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K G Dec 2016
These heels, varnish
From solid ground
Upon the rain clouds
K G Dec 2016
I'm used to it now, but i'm over it now
Dagger's edge, found in my flesh
It was my fate, i'm dying
Ma' I'll be on my best
For sure
I'll speak to you in time
For sure
K G Dec 2016
Could this be the day I've waited for?
When all my hard work doesn't go ignored?
They always walk away...
So there's no use in trying anymore
It's like my life is looked upon by jealous eyes
Plucking the pearls and personality from my bones
They lay the hiatus of happiness with lies
Because *there's no use in trying anymore
K G Dec 2016
I think you've caught my disease
You've been feeling so sad and empty
Sometimes all you want to do is lie in bed and cry
To an endless mystery, to fog the memory
Putting the tears roughening surface to sleep
Spiraling you up a million feet high
Yet burying you a billion feet deep
And sometimes it's all you need
Get over it, wake your greedy eyes, and breathe
K G Dec 2016
We all looked up to your encrypted pattern
Like a baseball, they fly past our eyes
Right into & through the saturn

Few have cut their strings
And risked it all to chase their dreams
Few have grown their wings
To take pride in the task they achieved
To pleasure on materialistic things
Or to take part in the view of other's agony

From your monster height, they please
You the queen
You fail to find someone to trust
And your downfall undoes it's rust
Drink at all costs, avoid the pain
Shame comes down on you at once
Like a bullet to the brain
  Dec 2016 K G
I miss wrapping my arms
around you under neon lights.
The smell of your t-shirt when my nose
was pressed against it in bed.
Watching the trail of cigarette smoke
sway side to side during deep conversations in cars.

I can still hear the roar of the highway,
at 7 a.m that June morning.
It blended in well like an oil painting;
next to the sun, The Beatles, and your smile.
  Dec 2016 K G
Jackson Rae Wilder
By: Jack Wilder (Ramon Carlos T. Castillo)

Tell him I said "hi",
I think it was a lie,
When I told myself,
I wouldn't fall for him.

Tell him I asked "why?",
We couldn't see what we could've become,
How it would've been all perfect,
But I forgot these were all just what ifs and would haves.

Tell him I wanted to go back,
Visit the past when were still just good friends,
I could've settled for just that,
But selfishness occured.

Tell him I asked "is it wrong?",
For me to fall in love with him?
That it was considered sin,
For me to look after someone with no conditions given?

Tell him this is goodbye,
I think it's best we part ways,
I'm done with being jealous and not being able to do anything,
That it breaks my heart to see him with someone.

But one last thing,
Ask him if I could just love him from afar,
Because seeing his smiles,
Heals the wounds he gave my heart.
I wrote this poem for my childhood friend who I was in love with for 9 years and up until now. I haven't had the guts to tell him, he's straight and I'm gay... We won't work out
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