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Rhea Sheilah Jun 2018
Dear young independent women,
you don't need a man to be relevant-

You can take care of yourself
and others without a man's help..
Society has made us believe that until a woman is married, she is a failure in life.  
That is a lie,
yes we want to get married
but not to prove a point to people that we are worth...

we are worth more than just a man's last name.
A friend just gained her PhD and the mother asked,
"Congrats but when are u getting married"
where are the songs about
the wrong girl,
the not-quite-right girl,
the in-between girl?

we exist.

we tell ourselves that we are
no one's one-night-stand,
no one's rebound,
no one's flavor-of-the-week,

we would give anything to be
someone's last dance,
someone's first choice,
someone's only hope.

is there so much that is "wrong" with us?

we are flawed.
we are vulnerable,
we are lonely,
we are cynical and shy...

we are also proud,
we are strong,
we are fearless and exquisite,

and we are worth more than “happily-ever-after.”
August 9, 2015 to August 10, 2015

— The End —