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Sep 2019 · 958
nadine Sep 2019
bawat pag silip ng araw
di pa rin malunasan aking panglaw
pagka’t naglaho na ang pumukaw
ang kaisa-isang nais matanaw
ang aking hiling sa bulalakaw
ang aking irog, tanging ilaw
sadyang hindi ka na abot-tanaw
at sa panaginip nalang dadalaw
ang kaluluwa nang kinalimutang ikaw
Sep 2019 · 285
hanging bridge
nadine Sep 2019
don’t be fooled
the sparkles you see
hiding behind my eyes
are all illuminated
by the flames
this mouth
fails to liberate
i said
don’t be fooled
the beauty of my words
is all a front
letters on a scented paper
and fancy fonts
but why do you think
its ink are all
in black
Dec 2018 · 392
nadine Dec 2018
she's a whole ******* blur at the moment
she'll adjust her focus slowly
and maybe you'll see her again

then when that awaited time comes
what your hurricane had done
will be lost in the lights
of her portrait and beautiful smiles

self-love and courage building up
against the abundant scars
just you wait for her
Sep 2018 · 828
plead of tears
nadine Sep 2018
mary has gone with the wind,
lost herself finding the hope hiding within
jumped impulsively to the world so unknown
filled with lights and lies, smokes and flaws
but the road's one way, there's nowhere to go
she is as naïve as a young soul,
silently screams while the winds control her

curled on the bed as though a shrimp was elizabeth
countless questions started flooding her mind again
"hello darkness, what's on the other side of you?"
never will she know the answer, she supposed
colors were splashed all over the world but darkness conquered hers.
she, then, thought maybe it was better to just have her eyes closed.

with a pounding heart i walked closer towards the end of the cliff,
my eyes were closed and my senses were all ears; then i heard
"perfect was you, the body and face screaming of Aphrodite,
perfect was you, adored by the hearts of many,
perfect was you, the root sometimes of most's jealousy and insecurities
perfect was you, dearest Olivia…"
but never did i want to be perfect, i've always wanted to be loved.

choking because of the problems wrapped around our necks,
we hold on to battle the biggest challenges that come our way
until the world becomes so exhausting to live in
until the purpose is no longer the reason to live
may you be Mary, Elizabeth, Olivia, or yourself
as long as you can feel me easing your pain
do not give up just yet
; please.
this was written during lit class. anyway, remember that you're never alone. :)
May 2018 · 554
What I Found On Tuesday
nadine May 2018
On a warm Tuesday,
the scorching April fire ball helped me paint
4 feet 11 sized short canvass
Sunburnt tan color was poured all over me
The porcelain white skin of mine
Was gone and couldn't be described as faint
A salmon coloured glow
Stained my pale cheeks with its own hue
While a real smoked salmon
Came back to its home inside of me down there
Pair of black buttons on the upper part
Of the canvass
Mirrored the icy calming blues
As I looked at them adoringly -
and unexpectedly got splashed at
Discovering the hidden wonders under
I met a weird creature
A star, but is orange
Living in the blue crystals
Instead of spending its whole life
Floating in a jetblack background
Current was strong!
My foot was numb!
I couldn't swim up!
So I held onto the long muted yellow rope
And went back with heavy breathings
Sat on a wooden brown furniture
Stared at the big gray and greens
Parading on my sight
Passing by real fast
While I am on a humble white boat -
Everything happened,
While I am on a humble white boat
Which introduced me to his friends of different colors
I lifted the corner of the red line upward
Revealing the not-so-pearly whites
And looked at my artwork
Which I shall call
had to repost
Apr 2018 · 6.8k
nadine Apr 2018
panandaliang tamis kapalit ay walang hanggang hinagpis
masiglang pag bungisngis na napalitan nang matinding pag tangis.
mula sa lantarang pagnanais napunta sa pasikretong pagtitiis
walang pasabi, ika'y umalis
biglaan kang nanakit nang labis
bumalik ka na
Mar 2018 · 2.1k
galaxy thoughts
nadine Mar 2018
the words i wanted to speak were stuck somewhere in the galaxy in my head.
the voice to tell you hid in the black hole of my heart in dread.
the waterfalls trying to descend from my eyes stay unshed.
the stinging pain lingering in my heart for so long remains bottled.
the undying love i could not control continues to burn in red.
while you fall hard into the deep water instead.
now the undying love i could not control shreds me to threads.
if i had known it wasn't scorching fire you needed,
but the soothing liquid you've wanted,
i would not have refrained the falls from falling,
i would not have loved you hard but calm,
i would have let the blood of my pen drown you with the words
i wanted to say
but now they're
all dead stars
in the galaxies
in my head.
after almost 60 days, finally posted another.
would like to hear your thoughts. :)

