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requiEM Feb 2017
Sapphic sapphires glisten in the moon
These ladies say that Hades makes them as dry as a sand dune
Maleficent and Cruella mark their spells on their heads
And quietly they tiptoe and sneakily their treads-
Move with a rhythm only grace can create
Enchanting are these women, seeing them is fate
To be an audience member to their auras and their moves
Is an opportunity that is divine, spiritually proved
Indigo in color, L words leave their lips
Straight and curvy bones and fat   vibrate from their hips
They mesmerize, they enchant, they let their inhibitions soar
Until they dance away, unhinged, and you can't see them anymore
Remember this encounter, it is one that will inspire
It will make you feel a type of way, it will ignite a fire
I read the word 'sapphic' and it alone inspired this entire poem
requiEM Jan 2017
I'm awake, no sleep in sight
5:45am. The cogs keep turning and the fog keeps burning and I find myself
Wide eyed. In love.
I inhale the darkness with every breath, breathing deeper than usual
I inhale this smoke with a vengeance
Fresh air. For once in my ******* life I feel whole
Is it you?
Is it the shade?
Is it the love we made?

Don't make me go to sleep because I know when I wake it will be gone. Let me stay. Let me soak. Keep me woke.
requiEM Jan 2017
I'm not tryna interfere, I'm just really down

Until you ground me, you sow your seeds, plant roots in me. 
You water me with sweat, you cover me in ***** words, you shower me in love, make me feel human for once.

I’m not tryna interfere, I’m just really down

I can’t leave now, you’ve rooted me, straight into the ground.
requiEM Jan 2017
I feel the bumps on my skin echo underneath my fingertips
I try to resist the urge to peel my face off
To pour blood onto the floor as I become who I believe
But at what cost?
To become an unknown version of myself seems beautiful at times, concerning at most
When I am sober, alone with my thoughts, I thank my skin for existing
With its bumps, bruises, unevenness, and lines
It was made for me
Stretched for my hips, stretched for my being, reminding me that I take up space.
And space is okay.
And it is all around us.
And it is infinite.
requiEM Jan 2017
And that's how you exist in my head
When I hear your name that's what I think
You're an idea, a mantra
Too big to ever shrink

You're too large to ever wander
Too bright to ignore
And when you come close to me
I get this feeling that assures..
That you're religious, youre holy
You're a spirit, control me
I speak in tongues, mold me
Don't give in to the old me

Awaken me, give in
To the sinners and the sins.
Be my arms, be my lips
Erase past relationships

Guide me, be my arms
Be my legs, snake my charm
Empty me of loathing
Empty me of clothing.
you . . .
requiEM Jan 2017
I am lightning
I am rain
I am glitter down the shower drain
I am lipgloss in the wind
I am angel food cake, sweet and thinned

I'm a hammer, beating down
I'm a rose, thorns in crown
I'm a fall breeze, swift and cold
I'm a melody, sweet and old

I'm the sound you hear when you unlock a locked door
I am the sound that a gun makes when it's cocked more
I am cherries, blueberries, yellow canaries
Flying around like springtime fairies

I am a drip in a cave, an ultraviolet wave
I am the seashells you take home from the seashore to save
I am all these things, I have much more in store
But you'll never know because I'm not yours anymore
requiEM Jan 2017
I hate that I find beauty as the world burns down around me
The leaves turn red, yellow, orange, dying
I sit there and watch them fall as I read my phone, contemplating how natural it is for them to die
Like clockwork, they break
Like clockwork, they turn
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