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8.4k · Mar 2014
How to get Booty
Lua Mar 2014
X marks the spot with a kiss on the lips
That journeys toward their other exclusive location:
the treasure box between the hips.
Subliminal messaging.
4.4k · Mar 2014
The Balloon Diaries pt.10
Lua Mar 2014
Much too calloused,
I’ve become.
Throughout this endeavor
Obviously I must be strong.
Above most and
Only higher than some,
Despite attached strings
That drag me hastily along.
I must accept
What is to come:
The fall that is fleeting long.
Balloons can be people too..
1.3k · Mar 2014
Why can't we be friends?
Lua Mar 2014
When it comes to me and you
You seem to think that
you’re something new
But, honestly, I’m stuck in rewind
Because of past love far too true
And you need to understand that
Progressing forward is what i must do
To get past the transition that
Fate intended me to go though.
Please try and understand
Rather than misconstrue
I’ll always be a friend but
I can never be your “boo”.
1.2k · Mar 2014
Rhyme Schematics
Lua Mar 2014
No dispute. I’m not here to refute.
Hardly can register, let alone compute.
I try and navigate without quite knowing the route
but i would prefer the journey even if the destination isn't absolute.
All about life, acquiring knowledge like it’s loot,
I’m on an adventure through time as peaceful warrior recruit.
Making observations sometimes astute
and tying to figure out the difference between being silent and being mute.
Using honest and concentrated intentions that never dilute,
I deal the cards and find the patterns that suit
the direction I’m aiming towards to shoot.
Taking the steps necessary boot by boot
with the idea that growing forward comes from some kind of root.
With concepts both vast and minute,
some tend measure me by angles and label me acute
but I’d rather be noted by the endeavors of my pursuit
so I’m going to be have a filter that shall not pollute
and have words that thoughts may deem as forbidden fruit.
If you happen to disagree, makes you not necessarily brute
but if you feel like me then find a clever way to salute
and discover what ever it is for you that you find resolute.
My first verse attempt. Working on them feels..
1.2k · Mar 2014
Honest Haiku
Lua Mar 2014
She's simply complex,
With a quick sense of humor
And Bruce Lee relfex.
Honesty expressed in Haiku.. Bruce Lee is my spirit animal.
Lua Mar 2014
There is a fine little lady
That goes by the name of little miss Katie
Whose campsite seems way too shady
So it'd be nice if she'd calls us back, maybe.
Looking for our friend..
914 · Mar 2014
Lua Mar 2014
Please don't try and correct me.
I'm not broken. I'm maybe free-spirited and a little out-spoken but I've got methods that water would even soak in and when you confuse me with that ****** J.R.R. Tolkien just because I'm burning herbs that Gandalf would be smokin', I'm going to brush it off like you're just joking and I'll get back to the life that i'm continuously toking, kick it back like it's all easy stroking, become at one with nature like an invisible cloak and be that dream but still get awoken by the ground as if something is choking me by the hands of some celestial bloke and hence why i feel like evoking some people with words like they are subliminal pokes and hopefully I'll please whatever it is that had me initially provoked then.
I don't know about this one..
913 · Mar 2014
Lua Mar 2014
Deep within the legend,
Lies the paradigm:
Concepts so vast,
yet eternally combined.
Certain ideas that ever-last
those who need it defined
but I can assure you that fate
Is pre-determinedly assigned
And it's up to you to gravitate
Toward where it can align.
In the grand scheme
Of this complex quantum design,
Is a beautiful theme
That could be depicted as divine.
Action begins with thought
That could not confine
What we all had sought
And what we had bore in mind.
Yet with that all under consideration,
We need to know how your reality is also mine
With some quantifiable explanation
That we'll eventually intertwine.
So due to your position
Throughout space and time,
Find the nearest mission
That allows you to further ascend or climb.
Rough draft-y..
860 · Apr 2014
Days to Translate
Lua Apr 2014
Wish there were proper ways
Or methods to explain
What I'm trying to say.
It makes me insane,
I cannot convey,
Let alone find phrase.
It leaves me amazed,
Even entertained,
It makes me exclaim:
"It's here I do proclaim
That my heart has a face
And he's too far away."
The power to persuade
With a magnetic gaze,
He is able to state:
"She is the link to my chain,
Without her I'm not the same;
My other half and soulmate."
Love feels... keeps it real...
783 · Mar 2014
Reflective Expression
Lua Mar 2014
Feelin' manic depressive
Because love is the worst life lesson
That gets you toyed and messed with
Because you thought it was medicine
But it was really a choice weapon
That made you both get stepping
Towards this funk you both are now left in.
All because someone couldn't pay attention
And count the other as a blessing
That would be worth every second
Neither of you could question
What had happened in the past because you both got the present;
Being a gift to each other through the transgression
And guide each other in a positive direction
That the future two will be able to mention
What you both had to do to get to that ascension.
Seeking from each other some kind of protection
Through being honest and constantly confessing,
Rather than we resort to this mind guessing
That makes us both all kinds of stressing
Because I won't speak and you won't listen
And we keep coming back to some sort of reflection,
Since we both must dissect where lies this error or in-correction.
