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 Aug 2015 Michelle
It terrifies me
How easy it is to live without you.
That's the real reason
I try so hard to keep you close.
It doesn't make sense to me that this love
Could cool so.
That's why I cling.
That's why I panic.
That's why
I try
So hard.
I can't let you forget me
But worse
The worst
I can't let me
Forget you.
You left.
You left and it mattered.
You left and I grew without you
I learned without you
I became
Without you.
You left.
And although I fear that
Fear you
What I am... so much more afraid of
Is this:
Last year
You taught me
That you are
And I didn't want to know.
 Aug 2015 Michelle
Rebecca Shain
 Aug 2015 Michelle
Rebecca Shain
Hey you,  
Yes, you.
Don't do that to yourself.
Don't allow someone to treat you like that.
This is your life.
Don't let other people burn you to the ground.

Hey you,
Yes, you.
You put the ******* stars in the sky.
Your are gold.
You are art.
Stop letting people make you feel small.

You are fascinating, don't surround yourself with people who are not curious about you.

I believe that you are a miracle and its about time you started to believe it too.
This is for everyone.
 Aug 2015 Michelle
I tried to scrub your name
out of my head,
but all I got was skin and soap
under my nails.
 Aug 2015 Michelle
Vamika Sinha
Sun slits in through slats
of kitchen window blinds
and she is alone.

The art major is cooking
pretending her thrifted T-shirt
bearing a cotton copy
of Campbell's Soup Cans
is not stained with tears and blood.
Oh, but that's hysterics and
art has a tendency of making its worshippers
The blood is only tomato sauce
and the tears...
well, what are tears but
water and salt?
After all, dramatizing the
mundane is just one awkward shade
of artistic temperament.
Visualizing life through
a heavy silk screen.

The art major sighs and
The spaghetti is redder and
redder as she cooks.
Just as
her paintings bleed more blood
as she dangles a brush over them -
the teary-eyed watercolours.

The art major has decided
that drawing out extremities
of colour
might transform
her own life into
a pop of a Warhol painting.

The art major sighs and

She thinks, tries to
in technicolour.
Today's thought-pencilled thesis
concludes (like a brush stroke of uncertain finality) that
love is the red of tomato soup cans.
Anger is the boil, passion is
the gulp,
danger, caution, warning,
the hot breaths, fleeting warmths,
the burn and sweet and tang.
She looks down at the
scarlet of
Warhol's soup cans,
blooming in worn out cotton
on her chest.

It might as well be blood, she
It is,
it is,
it is.
Blood red love -
tomato soup cans.

Sun sets in slits
through kitchen window blinds
and she is still alone.

The art major sighs and
The spaghetti is ready.
I once saw a T-shirt of Campbell's Soup Cans in Forever 21. I didn't buy it.
Also, Andy Warhol is endlessly amazing.
 Aug 2015 Michelle
EP Mason
 Aug 2015 Michelle
EP Mason
Letting go of you
was the hardest thing I've done
staying there was worse
 Aug 2015 Michelle
One day you'll fall in love and in your lover's arms you'll call home,
or you won't
and if you don't,
that's okay.
All the places will feel better if not the same;
none of the corners will be laced with regret or heartbreak.
Your home will be a building,
with less unnecessary footsteps.
If yours are all the merry,
then you will be just fine.
Don't mistake absence with loneliness;
Don't let others say you're wrong.
Feel what you feel and live your life freely.
Never pretend, for your heart is alright as it is, without fire.
You're my drug fueled fantasy
And all i want is you to dance with me
I'm never coming down
Rather overdose than have a peak
Will you intravenously love me for the right price?
I need your high tonight.
And i just might do anything to feel your bite

— The End —