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I am tired, really tired...
I am tired of my talents not being recognized
I am tired of constantly proving myself
I am tired of being disabled

I am so tired...
Tired of not belonging
Tired of being invisible
Tired of being worthless

I am very, very tired...
I am tired of exchanging fake smiles
I am tired of meaningless conversations
I am tired of appearing dumb so as to get help

I am just tired...
Tired of being useless
Tired of failing
Tired of not dreaming

I am extremely tired...
I am tired of being apologetic
I am tired of being left out
I am tired of being ugly

What I am I saying?
What am I really tired of?
Why am I tired?

I am tired...
Tired of being speechless
Tired of being powerless
Tired of being afraid

In fact, I am broken down...
Broken down by being black
Broken down by being African
Broken down by being primitive
You left me.
I was alone.
You were supposed to be there,
but you decided who was most important.
I want you to know that it hurt me so bad,
I felt like I had died for a time.
But then I realized it was you who died,
and I mourn your loss.
The ghost of my friend hangs over my shoulder.
And I mourn you.
But this was your choice.
So when its all over,
and you have questions and want answers..
Find a mirror.
Because I won't mourn you forever.
I can't,
Isn't it funny,
That you want things
You dont have,
and have things you don't want.
And you spend your time praying,
Trying to justify sin
And pass it off as love.
We get this idea in our heads,
That we aren't meant to be alone.
That the only point in life
Is to find someone to make you
Feel complete.
But if you need someone to fill you,
Isn't that just like putting a bandaid
Over a bullethole?
There's always the possibility
Of love leaving,
Of having empty spaces again?
I think its more important to
Complete yourself.
People come and go like seasons.
But you will always be stuck
With yourself.
So live and love as hard as you can.
As passionately as you can.
And remember that the last persons
Voice you'll hear when you lie
Down to drift off into eternal sleep,
Is your own.
I thought that saying goodbye,
would be the hardest thing to say to you.
And in a way it was,
but in another it wasn't.
It felt sad; it felt exhilarating.

I thought that love, all kinds,
meant giving you're all to someone.
But it doesn't, it means something more.
It means that you give them a piece
of yourself for them to cherish,
and they do the same.

But you can't give something away,
that doesn't exist.
I didn't understand at first,
but now I do.

I never loved myself,
I loved you.
I used to feel I would die
with joy from being around you.

And then I woke up one morning,
and I realized that I did die.

That the every miniscule piece of who I was,
had ceased to exist.
I realized that I was empty,
and always had been.

So instead of killing myself for your love,
I lived for my own.

And now I drive around,
listening to Tom Petty,
wearing red lipstick;
lips wrapped around the back half of a cigarette..

And I am so happy.

I feel free.
I feel like I can conquer anything,
because I escaped a painful death;
a death by you.

But then it was time to say "Hello again.."
and it was harder than goodbye.
It brang back the memories of sadness.
Of lonliness.
Of being afraid.

Then the moment passed...

*And I still feel free.
Sometimes I wish we would have met today instead.. I think we might have been better to each other.
It hurts.
Love hurts.
Loving someone you can't have.
Someone so far out of your reach,
Basically in a different galaxy.
No chance,
I haven't got a chance.
But the beauty,
So tender,
So intense,
I can't take my eyes off of you.
You're the reason I wake up every morning,
The reason I get through the day.
The happiness I have,
When I get to see you,
That is my motivation everyday.
I know I will never have you,
That you could never love someone like me.
But that can't stop my beating heart from loving you.
Love hurts.
It hurts. <3
They once called me crazy
I've since been deemed sane

Is it insanity
When I call out your name

In the middle of the night
Alone in my bed

My heart it bleeds sorrow
I can't hear your name

It drives me to madness
I'm going insane

I can't call you up
I can't knock on your door

Each time I think of you
I'm wanting you more

I wake in the darkness
A terrible fright

I don't feel any warmth now
I can't see the light

I try to forgive you
I try to let go

I still think about you
I thought you should know

I stand up
Leave a rose on your stone

Say my goodbyes
And walk myself home
will you love me tomorrow
and the day after that?
exactly like you promised?
no broken promises?
no leaving?
make my dream a reality
because what i want in
my future is you
you're the drug
and I'm the addict
I need you
You and I are like fire and ice.
You’re the burning passion;
And I’m the cold hearted one.
But oh we have so much in common too.
We both make humans feel some sort of pain.
The best part is that we cancel the bad parts out of each other.
I bring down your anger and hatred,
While you bring up my passion and love.
For many years we've been together
Though I thought it would be forever
For many times I've been crying
Now my heart is still aching

People say that I am crazy
Just making my life so messy
But they don't understand
Yes , they don't understand

Please stay with me
Just let me be the one
Darling stay with me
Let me be your only man
I'll show you what it's like to touch.
Finger tips
your blood,
boiling from temptation;
you'll feel me in your heart.

I'll race through your veins
and occupy your lungs.
I'll show you what it's like to chase,
wasted nights
spent on
pointless thoughts;
you'll never know when to give up.

And I'll peel back your mind,
where it's me that you'll find.
I'll show you what it's like to fall in love.
A restlessness
an empty spot;
you'll be begging me to fill it up.
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