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Mar 2018 · 192
Long after you’re gone
ƛrtie Mar 2018
I dashed my hope
of giving voice to the words
that could have so easily been said.
Long after you’re gone,
I find myself hunting heads
between the rabble
not surrending
till I find one as nice as yours.
Long after you’re gone,
I sigh in a taxi around the night because
once more I return home
still without
having cherished the stars with you.
Long after you’re gone,
I’m more mess,more tangle, more cluster
than I used to.
but I keep reminding my drained bones
not to fall but
to stand upright
with maid,
even if they thought you were my backbone.
Long after you’re gone,
every other afternoon
for you
I sing the songs that
give voice to the words that could have so easily been said.
Long after you’re gone,
I reminisce and recapture your time on me
which resembles
the bees and the flowers in the spring,
long before it passes into oblivion.
Long after you’re gone,
I recall the moment
in which i reached your lips with my own
aiming to descend into your world
but you stepped back,
and long after you’re gone,
i haven’t gone under that kind of beauty again.
Long after you’re gone,
I scrawl poems on my bedroom walls
which embellish ways and oddities
in which I resort to
to make you remember.
But long after you’re gone,
I know you are
the poem i always needed.
Apr 2017 · 307
ƛrtie Apr 2017
Unseen and uncounted,
did I sat and look
around –pathetic girl–
the only sound heard
the gentle move
of me easing myself out
your lucky hand.

Shadows casting by
the thin rays of moonlight,
the gaps in your heart.
Gnarled fingers
wagging at me
when my carved
feelings fight
and perform
their macabre dance.

And then I'm
just breathing again,
trapped in bornout faces,
lost in wrong places,
with just a superboy in my chest.

Managed to force
my way out,
doors locked,
lights and eyes shut,
just you testing
my sour mouth,
before my heart is done.
Apr 2017 · 536
Your love
ƛrtie Apr 2017
As a gentle pulse of my verdant heart,
caressing my gracious unrivalled dreams,
you are the color to my shallow art,
I observe you and at once my soul beams.

You were the nitid glimmer that saw me when I was in the purity of dark,
as if your captivating eyes told me
between us lays love's invincible spark.

Honey, your love shuddered my withered heart,
like the breeze that crosses rills and shakes oaks,
with the abscense of you my world falls apart,
to the ashes of our warmth die my hopes.

Roses are red, violets are blue,
I'm out of my head while thinking of you.


Apr 2017 · 309
maybe im dreaming
ƛrtie Apr 2017
maybe im dreaming
in a pebble-free glass
on a fire without the ashes
in a gaze without temptation
in a kiss without the tingling on the lips and a love without edge and cutting glasses
sometimes im dreaming
just like that
Apr 2017 · 265
empty thoughts
ƛrtie Apr 2017
my slumber heart flickers
at the thought of you
how can you be?

its you and the moon
wide awake
underneath and above
full of naivity

careless like the ocean breeze
and hearted
like a blank page
on a old notebook full of words
that mean
the ultimate
and complete
Apr 2017 · 228
ƛrtie Apr 2017
the pulses
of my verdant heart
when yours
blooms inside it
but the fear
of letting go is strong
and i chose butterflies
over aching petals
in the weakness
of the dark
Apr 2017 · 319
ƛrtie Apr 2017
give me
a needle and a thred
at least
to sew my heart
back in place
just to see
if its beating again
those outchesting pulses
when hearing your name
im a puppet
by the flames
on your tongue
that keep me alive
by your water that pours
every little flower
in me
Apr 2017 · 297
a little
ƛrtie Apr 2017
a little unsettled
would you pick me up
to admire my petals?
a little hurting
how can you paint
but not see the trembling scars?
at least some breaking
and i'll pour  
over you
all my
scattered parts
Apr 2017 · 480
ƛrtie Apr 2017
in the dazzling
of a crowded room
im still searching for you
as traveller
detached from time
knowing the consequences
with your shadows
the most
of our love
in my
Apr 2017 · 346
Apr 2017 · 1.4k
moonless light
ƛrtie Apr 2017
chills as
your fingertips
crawl inside me
or just in the thought of it
i was hoping
for a fullmoon night
it was moonless
cause you emit
all the light needed
to highlight
the habits of my heart
Apr 2017 · 493
love drops
ƛrtie Apr 2017
roses blooming them
my lips
crawling cruelly
your watering
to wake up from lethargy
to appreciate you with all the honey that is left to them
and whisper to you
the most valuable artworks
as the water drip dripping,
together with love
Apr 2017 · 360
ƛrtie Apr 2017
give me
some love
she whispers
it's not some
you can't get it in pieces
he shouts
-why are you shouting?
cause the most pure things
in life
have the meanest
ways of appearing
in us.
if i shout you will be in pieces
and some wont be
a choice
whole will
Apr 2017 · 356
Apr 2017 · 271
ƛrtie Apr 2017
i wonder if your mind slips a bit in
chaos, killing doubts into lonely paths of lust, into the darkness, where my hands are ghosts touching souls, but my heart pounds rapidly ever after, thinking of you, maybe lonely, or devasted or maybe as just a reminder that life is within us, when we think of each other, when we let our wet dreams be real for once, when they slip out of our sneaky minds, pass loads of roads and miles and miles
just to get into two strange arms and a heartbeat. Cause baby we've got miles ahead us, and pure lights to show us the way when everything is blur. Everything except you. Cause you, you're my lifeguard. When I'm at the edge, when my feet can't bare the shore anymore, when my head's in the clouds and my feet lost, lost in wonderland, you're the one that holds me tight. And I am there. Standing. For once again.
Thinking how I could have drowned. But you saved me.
And now I'm drowning in thoughts,
maybe that's the painful price of having feet instead of wings. I never thought I could fly. But you lift me high and then.. Everything stops. It's just you and me in this world. I could show you the black and white strips on my underwear and you could save the stars for me. But whats the point anyway?
Time is passing by like-no there's no simile for time at least for now-
It just flows away.. Just like our dreams. Doesn't it? It seems so familiar. This feeling of devastation, this feeling of hope inside us. But we can't. We can't just walk into bodies, knock the door to their souls and make a home there. Because that's definately not the way world is made up. Our world.
And we've got a rollercoaster waiting...
#hello #hellopoetry #poetry #poem #newtothis #follow #spark #dark #light #dreams #art #sea #soul #heart #lips #inlove #mouth #sweet #sour #dance #breathing #feelings #fight #like #girl #lucky #hands #teenage #affection #help #nostalgic #sadness #madness #life #crazy #family #flower
Apr 2017 · 343
Apr 2017 · 366
broken things
ƛrtie Apr 2017
broken things
and broken wings,
a pitful melody the night we met,
the pure rhythm of a caged heart,
two strings on air my aching debt.

zeros falling from the skies,
a rosey rising,
new delight.
red, not darker than misleading eyes
that fall muted into arms at night.

Chaos baby,
your sweet heart of blue,
no more wishes into shooting stars,
no more ever lasting dreams of two.

— The End —