this has been
nadine x
Jan 2018 · 1.6k
boxed city
nadine Jan 2018
i am my own city
i never explored
boxed in my own
little world
so scared to move forward
because whatever happens
i will never
e n o u g h.
Jan 2018 · 15.3k
nadine Jan 2018
my ears refuse to hear, and my mind refuses to believe such:
"a woman should not-!"
"a woman cannot-!"
"a woman shall never-!"
"no woman is better than-!"
horrendous words from irrational people.

a woman can sit however she wants to - crossed legs or like how men do,
a woman can wear whatever she wants to - size, length, style don't define her; the woman herself is the beautiful view,
a woman can drink, smoke, cuss, and can say no to whoever - you may be on level two, but she is too,
a woman has the every right to be treated like a human,
a woman has the every right to go beyond the four walls,
a woman has the every right to cross the limiting borders,
because we are the women,
we are more than the color red; more than our crimson red cheeks; our bright red lips; our vaginas; our period; our polished nails.
we are fierce as the orange fire, bright as the yellow sun, wild as the forest greens, beautiful as the blue reefs, and got purple hues in our skin.
we are rainbows more than just its beautiful colors -
the rainbows you sometimes fail to appreciate -
women are the rainbows that will never raise the white flag.
women are THE ****.
all the love
Dec 2017 · 843
one of them
nadine Dec 2017
To me
you were the
but to you
I was only
a part of
Dec 2017 · 433
maybe not
nadine Dec 2017
maybe it is just too scary to open up,
the judging looks invalidate what you feel
the fear completely destroys you and engulfs
all the courage and strength that's left
inside the wounded body of a pretend soldier

or maybe not.

maybe we really got each other's back,
softly patting of heads, and caressing of the hair
sweet kisses blown in the air
things that happen when we're together
parting ways, we become strangers

or maybe not.

maybe it is just all in my mind,
that we're on the other side of bad
not the worst
we're good together but not the best
we fit each other's missing piece
but hurt each other so we could fit
in the world we think we should be, at ease

or maybe not.

maybe the truth really creates a fool,
with eyes, it's still blind
could see but refuses to accept

maybe i'm a fool,
who believes i'm not.
this has been
Dec 2017 · 1.5k
nadine Dec 2017
in the middle of the vast calm sea someone threw a bottle with people locked in there instead of a letter. the sea was in chaos after the bottle came. but crashing waves wavered no bottle, storms broke no tiny vessel. rather than calling it tough, the bottle fought because it was scared. no more.
escape. don't we all just want to escape from the bottle-
the suffocating bottle where you meet various people with different personalities, we never realize but we sometimes try to please.
win. don't we all just want to win the battle - the tiring battle between what kind of person you really are
a beautiful rose with thorns
from what kind of person you try to be
the circular puzzle piece for a rectangle-shaped puzzle quiz.
don't we all just wanna ruin our bottle and be who we are -stunning, unique, mysterious or what your personality is in the calm sea where you can be free
break free
this has been
nadine x
Oct 2017 · 472
nadine Oct 2017
As the rain outside gets louder,
With our favorite song on repeat,
I kept thinking, will I get better?
Will I cry again in discreet?
No, it was never easy.
To heal by yourself,
to keep your unsaid feelings in the shelf.
Every raindrop I hear, makes it harder to cover
Makes the pain heavier than ever
Every raindrop I hear, makes it harder to be strong
"I can last long, I can go along"
But it still hurts, I'm still stuck on that repeated song
And you're already on the next track

