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 Nov 2014 pat
Ready To Fly
 Nov 2014 pat
One dull grey day had just passed
Leaving me feel like an outcast
Then thinking of what had gone wrong
For me not to feel strong.

As I think deeper
The thoughts are getting weirder and creepier
Making me feel like lost in a crowd
Making me shout out loud.

When I am already calmed down
I shook my head and frown
Realizing I have more important things to do
That to keep on feeling so blue.

So I stood up with my head held high  
And said, "I am now ready to fly"-
Fly away from my sorrows
And look up for better tomorrows.
Written in year 2012. Just found in my drafts. Thanks for reading :)
 Nov 2014 pat
The Fighter
 Nov 2014 pat
How did I get here?
Wait, I can't see
Anyone there? Hello?
Wait, I can't move!
What happened!?
All I wanted was to play basketball
How did it end up like this?

Life is like a box
You're inside
Concealed from light
You learn to live in the darkness
The sounds that your heard
Gave you light
Light of hope that precedes truth
Acceptance of change is a struggle
You have to learn again

But I didn't falter

It all happened in a flash
I didn't know my condition could lead to this
Darkness within with no light to breath
I cried infinitely hoping I could see again
But there's still no light

Only in dreams were my paradise
Faces of mom & dad
My siblings being bullied by me as always
Playing lead guitar on stage in front of thousands
Andy singing:
"We follow the morning star
A light where darkness trailed
The passion left unholy
Now you find yourself!"

Music helps me breathe
The tune flowing through my veins
Like blood streaming to my heart
Giving me light
Pumping everytime
Reminding me, there's still hope

I don't know how long I can live with the darkness
Not being able to move
Reliance to my parents who never gave up on me
A burden i see myself to those I hold dear
But they keep telling me
"We will never give up on you!"

And so,
I tell myself

*I will live life to the fullest
Even in this world of darkness
I will take flight
I will pull through
I will try my best to open this box
Until I see the light
This is dedicated to my new friend on HP, Jinxx:)
He's a fighter. He was diagnosed with a condition that cause him to be paralyzed from the waist down and blindness.
Despite this mishap, he still continues to be active on HP.
I read his works. And immediately i thought,
"I have to write about him!"
All those who are reading this. Please pray for him in hopes that he will recover soon! Repost or like to show him that we care. And go check out his account, he writes brilliantly:)
We are always with you Jinxx!
 Nov 2014 pat
fifi S
Crazy Horse lives on
in memorial splendor
for all to ponder
his spirit resting
peacefully on a mountain
forever mighty
may his words live on
and offer mankind wisdom
and inspiration
let us reflect all
American Indian
lands that were stolen
in etchings of stone
even in the realm of death
tribal voices live

(reposted by request)
-*Walking Michigan's Lake Superior wilderness this past week my spirit traveled among stolen trails.  Reminded of the Crazy Horse Memorial South Dakota,  and the many American Indians I've spoken to through the years prompted this tribute.  My heavy heart became soothed as I realized giving homage to these lands would be more uplifting than a tearful journey.  So, I continue to honor my God, mother nature, and do my best to encourage respect for all the living and dead that this world has sustained.  Whatever nation you travel - remember the footsteps that once walked on the soil, or cement, beneath your path. *js, journal August 18, 2013
 Nov 2014 pat
immigration reform
 Nov 2014 pat
i still straddle the fence on this
immigration reform manifesto

i see both sides of the story

it's good to have the grandfather clause
for the immigrants in my bloodstream

- the scrappy scots-irish-ingles-welsh
in me - but too late for the cherokee

behind the old fences of history.

r ~ 11/9/14
 Nov 2014 pat
she was a poet,
and he was her pen.
in him,
she always found words to write,
songs to sing,
thoughts to think.

he'd smile,
and kiss her softly,
and say,
"write me a poem."

and she would.
she'd put poe,
and whitman,
and shakespeare to shame,
and she'd write a poem that made his eyes water.

