Beirut, Lebanon I live in the Soho of the Middle East; Beirut has been my lover, I learned to love her and be proud of her through her highs and darkest lows. She has been my muse along with the characters that thrive in it.
I created a love affair with words and the w 411 followers / 12.5k words
I gained weight my shoulde(r)s slouch(e)d at the burden I am carrying that'(s) increasing with my age as time piles my waist ex(p)ands fertility is just an adjective with(o)ut a part(n)er sen(sib)ly carry(i)ng (li)fe's weigh(t) (y)ou
Putting pen to paper slowly serenades my nerves and carefully caresses my insecurities to make me mindfully and mindlessly fall for every dent the words put in my chapter