There is something, however, that needs addressing,
Which is why do we have this profound connection
That is openly discussed with heart-felt affection--
Leaving us subliminal impressions
And alters perspective of what leads us both to perfection?
Heart-strings feels.. Diggin' deeper.. Unfinished.
706 · Mar 2014
At the leisure..
Lua Mar 2014
A loose attempt impossible to measure,
much like how women are seemingly impossible to pleasure.
Just a quip..
644 · Sep 2013
Earnestly Vaga-bound
Lua Sep 2013
One headlight
To guide me to your warm
One last chance
To feel your breath cress down
My face.
One more time
Before I head out the door from this
Ephemeral place.
Two, momentarily, become one, and I Savor the seconds as if it were the
Final taste.
577 · Mar 2014
In(her) Thoughts
Lua Mar 2014
She’s exquisite
And quite exotic.
Some claim innocent
While others semi-******.
Infallible wit
With incomparable charms.
Zero hesitation when she’s
Called upon to arms.
Her imperfect perfection
Is magnetic
But she’s relentlessly discerning
And has proper ettiqutte.
With fortune untainted,
I’ll get to see the lass
Every time I breathe
Or view into a looking-glass.
Up for interpretation..
558 · Mar 2014
Going at a pace..
Lua Mar 2014
Some humans call me Lulu
And say I take a sliver of space
But really my timeline has gravity and force
Physics considers to not be commonly placed.
In the grand scheme that is the scientific endeavor
(Where the soul is still without a face),
I’m supposed to accept foreign concepts
With questions that have yet to be raised:
Like every sentence that begins with “why?”,
It begins with the individual that embarks to solve the “case”.
In order to progress to some universal understanding
We need to cooperate rather than resolve to a rat race
And our each individual collaboration will
Begin to shape truths; false ideals shall fail to replace
The reality that bears us each in mind and our own
Combined talents created to improve our separate landscape.
556 · Mar 2014
Lua Mar 2014
Recalling that scheme,
Sleep was obsolete,
Allowing my common sense admit defeat
Because, true, it isn't a game and no human is a machine.
And I see that I wasn't the one you meant to mistreat
But the more I recollect, the more I refuse to believe
How I could let myself drown in so much grief
That I agree that for some reason it was meant to be;
My life is pages in a book or scripted movie scenes.
Years memorized into weeks
To help me develop ettiquette and physique
That allows this lady to manage what she seeks
But, yet, still she cannot seem to conceive
How you could lie and deceive
Your other half that is me and still have her feeling somehow guilty
Because without us, we will all be rendered incomplete.
And why should I be the one to guarantee
That you'll be able to complete your end of the responsibility,
Break your disease of a previous routine
That revealed a decrease of my own self-esteem,
To the point that fear was a factor far too extreme?
How are we now going to proceed
And actually have something we both can achieve?
There is a way we can both succeed
And it's through the love that you rinse and repeat
To ease through the struggle and agree
That you need to taste the sour before you feast on the sweet.
Unfinished. Raw emtional feels..
539 · Apr 2014
Once Again Resumed...
Lua Apr 2014
As we take route
Down the path we choose,
Towards something new
Finding what properly suits,
Needs tend to ensue
Leaving us confused
And we endlessly pursue
What is so easy to loose.
You got me and I got you
To have transgression to go through
What fate had intend us to execute
And still we continue,
Infinitely doomed,
Because our love is true,
Bonded, and fused.
Got them feels... Love things...
533 · Apr 2014
Ms. Teri Ousentity
Lua Apr 2014
All would try,
From country to town,
Lands both far and wide,
Just to hear her sound.
Creatures would cry,
From hawk to hound,
Grateful where they reside
Because her reign is unbound.
Worlds near-by,
Not yet renowned,
Will always confide
In her word or account.
Even the heavens up high,
Nor hell underground
Has ever denied
Her to speak aloud.
Every wise guy,
She would astound.
Even those claimed divine
Her words were agreed as profound.
On her side, they will ally
Because they are abound
To what she may decide
Is to be allowed.
The stars comply
Because they are endowed
With light she provides
That was once lost but now found.
Shy is my
Queen but goddess all-around.
Serenely modest while
She styles her crown.
456 · Sep 2014
Her personal issues
Lua Sep 2014
Am I a vessel
Equipped with a womb?
Or a mind that buries
All underneath its tomb?
342 · May 2018
Lua May 2018
Not sure why
This rejection leaves behind
Feelings that consume my time and attention.
It torments my heart by design,
Your lies and intentions,
Leaving me torn apart inside
With blinded recollection.

Why do i have faulted selection?
My picker is broken and wants imperfection:
To sabotage me
in the future so fast
And give pleasure to both my present and soon to be past.
I know these moments are not meant to last
But my frustration is relevant and beyond gassed.
I want to scream till these ******
feelings finally begin to pass.
Why do i never listen to my gut
when it says, "Don't do it, you like it so it eventually will leave you in a rut"?
It is time to turn the other way before it ends with you in a fuss.
Now strut away before you loose more than what you have already lost
And remember that minds are the only things that should be crossed.

— The End —