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Nov 2018 · 323
Rise Above Them
Have you ever wished you never embarked on that journey?
Have you ever wished you never picked that call?
Have you ever wished you never said hello?
Have you ever wished you never joined that group?
Have you ever wished never attended that meeting?
Have you ever wished you never attended that institution?
Have you ever wished you didn't say 'I do'?
Have you ever wished you never terminated it?
Have you ever wished you said no?

Well the truth is, as long as you're alive you'll still make more mistakes and you'll still wish you never made them.
You may never know how terrible a road is if you have never plied it.
Just don't stop believing. Stay positive!
Learn from your mistakes and rise above them.
Jul 2017 · 512
You're Beautiful
I've not set my eyes on you
But I know you're beautiful
I painted a portrait of you
In my heart
I can't wait to paint you
In reality
Jul 2017 · 339
Trust someone with it
I watched a fly get stuck in a cobweb
The more it tried to get out
The more it got entangled in it
The frustration was real
It reminded me of how many
Are stuck in the cobweb of life
But one thing was common
With everyone who made it out alive
Unlike the fly, they stopped trying
And started trusting
Nobody gets rid of what's on the inside
By hurting himself on the outside
Trust someone with it
I wrote this to encourage everyone who is depressed or contemplating suicide. Don't die in silence. Trust someone with it.
Jun 2017 · 545
You Alone Art God
There's a woman who bled for a dozen years
All she had to console her were her tears
But she was made whole when she touched your wears

You alone art God

This other man was born blind
He looked for solution but couldn't find
But when you came into the picture sorrows went behind

You alone art God

There's hope for a tree that is cut down
That it will bud again and leave the ground
At the scent of water running through the ground

You alone art God
Jun 2017 · 317
You need the latter
To run the former
Grace is all we need to run the race
Jun 2017 · 324
The Way Up
To die is painful
But I know of no other way up
The way up is down
Jun 2017 · 345
A child's mind
The mind of a child
Is like a freshly cemented wall
Whatever is etched on it
Cannot be erased
Jun 2017 · 504
Precious Than Gold
Don't let anybody
Force you into their mould
You're more precious than gold
Be yourself
Jun 2017 · 3.0k
You Choose
Like it or not
People will throw stones at you
You either build a beautiful edifice with it or
You throw it back at them
You choose!
Just thinking
Jun 2017 · 395
My mama used to tell me
Keep moving, don’t stop!
She says that all the time
But sometimes I wonder
What if I stop to ponder?
Does it mean I’ve shunned her?
What if I’m on a wrong track?
Will I find my way back?
I’d rather be slow on a right track
Than be fast on a wrong one
So I said to her
Mama, I don’t mean to be rude
But I won’t just keep moving
I will stop at some points
And look at my compass
To be sure I’m still on track
Because it is not how far but how well
Wrong tracks leads to wrong destinations. So stop at some points to be sure you're still on track.
Jun 2017 · 419
Upward Falling
They laughed when I fell
But when they looked
To see if I was down
I was nowhere in sight
Because I fell upwards
Don't stay down. Let the ground be a springboard
Jun 2017 · 383
I can never forget
Fifteenth July, 1997
That day in New Garden Suites, Room 205
When you inscribed your blade of deceit
Upon my innocent heart
When your shameless stick
Plunged forcefully through my flesh
And robbed me of my innocence
I never saw it coming
But how could I?!
When all I saw was a mask
Behind that sweet mask was a ferocious wolf
Waiting to devour at the slightest opportunity
I tried to wipe off every memory of you I had
But  for some reasons this one thing will not go
She stuck with me like araldite
And reminded me of that ugly night
When she was knitted in my womb
I call her Brona
Because her smell makes me sad
I wrote this for a short film, BRONA, coming out in the coming weeks. Wait for it
Jun 2017 · 490
We are nothing but pencils
I love pencils
Every tiny stroke tells a story
But never shares the glory
We are nothing but pencils
We are the clay, He is the potter
Jun 2017 · 456
You Are Precious
Just when I thought
I was the worst scriber there is
One line from you changed everything
You made me a believer again
I can never forget those words
"The world needs to breathe
The soothing air your wonderful words provide"
I almost jumped out of myself in excitement
When I heard you say that
Your heart is beautiful
The sweetest thing I have known and seen
Your words can make a dry bone live again
Thank you for bringing me back to life
You are God's precious gift to me
To my friend Ame Agami. Thank you!
Jun 2017 · 399
When I Fell
When I fell
Nobody thought I did
Because I picked something
On my way up
Jun 2017 · 622
A Home In My Heart
There's no space between us
I feel such a great force
Binding us together
Like a cord that can't be broken
Hold my hands my lady
Let's go on a journey
To a city full of love and passion
No distraction
You're my one desire
You take me higher
Every thought of you sets me on fire
Can't retire
You have a home in my heart
A song in my mouth
What a joy that wells within me
When I think about you
Jun 2017 · 460
Free At Last
Like a seed I was sown
In a soil deep and dark
hopeless and helpless
Like a prisoner in a dungeon
At the mercy of the guard
Keep me or discard me
My fate uncertain
Till the day of harvest
Alone in the midst of fellow inmates
Sentenced for life
Observing their state
A tiny hope filtered into ribs
Fed via a tiny hose
My only source of strenght
I slept in darkness
And rose in darkness
Counting my pulses
Hoping one day to see my kind
But like the plumule
I had just one target - the exterior
Waiting impatiently for the set time
Suddenly I heard a sound
The prison gate thrown wide open
But still I couldn't get out
From the other side I heard a deep voice
'At the count of three, push'
'One... two... three'
Whoever did the pushing I knew not
All I knew was that I was out at last
Though in the hands of the commander
But that bothered me no bit
After all for the first time
My innocent eyes saw the light
Tears followed a path down my cheek
I'm sure they wondered why I wept
Tears of joy of course
If only they knew my ordeal
These uncertain weeks
In my quiet heart I whispered
Free at last!
Also subtitled, the lamentation of the unborn.
Jun 2017 · 1.3k
I Have Learnt
Voices in my head
Beckoning on me to wed
The me I left and fled
Far east in tears
Till months turned to years
And outgrew my old wears

Be still my soul
To never look back, my goal
Till my life is whole
Shout all you want
To be one with you I can't
It's not easy but I have learnt
May 2017 · 271
A Perfect Lie
She wears a mask - a multi task
Living in two worlds, what a life!
In the spotlight, flashligts
In the closet, torch lights
She cries at night and smiles in the light
But none can feel the pain she feels deep inside, so sad!
She hides her shame, lives In fame
And bears a name that no one knows
She sobs right behind a smiling mask
But none can see
She lives alone in a world full of pains and emptiness
With no real friends
The more she tries to hide the tears from falling
The more she dies within
She's just a perfect lie
And hides behind a smile
But deep inside she cries
But none can hear her

— The End —