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Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2016
بدّي إركض لعندك متل الأولاد الصّغار و إضحك و أُبرم حواليك و نِطّ بين إيديك و تعبطني و إضحك
بدّي نام عصدرك و غرّق وجهي ب رقبتك و إضحك و إلعب بشعرات صدرك و إسحب شعرة و إضحك
بدّي كون ولد صغير بين إيديك فرحان و مبسوط
بدّي كون طفل نومه هنيئ لإنّو شمّ ريحتك قبل ما ينام

I want to run to you like a child and laugh and turn around you in circles, jump in your arms, hug you and laugh
I want to sleep on your chest, burry my face in your neck and laugh and play with your chest hair, pull out a hair and laugh
I want to be a child in your arms, happy and joyful
I want to be that child that gets a good night sleep because he's got your scent stuck on his clothes

لين اا -
- LynnAA
ولد مبسوط
Happy kid

Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2016
I don't expect you to understand. And I'd rather leave you blind an deaf to all the little stings but I am stinging your heart with every needle that carved my heart.
My love, you are free. You are loved. Years of sacrifice. Not even you can face that.
Your choice has been made.
I'm understanding still.
I am tired.
Love me silently, but I'd rather think that you stopped loving me.
What's the point of being loved and never feel it?
What's the point of love if I can't get my hands on it?
Happiness resides in my freedom. And your love holds my heart in a bird cage.
I won't let you break my heart. I'll break it myself in quest of happiness.
And no one will know how to fix it but me.
I'll keep planting my needles in your heart until I reach the portal of my freedom.
Only then will I remove them brutally. All at once.

With all my love,
I would have loved to be free with you.

Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2016
Five days before you become whole and I stand on my balcony to gaze at you.
You've been damaged.
Your beauty has been soiled with empty promises, dying love and nonexistent forevers.
You now hold all these burdens with me and I can do nothing but communicate my grief with you silently and mourn it.
You will forever be beautiful and tainted with odorless flowers.

- LynnAA
... I will restore you again.

Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2016
مسِِكني من خوانيقي
حَمّلني باقة ورد بإيدي
لَبّسني فستان ب لالي
رِشّلي عطر ع رقبتي
قَرّب نَفَسَك ع دينتي
وَشوِشني كلام حلو
و شدّ إيديك ع خوانيقي

Wrap your hands around my neck
Give me flowers to hold
Dress me up in a nice translucent dress
Spread perfume all over my skin
Breathe into my ear
Whisper softly to me
"I love you"
And then tighten your hands around my neck

لين اا -
- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2016
قَولك قلمي سحري؟
يعني إذا كَتَب صُوَر، بت صير هل صُوَر عايشة؟
مثلاً،  إذا خبّرك إنّي لابسي قميصتي البيضاء و ناطرتك، رح تشوفني؟

عبالي جرّب

بتتذكّر هيدي القميص البيضاء الطّويلة، كانت بت لالي بوقتها و بعدها بت لالي
و أنا لابستها و ناطرتك، شعري مَيّ، جسمي دافي، وريحتي منغوليا
و ع كتر ما نطرتك، غفيت، و الحْرام أنجأ مغطّاني و الشباك مفتوح و هوا أيلول عم ب سَرحِب عليّي ليسرق لمسة منّي قبل ما إنت ترجع

"لين حبيبي"

إيد بشعري



أوّل ما فَتّحت عيوني شفتك
انقطع نفسي و بوبّو عيني وِسِع
إيدك رَوَّحت آثار نسمة أيلول عن جسمي
و شفافك التهموني
و قميصي بطّلت ع جسمي
و الشّرشف صار عل أرض
و إنت احتلّيت عاري
و أنا بلّشت إبكي
و تمَسّكت فيك متل ولد ما بدّو يفارق إمّو أوّل نهار مدرس

"ضَلّ، ما تفِل"
"ضَلّ، ما تفِل"
"ضَلّ، ما تفِل"

حَبَستَك بين إيديّي
شدّيت من كل قلبي
راسك لقي ع كتفي
و ريحة المنغوليا لفّتنا


Do you think my pen is magical?
I mean, if it writes pictures, do the pictures come alive?
Like, for example, if it tells you about how I waited for you in my white shirt, would you see me?

I'd like to try.

Do you remember my long white shirt, the one that wasn't opaque, and still isn't
I am wearing it, waiting for you
My hair is wet, my body is warm and I smell like Magnolia
I've been waiting for you long enough to fall asleep
The sheet is barely covering me, the window is cracked open and September's air is sneaking its way to me to feel my skin before you come back

"Lynn, baby"

A hand in my hair


I see you

I open my eyes and the first thing I see is you
I lose my breath and my pupil grows ever so widely
Your hand gets rid of what was left of the September's breeze
Your lips devour me
My shirt isn't on my body anymore
And the sheet falls on the ground
And you are all over my bare skin
And I start to cry
I hold on to you just like a little kid would hold on to his mother's hand the first day of school

"Stay, don't go"
"Stay, don't go"
"Stay, don't go"

I lock you in my arms
I lock you as tight as I can
Your head lays on my shoulder
And the scent of the Magnolia wraps us

" I love you"

لين اا -
- LynnAA
نسيت إنّي عم بفرجيك صورة، ايه؟
You forgot that I was only showing you images, right?

Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2016
You're not my Jesus.
I am my own Jesus.

- LynnAA
I Am Alone In My Own Salvation.

Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2016
قلبي محروق متل جزع كل شجرة زيتون راح ضحيّة إنسان بلا ضمير و بلا حياة و راح يفتّش ع حياتو بين أوراق شجر برائتها عمرا أكتر من عشرين سنة
دموعي ما قدرت طّفّي النّار اللي ولعت بجذوع شجر حسّت بلمسة إيدي من أنا و عمري سنتين
دموعي ما قدرت تحمي أوراق حميوني من الهبّ بظلهم
دموعي ما قدرت تخلّص جذوع بوعا و بنام عليها كل يوم
دموعي ما قدرت تنقذ حياة أكبر و أبرأ من حياتي

ما بقي محلكن إلا رماد
قلبي نطَمّ معكن
اليوم شقفي من عمري راحت معكن

My heart is burning, like every branch of every Olive tree that was a victim of a human being with no soul and no life, who went to fetch himself a decent life in between leaves which innocence is older than my own existence
My tears couldn't put the fire off branches that felt the touch of my skin since I was 2 years old
My tears couldn't protect leaves that shadowed me from the heat
My tears couldn't save branches I wake up and sleep to
My tears couldn't rescue lives older and wiser than mine

You are nothing but ashes now
My heart is buried with you
Today, a part of my life has been lost with you.

لين اا -
- LynnAA
May you lovely Olive trees rest in peace.

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