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 Jan 2016 Rachel
Save me
 Jan 2016 Rachel
I realize that so few know and so few care
But tonight will consist of watching dye run out of my hair
And brushing the taste of cough drop off of my teeth
Then listening to music that makes me cry until I fall asleep
Someone, please, save me.
 Jan 2016 Rachel
Maybe I'm just
A brain
Floating in space

Attached to
An akward body

Do I
Even exist
At all?

I'm tired
Of this place

Of Earth

I think
It is pretty ******

God guy
Or whoever
You are

We are growing
Waiting for
The Jesus guy

How many more years
Will we wait

Who knows

It's an empty world
Full of emptiness
And loneliness

I fell asleep
For an hour
Or two

Woke up
And thought
I had slept
Through the night

But is was 5 p.m.
Not 5 a.m.

But it's all the same to me

Nothing changes
Just rearranges

No woman to hug
No one to love

I'll go climb a tree
 Jan 2016 Rachel
60, 59,
the countdown has begun;
55, 54,
2015 was anything but fun.
50, 49,
alone on New Years Eve, as usual;
45, 44,
my desire to be loved; immovable.
40, 39,
i've had countless brushes with death
35, 34,
and it's like feelings of nostalgia are ****** in with every breath.
30, 29,
no family present on this miserable day,
25, 24,
all alone; make way as the unloved fade away.
20, 19,
i hope next year will be better;
15, 14,
that is, if i last until then.
10, 9,
i suppose it's crazy that in a few seconds,
something 365 days long,
will be over
5, 4,
oh please don't let this be the end...
i am alive.
*happy new year
Since no one was there for me on this New Years Eve, I decided to get my laptop and type down every thought that crossed my mind during the countdown, then turned those thoughts into a poem.
Happy New Years, and I hope everyone has a wonderful 2016.
 Jan 2016 Rachel
Anjana Rao
 Jan 2016 Rachel
Anjana Rao
Oh Death,
you my favorite card,
you my wildest courtship,
you who broke me open,
coaxed me into spilling my secrets,
and now,
you are gone,
leaving wreckage behind.

But wreckage is not

Oh Death,
you paved the way
for things I never thought possible,
razed the worst to the ground,
without even knowing.
I can feel the seeds of something
new and good
spring up within me.

Oh Death,
I don’t want to die.
Written a while ago inspired by the Death card in my Universal tarot deck
 Jan 2016 Rachel
Roxxanna Kurtz
You sink holes into my chest,
burning goodbyes into my flesh
with the ends of cigarettes;
little ashy reminders that
people are temporary.
And like the smoke that
curls from your lips,
tracing the very distance
between you and the December sky;
you escape me.
 Dec 2015 Rachel
Lauren Leal
But I finally convinced my demons I'm one of them.
Inner thoughts
 Dec 2015 Rachel
Cassidy Mae
i want to help you
but i don't know how
 Dec 2015 Rachel
1:49 a.m.
a thought : only you.
i think love needs to redefine itself in my head, now that it has met you. a.m.'s are not times of daydreams and unintended smiles, at least not to me. a.m.'s are more of emotional breakdowns and trying to cool myself the **** down. sometimes a.m.'s are transient thoughts and other times just deep sleep. but all a.m.'s have been about lately are you. an unsteady heart beat, a churning stomach, and a nervous laugh. surprisingly, i don't hate it all that much.
9:45 p.m.
i slept while thinking of you yesterday, i think that's the best sleep i've had in a while. anyway, you know how they say you're ****** when the thoughts that only hit you at night, start taking over 24/7? well, i don't agree. my nights have always been about you, and now my days are too and i cannot think of anyone other than you who's worth thinking about, dreaming about, talking to, laughing with.
9:52 p.m.
i forgot that i'm supposed to write these hours apart from each other. i guess i can't wait a whole lot to start talking about you again. i don't think i've ever craved someone's presence so much. i don't think i detested anyone's absence before i met you either. they say time is not to go to waste, but even if i spend an eternity trying to figure you out, i'd still have managed my time well. nothing ever goes to waste when you're involved.
10:56 p.m.
my mind has been wandering off for the past hour. i think i'll create a new language to describe you with, i might've run out of adjectives that exist. i'm not one to ever get speechless, i think you know this by now, i talk more than i breathe, but my emotions for you sometimes render me speechless and i don't want to spend a second not telling you how beautiful you are.
11:11 p.m.
a time in which people wish upon. now, i don't believe in this crap at all but i still wish for your well being every 11:11 just in case it's not as unrealistic as it sounds. i may not pray much, but when i do i always ask for you to be okay and i may not always appreciate good when good comes but once i had you back, i swear i've never been more thankful.
11:28 p.m.
i keep saying you're beautiful but that's not even the point i want to get across. beauty envies you, beauty tries to be you, because beauty will always only be appearance and you'll always be more than only that.
you can never be only one thing, you're not that limited. i know i talk about you like you're holy but that's only because you are and you always will be.
12:00 a.m.
i just realised that maybe i love you too much. you deserve all the love in the world though, all of it.
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