at the office..
Jul 2018 · 713
Falling for wrong people
Rhea Sheilah Jul 2018
We make mistake
and fall for the wrong people
and we give them our all

when they leave,
we almost don't remember ourselves before them
we blame ourselves for that..

it is not our fault
that we are genuine, passionate and love wholeheartedly
we just fall for wrong people
Jul 2018 · 243
Rhea Sheilah Jul 2018
we were friends,
then i confess my crush on you
and all of a sudden
your bucket of pride breaks..

you stop talking to me as usual
start ignoring my texts
now you're too busy..

Remember i have lived before saying a word to you
and i can still live and better when you ignore me..
Ever noticed how someone is cool until you tell them you have a crush on them? But why do you do it? Why all of a sudden feel some pounds heavier when someone confesses that they like you? stop acting like deputy Jesus, reduce the pride and corporate...
Jun 2018 · 221
Rhea Sheilah Jun 2018
Dear young independent women,
you don't need a man to be relevant-

You can take care of yourself
and others without a man's help..
Society has made us believe that until a woman is married, she is a failure in life.  
That is a lie,
yes we want to get married
but not to prove a point to people that we are worth...

we are worth more than just a man's last name.
A friend just gained her PhD and the mother asked,
"Congrats but when are u getting married"
Jun 2015 · 1.6k
Learn the approach
Rhea Sheilah Jun 2015
I need a real man...
A man with real eyes..
A man that can see beauty in and outside
A man that is strong enough to handle these
Sometimes guys say the dumbest ****...
I'm like what the world...
Such as Ayyyy yo, you'r fine to be a big girl.
I try to look laugh and push on... But a part of me
instantly felt resentment.
Where are the real men that know how to compliment....
He had to be mistaken thinking by his approach I
was pleased.
I guess to him for a big girl I had skinny girl
I was NOT impressed by his senseless comment.
His ignorance has caused my shoulder to have a
Why not address the long natural curly length of
my hair my clear skin, or brown eyes or even my
virtuous hips.
He could even acknowledge the New Mac shade
on my lips.
I'm smart intelligent well spoken and I speak my
mind quick.
Don't ever address my beauty in saying to be
Then he had the nerve to request my number. I
gave him a BIG rejection.
I let it be known the next time come to a woman
correct, if he doesn't want disconnection.
Truth be told I am a mere image of God's
NOW let that marinate in your soul.
Men please learn the right compliments...
Jun 2015 · 2.1k
I miss you
Rhea Sheilah Jun 2015
Hi luv
It is 11:42
It is my heart counting hours
Left for us to meet
And hug
While lips chat intimately
For it's been long without meeting...

Hours pass like days
And days like years
Of hunger and drought
In one of those nomadic places
Where rain stops
And food is scarce...

It might be a trial
Where i risk a life sentence,but
Come rain come sunshine
I will lose not
This trial of love
For i am a professional lawyer
In matters of the heart...
I miss you to the moon and back
Jun 2015 · 731
Rhea Sheilah Jun 2015
Ere long
Before he reached where he belonged,
We were done

A dream like the rest
Never came true
People plan together and before they accomplish their plans,they are not talking to one another..
it's sad how life can be
where who looked to be right,turns out to be the wrongest of all
so sad
Jun 2015 · 1.2k
some things never change
Rhea Sheilah Jun 2015
In a world that keeps turnin' and movin' so fast
When you can't hold on to nothin' and nothin' seems to last
It's so good to know that love still remains
Ain't you glad that some things never change?

Yeah, same as the sun keeps risin'
every day someone is findin' love
love isn't meant for some
may be not today
but tomorrow you gonna find love too
Jun 2015 · 4.3k
Rhea Sheilah Jun 2015
I can make anybody pretty
I can make you believe any lie
I can make you pick a fight
With somebody twice your size

I been known to cause a few break ups
I been known to cause a few births
I can make you new friends
Or get you fired from Work

And since the day I left Milwaukee
Lynchburg and Bordeaux France
Been making the bars lots of big money
And helping white people dance
I got you in trouble in high school
But college, now that was a ball
You had some of the best times
You'll never remember with me

I got blamed at your wedding reception
For your best man's embarrassing speech
And also for those
Naked pictures of you at the beach

I've influenced kings and world leaders
I helped Hemmingway write like he did
And I'll bet you a drink or two that I can make you
Put that lampshade on your head

