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I've been using tears and anger
To hide the fact that
I'm just really really tired.
And I don't think caffeine
Or pills
Are helping anymore.
I'm afraid I'm getting bad again - it's been so long, and I forgot what the brokenness feels like. I wish it had never stopped or I wish I could forget again.
Full of dark and danger,
I won't lie and say it's easy
It's been a long road that I'm on
And I admit that it used to be
That I didn't even trust that road
To stay under my feet.
But you know what?
I'm healing.
I am.
And one of these days
Maybe normalcy
Will come strolling along
And take me by the hand
And I'll be better
I'll get better.
Maybe someday soon
I'll see what I couldn't see before
That it's all been a road
Just a path
One that we all must take
And it's going to be okay.
I'm going to be okay
Until then,
I don't always trust the road
But I'm trying
To trust the one who paved it.
I think it's all going to be okay. I haven't seen that for a long time, but I do. I think it's going to be okay. I hope someday if and when the darkness falls again, I can look back at this and remember that: *I'm going to be okay*.
Marisa Lu Makil Dec 2024
Inside, I tell me
It's not worth living
It's not worth trying
I'm better off dying
But I hold it all back
By constantly vying
That my nephew
Needs one more
Little kiss.
My coworker made a joke about dying today, and I countered by saying that it will have to wait because I need to give my little 2-year-old nephew one more kiss, and it occurred to me that giving him one more little kiss on his soft toddler cheek is plenty reason for me to keep going. I'm willing to keep pushing through if for no other reason than this: he needs one more kiss from his auntie. He may never know how many times he has saved me, but I can pay him back by trying to give him the auntie he deserves to have.
Marisa Lu Makil Nov 2024
He twisted me
I don't know anymore
The truth is
I don't know anymore
What is safe
What is a dangerous
I can't tell
Which people
Or things
Are right
Are safe
Are true
And what is wrong
And dangerous
And a lie
Wandering hands
All of them
A mind game
A lie
Telling me
"It's okay"
It was never okay
And they ask me what's wrong
And am I alright
And they say how much I've changed
And "You didn't used to be this way"
But the truth is
I'm not here anymore
she isn't here anymore.
Fifteen years later
I'm not the little girl
You took advantage of
She's gone
She's not coming back
She died fifteen years ago
In that dim bedroom
Beneath a heavier
And now
What has become my commonplace
Is not common in this place
Deep inside me
I think she's still in there
That little girl
11 years old
Whispering again and again
Through the tears
"He said it was okay
He said it was okay
He said it was okay"
I've thought long and hard about posting this. It's been sitting in my Drafts folder for months, being edited and changed here and there while I decide if I'mbrave enough to share it. I've been too afraid to post this, but I knew that one day, I would have the courage to let other people read it, because I'm healing. It's slow and hard and painful, but I'm healing. I am. I'm doing it with my hands shaking, but I'm doing it, and my eyes are open.
Advice on falling in love with an assault survivor
The first time you look at them
They will do one of two things.
They will either not look you in the eye
Out of fear that your passion will burn them
After all,
The last time another's eye stared through their paper skin
They caught on fire.
Or this person may stare straight back into your pupil
As though they are staring death straight in the face
There is no in between with a survivor
They will either move too fast or not at all
But their trust is the petal of a daisy in the desert
Withered and delicate as you touch them for the first time
You cannot expect warmth from something so broken
For survivors train themselves to ignore the ghost in their heads
But that demon will always show up
And when they finally let you undress them
You undress their monster as well
As you remove articles of clothing
Their body begins to freeze over
And the spirit they could once hide and stow away
Is now at the forefront of everything.
They train themselves to have *** with the lights off
Because should a fleck of brightness reveal an eye
A nose
A mouth
The face of their abuser will fill in the rest
They do not want you to see their body
For the scars leave train tracks of the places they've been
Crawling in fields of thorns
Wrapping themselves in knives
Swallowing perceived sanity in the form of a pill
They will not always be okay
Because in their mind they are constantly at war
With an enemy ship that retreated long ago.
To everyone around them, they are a martyr
They have won the battle
But in their mind
They are a fallen soldier
Who can't stop hearing their own gunshots fire
Into the chest of their opponent.
Falling in love with an assault survivor
Is agreeing to watch parts of them
Go up in flames
Over and over again
And picking up the ashes they leave behind.
Marisa Lu Makil Nov 2024
I asked God if he loved me
He said "of course I do"
I told him I don't feel it
So how could it be true?

I told Him I feel broken
And lost and so unloved
So how could He claim to love me
If I didn't feel beloved?

I told God I was angry
And felt fear and hate inside
I never really understood
How to see through the lies

I told Him I was tired
And I didn't want to fight
Asked how I could hold a sword
When I'm bleeding deep inside.

I told God I was lonely
And I wanted someone near
He told me that He loved me
And He is always here

I told God that I wanted more
To be held and be known
I felt like it wasn't enough-
His ruling from a throne

I asked God if He loves me
He said "Of course I do"
I told Him I don't feel it
So how could it be true

I told God I was weary
And I wished to see His face
And if I looked upon it,
I'd better feel His grace

He said to trust His timing
To wait, and to be brave
And He'd prove it's not my feelings
But myself He came to save
I don't always FEEL like He loves me. In fact, a good deal of the time, I FEEL like he doesn't. Life is long and hard, and I am a sinful woman. I sin, which makes me FEEL like I am further away from Christ, and that FEELING drives me to sin even more by doubting that He is with me at all. I am a loveless, depressed, angry, impatient, unkind, wicked, unfaithful, harsh, chaotic sinner, and I often FEEL like that makes me unacceptable to God. But I have this hope: That He didn't come to save perfect people. He came to save people like me. People who are lost, and broken, and angry and afraid. He didn't come to save my FEELINGS. FEELINGS are fleeting and deceiving. I can't trust them. But I can trust the one who promises to give me love that trumps my lovelessness, joy that conquers my depression, peace that washes away my anger, patience that overcomes my impatience, kindness that tears away my unkind heart, goodness that breaks apart my wickedness, faithfulness that covers my unfaithfulness, gentleness that soothes my harshness, and self-control that teaches me to do away with chaos. I can't trust my FEELINGS, but I can trust Him.
Marisa Lu Makil Aug 2024
I'm sorry that you raised me to be better than I am
I'm sorry that I told you I was fine, *** it's a sham
And I'm sorry that I missed every bar that you held high
I wish that I could tell you I'm okay, but that's a lie

I'm sorry that I spilled that drink and broke that porcelain cup
I wish that I could fix it, but there's no patching me up
I'm sorry for the hateful things I tell me in my head
And I'm sorry you wanted a daughter and you got a mess instead
I feel like I can't even talk to her anymore. It's not her fault, I just wish I could be okay for her. I'm sorry, mama that I couldn't be normal and okay.
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