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Nathan Collins Aug 2016

We are paper lamps
We're unlit candle stands

Waiting for your hands
To set our fires alight

And guide our way through darkest nights

We all stand in need
We're sand castles by the sea

And without your reach
It would surely be our demise

We'd wash away in highest tides


Whenever we call you you are there
Whenever we're drowning you're our air
Wherever we look, you are there

Whenever we whisper silent prayers
You always listen you never fail
Whenever we need you you are there


We are loved
We are loved
We are children of the God of love
A Christian song I wrote (so far)
Nathan Collins Jul 2016
do you love us so much

The one
Who spoke existence into existence
Was thinking of you

Little us

Beginnings even began

Look at you!
You can't even fathom it
Begin to imagine
The love that was lavished

On you

They say we drown
In this love
Like in an ocean


You drown in oceans
Because oceans have depth
length and width
A surface to which
One may come to draw breath again

You can't drown

In an ocean
So vast
It ran through your future
In your past

Before there were even paths
To run through

All of infinity
Was trailblazed by love for you

There is no air to go to
In this ocean


Are we
But dust in the sky
Worth lashes in your side?


The glance
To even be considered
The apple of your eye

When you
Place in us your breath
The normal pattern of life to death
Can't help but go from death to life

For death is an ending
But you are our everlasting beginning

Made to rise by your

You are so much perfection
That making us a mere reflection
Makes us diamonds
Nathan Collins Jul 2016
Don't sing your life in falsetto
Just to reach a higher tune

There's nothing wrong with being mellow
It doesn't mean you'll catch the blues

But maybe rolling along the lines
A flat made you a minor key

You only need a few more notes
To turn it 'round to harmony

But what is music really
But a few notes on a page

Just because you're an old hymn
Doesn't mean you have to age

Maybe this is just too much
To say in just one song

Just because you're life isn't Beethoven
Doesn't mean it's wrong
Nathan Collins Jul 2016
There was a machine
That cranked and rattled

There was a machine
sputtered and clattered

All questions were battled
Inquiry shattered

A class taken faster
Than all minds could fathom

Discoveries scattered
Fleeing the merciless

Mega machine that
Cranked away

Endlessly tearing
Through anything

Everything that could be thought
Or changed in a way

Now in a void
Empty of knowledge

The machine stood motionless
Somewhat in awe

The only thing
It failed to discover

Was that it could not
Uncover it all
Nathan Collins Jul 2016
We all write
A sound dreamed in a mind's silent night

A sinking song with chords so heavy
And notes so light

They have no choice
But to take flight

We all paint murals
On a canvas far and wide

But our painting is but a pixel
For the picture is bigger

When our words collide
Nathan Collins Jul 2016
Summer falls to autumn's grip
As skies fade to grey

Green is siphoned from the leaves
By autumn's chilly, windy thieves

A swift swarm of burnt Amber
A growing flame;

A leaf tumbles from a tree
Tossed about the solemn breeze

For from its home it must now flee
To join its brothers

A single glowing ember
A remnant of September

Now lay strewn amidst the others
To be trodden by winter's feet
Nathan Collins Jul 2016
Where are you
Amidst the trees?
No, not you
You noble valiant thing

I thought you were a king
Not a refugee
Leaping from page to page
From thought to age
Evading the tinkerer's jail
Of memory
Paid ransom by some other script

Take a rest
You've been running for infinity
But you've finally run right into the wrong time:
Pass into potential's clearing
long enough
For my swift stab
"Penned" to paper

Shall we begin
The inked interrogation
To see what lies within, o suspect
Accused of rhyme?
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