Woke up in my cold bed, i feel blank
Looking at the other side of it has made my heart sank
My tears are calling me again,
Like a clock, who doesn't stop ticking
I swallowed the big lump on my throat
And started to say what I feel in the form of silent cry
I kept asking myself, is there an antidote?
Will these tears soon run dry?
I turned the shower on, wishing this will wash the pain away
Every drop covers the tears from today
It makes me look like I'm still okay
Every drop, and I still feel the same way
I still feel like a drop, or perhaps, I really am
I was up there happy before you let go of my hand
And I got dropped on the ground.
it was a rollercoaster ride.
Oct 2017 · 1.2k
take me back
nadine Oct 2017
you were always so dedicated in fixing my hair
everytime you stop, you smile and stare
i was so sure the galaxy was in your eyes, not outside of earth
fast heartbeats and halted breaths right after you've found tranquility in my shoulder
when tears have filled my eyes you were there
your chin rested at the top of my head trying to make me feel better
i've never felt so beautiful and fair
until you told me i was, you even swore
those ways got me and my soul ensnared
by you, a debonair, and your words
but do you really care?
i have thousands of questions hanging in the air
i don't ask for i already know the answer
maybe you do, until you've found her.
maybe you do, but i can never be her.
maybe you do, and i wish i was her.
maybe you still do but now i just want to take me back from you
oh please, tell me i still could.
stop me from falling deeper
Sep 2017 · 1.7k
baby blue eyes
nadine Sep 2017
eyes so deep and blue as though the sky in a humid morning
eyes so deep and blue as though the vast ocean, scary yet calming
so deep, i'd dive in the universe they hold
so blue, it colored my monochromatic world
nadine x
Sep 2017 · 2.3k
Fatal Silence
nadine Sep 2017
pile of unpleasant thoughts and words blasting through my ears
silent cries were the reason why my sky is still clear
been eating thorns through the years
from all the flowers this mouth spit
when it should be nothing but brier
i've been drowning in cold water
but i still give warm smile to others
been trying to silence the screaming pain
but being broken inside is something i couldn't really feign.
deafening silence.
this has been,
Sep 2017 · 2.2k
sweetest dreams
nadine Sep 2017
sweetest dream

i always see your eyes at night,
in the dark, they shine so bright
when your gaze landed softly on mine
your twinkling eyes found my dreamy eyes screaming my desiresㅡ screaming you.
It was a sign.

the fire of our lamps was so close to ignite
you were so close,
but it doesn't feel right.
and then i blinked twice. thrice.
and almost thousands of times.
nothing has changed.
only the stars have welcomed my sight.
suddenly, a bitter smile was painted on my face,
it was right afterall.

in reality, you're a star.
you were close enough for me to see you glow
but not close enough for me to see upclose.
in my dreams, you are real.
for you are all the good dreams
my reality couldn't bear to hold.
maybe this was for my kpop boy
this has been
Sep 2017 · 624
I Have Never Loved
nadine Sep 2017
i have never loved someone so real and sincere as much as this heart of mine beats for you with no fear, a knight ready to cross our frontier
brick by brick, i break
step by step, i fall
but my knees refuse to wobble
for my love's sake
i have never loved someone so hard and foolish as much as i love you that i could pick up your shards. i am scarred, but my wounds will vanish, for sure
body covered with steel, love is the only sword to wield
a battle where i can't just standstill, although your ice got my knees congealed
soaked with scarlet hues, hot tears have watered the dry battlefield
my pale lips are bruised, evidence i can never conceal
but i smile.
i'm happy you're whole, even if i'm all over the floor.
i'm happy you're with someone better instead of a broken soul.
i have never loved someone so much that i could bleed all my blood, burn all my flesh and tear my heart into two, just so i could give you the constellatons you deserve, and not a dead star who gave all her shine for you.
i can fight for your happiness, but sadly not for what i feel. i wish i have won the battle.

this has been
Sep 2017 · 5.4k
I'm Beautiful, Aren't I?
nadine Sep 2017
My eyes always see the floor when I walk by
But my ears can still hear the mocking laughs
Fingers pointing at me
As though knives stabbing me repeatedly
Splitting my heart into halves
I still look in the mirror that doesn't lie
They have eyes, nose, lips, and everything
And so do I
Now, what's wrong with this face of mine?
The acne, freckles, pores, scars, and whatnot?
People can have it, who says they cannot?
"Too slim, too fat"
I am me, can't society accept that?
I asked the mirror that doesn't lie,
"I'm beautiful, aren't I?"
f u ck so c i e ty
this has been
Sep 2017 · 386
nadine Sep 2017
at the end of the day
you still matter
to me
a lot
but i wonder
my love
do i even have
just a small
in your
uhmmm a shortie
nadine x
Aug 2017 · 530
nadine Aug 2017

out of all the words existing in this planet
four letters combined from the alphabet
my mouth could easily say
knows every corner of my soul.