she'd compare him
to a rose with no thorns,
a book with no end,
a world with no poverty --
the things we all wish for,
but can never attain.


he asked her one day,
"what am i?"
and so she picked up her pen,
and began the usual:
you are the shining sun after a hurricane,
with rays that open the eyes of the blind.

but he stopped her after those two lines,
and said that this time,
he didn't want any metaphors,
or similes,
or analogies.
he wanted the truth.

and so on that night,
as he slept,
the poet picked up her pen,
and she wrote.

she wrote,
then thought better of it,
then started over again,
and this cycle continued well into the early hours of the morning,
until suddenly,
she wrote, frantic,
if i can't love you for what you really are,
have i ever really loved you at all?

this, too,
she thought better of,
condemning it to the trash.

the next morning the poet was gone,
her final work a mere two words:

i'm sorry.

this is more of a story than a poem but i like how it came out so leave thoughts & comments please
 Nov 2014 pat
 Nov 2014 pat
I thought when I met you, I knew what love was,
but to know love, I signed myself away with an unwritten clause,

You told me my heart would beat better if settled next to yours,
so I sacrificed the freedom that has been the cause of many wars,

I molded myself to fit slots a, b, and c,
I so desperately wanted to be what you need,

with every passing day, I lost a little more of me,
and I would silently wonder if I could ever be free,

As I write my thoughts down on this tear stained page,
my heart finally knows why it's called a rib cage.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
 Nov 2014 pat
Jason Cirkovic
 Nov 2014 pat
Jason Cirkovic
Is there tear gas in this room?
Because I can't stop crying
The gas crawls down my esophagus
And crushes my wounded heart.

“God this hurts”

I keep typing,
Praying to computer screen
That I'll forget the smell of your hair
I type till my fingers bleed
So I can forget what your touch feels like
How our lips fit perfectly together.

“God I hate myself”

The only phrase I think of
When I'm pleading for things to back to normal
Back to the days
Where you didn't want to to crack open my skull
And see all of the ugly things
That drift around my cranium

“Baby please I'm sorry. I’m a mess,
A klutz, who waltzes around with stupidity
Baby I get this feeling in my head
When you are not around
I want to keep writing you these love letters
By sliding them under your doors called your eyelids”
But I can’t

I sit alone in the bus called life
Looking across my seat
I see you, my love
Holding onto the bar
Your pretty Blue headlights
That make me drawn to you
Your pretty Blue headlights
Covered with the rain I caused
I'm a rain man,
you see, when people get close to me
I get scared
And force the skies rain to tears with pain.

The only thing that floats in my mind
Is that I hope the man of you life
Buys you flowers
Sunflowers especially
And shows up to your work unexpectedly.
I hope you can travel to Paris
and keep a long list of all of the countries
you've cuddled in.
With him.
I hope you he can handle seeing the stars
From your eyes every time you guys cuddle
Under the moon light.
I hope he can teach you how to slow dance
And I hope that he can teach me
On how to be a better man.
 Nov 2014 pat
 Nov 2014 pat
I wish I could tell you how angry I feel,
the betrayal, the sadness, how I fought what was real,
it was one thing after another, constantly pounding me down,
I so desperately wanted smiles, but all I could muster was frowns.

I now know what it feels like to be close to the ground,
To be so lost in translation, to never be found.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
 Nov 2014 pat
 Nov 2014 pat
When you caught my eye from across the room,
little did I know you would be my doom,
How could a smile be laced with such sadness,
the act of loving you is clearly pure madness,
every time I get near, you push me away,
but when night falls it is with you that I lay,
time passes so slowly when I'm in your arms,
but you keep yourself distanced, you hold up your guard,
the battle within me has turned into war,
How can you miss something that was never yours?
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
 Nov 2014 pat
Suzy Hazelwood
 Nov 2014 pat
Suzy Hazelwood
Writing the words
the emptying
of my emotional recycle bin

I pour them out
with intent to demolish
to remove the evidence
the unwanted remembrance
the devastation
that threatens to unravel my sanity
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