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Life’s lingering flashlight.
Too bright to stare at the sun.
Don’t stay out in it too long.
Suffocating heat sometimes.
My porch gets like a baking oven.
Get burnt and it will peel your skin.

Visions of desert dunes,
Camel trails:
A searing sun that sends you delirious,
Mirage-seas shimmering hypnotically above the sands.

I love the sun.
My memories of buckets and spades,
Golden sandcastles along the esplanades.
Delicious ice-cream.
A cooling breeze.
Grass and pollen
Making you sneeze.

A mini-heatwave we have now,
But storms will come
Over that brow.

British weather I have to say:
Sunshine now
For which we’ll pay.

Paul Butters
We are having a mini-heatwave in the UK.....
World Peace!
Are you an idealist’s dream
Never to be achieved?
Were the Beatles’ Loving words
In vain?

Or can we get there?
Can we build a world
Where no-one Hates?

For that’s the first step:
Stop Hating!

Abandon your lust for land
Wealth and Power.
Learn to love those different from

We need a new approach.
We maybe need a Government of The World,
Democratically elected.
I’ve no idea who might set this up.
But we need it badly.

We need someone to share the world’s resources
So that no-one has to fight
Just to get a drink or bite to eat.

I search my soul,
To find that I myself am wanting.
Old hates still burn my brain.
I recall some people I would hurt
For what they did to me
In days gone by.

So I meditate,
Seeking to soothe my troubled soul.
For, if I can find some peace within myself,
Well, that’s a start.

Paul Butters
Following "Brexit".....
fifty trillion of them,
give or take an exponential few,
programmed to replicate, then die, ad infinitum
spawning perfect copies to ensure
molecular harmony

their perfection could not keep
their host from huffing on tar sticks,
gobbling bacon by the kilo, or worshiping the sun's crisping rays
until one of their eternal days, a perverse mutation occurred
one at first, then two, then four, then more
forgetting that all were once destined to die,
in a crimson clockwork fashion

the new invader would hear nothing
of this strange word, for it was the emperor of maladies,
its geometric procession a spinning spectacle to behold,
purloining space from the mortality hobbled trillions
evicted by cancer's kangaroo court

it will have its reign,
this galloping ghost maker, until
the host gives up the fight, and
that which fed its gluttony  
will starve it as blithely
as the body gave it
******* birth
inspired by my reading of the Pulitzer Prize winning book, The Emperor of All Maladies, A Biography of Cancer by Siddhartha Mukherjee
Prose is writing that goes right across the page. It rolls on, sentence after sentence, usually about things mundane.
But Verse is where you yourself
Decide the length of

Or stanza indeed. Some call lines “verses”. They can be very long.
Or short.
Iambic metre may be used
And other metres too.
You can write anapaests if you wish.

Yet Poetry is neither prose nor verse
As such.
It is about skyscraper forests looming large,
Trees spiking though mysterious mists.
Poetry is sunshine, filling your heart
With radiant joy.
Black nights of deep depression
Give way to a golden dawn.
The lonely
Find Love.
That’s Poetry.

Paul Butters
Retitled after a suggestion from Francie Lynch. Never say I don't listen! Instructive I hope...
sometimes i wonder
if i too am flying at
counterfeit flowers
After one month together
You came up with an idea
“Let’s test our love for each other”
I thought, “Why not?”

It started with whimsical ways
You loved the way I laughed in the morning
I loved when you held me tighter when we cuddle
Then we went onto appearances

Oh I love the colors of your irises
Blue and green like the aura borealis
But they were dancing along to a somber song
Rather than a happy one

I brought it up
But you said literally nothing
Which says more than “nothing”
We got into a fight

The snow seemed to melt
From our heated discussion
I left
To let things cool

You stopped responding
To my messages
So I drove back
And opened the door

To the sound of our dog barking
I followed him
To the sunroom
With the vast windows

And there I saw you
Hanging lifeless
From the elegant maple
“What have I done?”

I dashed to you
A layer of fresh snow
Settled on your head
Under you was a note

Carved into the trunk
To this day
I’m still haunted

In that moment, I realized
That’s what happens
When you assign values
To something that cannot be measured
 Jan 2015 anna fernando
 Jan 2015 anna fernando
Roads divided
And hearts are blinded
By pain

For what?

Brain is pounding
Sirens are sounding


I am still young
I could gaze at the sun
For years

what cost?

I have lost friends
But they weren't, in the end,
I tried

I lost
T** is for trials,
Tribulations & torment...
Terrorists trippin
Totalitarian governments
Two cents just spent.
Teachable yet I'm still
Take it in, just because I, can.
Thought that I told you,
to tell me to take it tonight!?
Tomorrow will, totally be alright
Tormented by
temptations of drownin it all... in alcohol &
Through the valley I rest
Tested by fires inside of my chest
Toast to the Ghost close eyes &
Then welcome rest.
^-^ Thanks! ^-^
 Jan 2015 anna fernando
 Jan 2015 anna fernando
Tears blurring my vision
But I see the pieces of my broken heart with great clarity
A heart that was filled with such beautiful and sorrowful memories of her
A heart that was broken by poisoned words, betrayal, deceit

I wipe my tears and looked to the side
The side where a broken beer bottle lay in jagged, sharp pieces
A bottle that I smashed while trying to replace the hurt with anger
A bottle that I smashed when trying to drown my sorrow

Light glints off a sharp edge of a broken piece
A broken piece that looked very inviting
A broken piece that promised escape

I picked up the piece
Brought it to my wrist
And again with tears blurring my vision
I began to drag it across watching the blood welling up
As the tears blurs my vision
 Jan 2015 anna fernando
Its been almost a year since I last saw you
I've tried moving on
Every boy I see I compare to you
Will I ever stop loving you
even though you never cared about me
can I ever get over the guy I spent three years of my life
for you
to love me back
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