you aim at me your deadliest bullet
and shoot it straight to my most fragile and vulnerable part
until i'm totally scarred, for life.

you just won't let go of my heart, even if it's all torn apart. you said i was your home.

and i was scared.... yet happy.
scared because somehow, i almost believed that maybe you were home, too. the feeling that's making my heart ache, all the tears i've shed, the words left unsaid; they all define home. which is clearly not.

but at the same time happy because, finally, regardless of how broken i am, someone accepted me. even just for a short minute, in the middle of my chaos, i may not have found peace and hope, but i found home.
this has been
Jul 2017 · 359
nadine Jul 2017
No one can break me,
I swore
I am the black and white full of colors
But your hurtful words,
came rushing down my shore
I am indestructible,
I swore
But I fell five, stood up four
You hurt me
like I asked you to do the honors
this has been
Jun 2017 · 329
nadine Jun 2017
you never had hands and arm
to touch my heart
you never had the ears
to listen to my tears
all it takes is a paper and pen
to have you as my friend
this has been
Jun 2017 · 468
This Spring
nadine Jun 2017
I walked on the streets
My favorite album on repeat
Hands inside my jean's front pocket
Eyes on the way ahead
But as cliche as it sounds
I bump into you
Our eyes met
Our skin touched
The electricity, I'm sure you also felt?
Standing next to you
It's the right place, I knew
This spark will create countless "BOOM!" soon
Love as though flowers that will bloom
Ready to grow past the ceiling
Right now, this spring
this has been
Jun 2017 · 506
No Good
nadine Jun 2017
i took a glimpse of you
pitch black eyes shows no hue
it resembled the deep ocean but not the blue
there's a caution tapes says danger
i'd drown if i'd stare longer
but i'd regret if i won't, it's now or never
something so different in you i couldn't decipher
all i know is that i’m a risk-taker

cherry lips i couldn't neglect
like tasty liquor i couldn't reject
too much would make me drunk
a taste of nothing would leave me blank
like drunk memories
we can always forget what happened
but like our favorite drink
we can’t forget how our lips tasted

this is no good but we ain’t bad
we drape each other with warmth
and leave each other in the cold and dark
this is no good but we ain’t bad
this has been
Jun 2017 · 1.2k
Who Are You?
nadine Jun 2017
"Who are you?" asked the girl staring at me
Voice hinting joy, but eyes screaming of pity
I stared back right at her with the eyes she despise
"I am lonely," tone as cold as the breeze at night
Expression as empty as her soul
Storytelling her life in three words
"I don't know you!" she denies
But, why do I hear your cries?

"Tell me, do I know you?" eyebrows furrowed, confused
I extended my hand as the corner of my lips turned upward
"Let me touch you," I wanted you to feel my warmth
But you refused
You didn't care if my hand was alone hanging in the air
"Go away!" you ordered
Was it anger or despair?

"Who are you?" they always ask
I, who wants you to never run
Either from the drowning wave, or the bright rays of sun
I, who only wants you to be human
this has been
Jun 2017 · 1.5k
nadine Jun 2017
Waking up in a dark room illuminated by the bright rays of sunshine - it's not the typical start of my day.
All the time, I've been swirling around the hurricane barefooted, thinking it was fine.
Sand is what beneath,
But blood was on my feet.
Only to discover that the sand was a sharp knife.

Cold breeze at night touched my skin and left me shivering in thrills,
Resembling your voice, my heart cried in extreme pain as if it was in drills.
The tiny drops of water from the blue sky flows down and cries,
Just like how happy memories got drowned in the ocean of lies.

Unafraid to touch a beautiful rose with deadly thorns,
For there's nothing much more blood to get spilled.
My heart was covered with steel as my shield,
Still you managed to broke and hurt me to the core.

Trapped inside a small dark chained room was me,
Screaming at you, pleading to set me free.
Knowing there's no escape in this unending misery,
You gave up, without knowing your heart is the chain's key.
this has been

— The End —