'Cause since the day I left Milwaukee
Lynchburg and Bordeaux France
Been making a fool out of folks just like you
And helping white people dance
I'm medicine and I am poison
I can help you up or make you fall
You had some of the best times
You'll never remember with me
this is a song by Brad Paisley
Jun 2015 · 366
spare thyself
Rhea Sheilah Jun 2015
you don't have to break yourself
to keep others whole

Unless there's reciprocity
other ways,
*spare thyself
sometimes we extravagantly care about those who have no eyes,to me it's  the worst experience if the person you would fight for tooth and nail,doesn't notice your existence.
Jun 2015 · 805
Rhea Sheilah Jun 2015
Here’s to those who
Looked at me with proud eyes
Because my skin was dark

I am still dark
And I am proud that I can never change
I am a tigress in the zoo
That you will always want to tame
But always lack the power

Not only you
But my inner self too
Always discouraged me from hanging in
She didn’t believe a day would come
When she would be proud of her outer self
I am strong
Jun 2015 · 516
Rhea Sheilah Jun 2015
It was him
It is him
And it will always be Him
For whom I live

Long before I met him
God loved me then
He provided so much for me
Despite my ignorance about him

God cares for me
And for you as well
Though you don’t see things go well
Your spirit is well for He is in control

Those of this world
Find pleasure in the world
This will all come to pass like wind
But for us who trust in his unfailing word
Will fly like eagles

We will sail above all problems
So relaxed and at peace
In that luxurious boat-
The scriptures
We were not called to relax
And boast about our victory in Christ
As we watch others fail and perish

For he never left us to die as gentiles either
His great love for us to be saved-
Was manifested on the cross
John3:16 says it well

Sharing is caring
Faith also comes by hearing
How will non-believers be believers?
It’s our mission here on earth

To take the gospel to them
And share the good news with them
Praying with and for them
After all, soul winning is our profession…
Romans 10:17
17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Romans 10:9
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Jun 2015 · 1.6k
Abba Father
Rhea Sheilah Jun 2015
It is now
It won’t be tomorrow
Or the next day-
When I choose to live
Free from bad thoughts of any kind
I decide to live free like a flying bird
Standing on the promises
Of my only reason for living
My creator and provider

Neither today,
Nor tomorrow and all the tomorrows to come
Will my life be mine any more
And won’t be yours either
I belong to him
Who loved me to death
He who wasn’t ashamed to give his precious son
That in him I may be redeemed and justified

I know I was a gentile
But He cared less about circumcision by the men
What he wanted was for my soul not to perish
I love because I was first loved….

It’s so sweet to be in love
With assurance that you will never be betrayed
Those tough times are an opportunity
To exercise your faithfulness to the maximum

To feel the sweetness of a true friend
That is ever present
And whose ear is always open to my calling
And whose gentle arm is always ready to hold me when I bend
For I have no promise of breaking
All the days of my life
As long as I still have Him as my rock
I will stand firm and strong
Oh how I love your tenderness!- ABBA FATHER
John 8:36
If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
Jun 2015 · 396
Rhea Sheilah Jun 2015
Dig deep
At the back
of those **** leaves
lies the tranquility of life
As they blow east-west
we are convinced that life goes
their green color can't be exhausted by summer

so does our peace
it can't be absorbed by a mere affliction
I just bend
i can never break
My peace isn't dependent on what i see
Jun 2015 · 2.1k
Rhea Sheilah Jun 2015
did not notice
   when dawn   broke
as for me, till the end
you'll always be my moonlight
Sun shone  for  us last summer
and i ran  to your welcoming arms
till night came and i realized
our love had gone with the setting of the sun
Jun 2015 · 3.6k
Window of the Soul
Rhea Sheilah Jun 2015
oh! how cute you are
with that round brown pupil
I fall in love always
when you roll back
and catch me as i steal a glance

window of the soul
the most beautiful of all
like the sky oculus
the early February moon..
Brown eye are breathe taking,sometimes I admire them and wish i had  them forgetting that i actually do
Jun 2015 · 365
Because of you
Rhea Sheilah Jun 2015
I don't wear short shorts
which were my favorite
I left my girl friends
and settled with you

Mama said i was mad
but i cared less
for  you,
i was a moon made human

Because of you,
i would sleep late
and wake up early
for you loved my cooking

Because of you
marriage was no more a dream to us
and having babies stopped being Imaginary
because of you,
i am proudly a woman.
For my future husband...I love you already ***

— The End —