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I can't stop smiling
when I think of him
neither can I stop
the fact that I miss him

But though I want to get near
I better stay away
'Cause he's like a candle
and his burn won't go away

So I better not touch
I better not try
He better stay a bittersweet memory
until the end of time...
He became a hurtful memory instead...
 Oct 2016 Lisa Jarwal
m i a
i'm sorry really,
but i guess we were both being silly,
i hope you agree with me, but i no longer see a you & i.

i no longer see the galaxies in your eyes.

i no longer see you shining like a star from afar.

i no longer see the art pour out of you,

i guess what im saying is i'm through.

i'm done with you.

i'm done trying to be who you expect me to.

i'm done with you not caring about me.

You see, we were never meant to be.

We're too different from each other,

I just wasn't ready for a lover.

You moved to fast,

I moved to slow.

I kind of knew we weren't going to last,

i also knew it wasn't going to grow.


Im sorry really,
but i guess we were both being silly,
i hope you agree with me,
but i no longer see a you & i.
 Oct 2016 Lisa Jarwal
m i a
i never realized how
beautiful you looked in the rain
how lovely it was to see
your pain erased
so quickly
i would see you with a
frown on your face
looking down as if you
were a disgrace
but now the rain is
falling and you're
smiling and dancing
its as if you were
cancelling all of your
sadness, hurt, and depression
you were jumping into puddles
letting the art run through
your veins it was relieving
your pain
i was so happy,
i was glad you didnt feel so
i was glad that the rain
had finally came.
today i realised how beautiful people looked in the rain. even though most portray it as depressing. <3
 Oct 2016 Lisa Jarwal
I love how heartbreak doesn't happen only once,
Bits of you continue to shatter bit by bit,
Because the memories you created are etched into your skin,
And you can't remember what certain things looked like before you met him,
Whether it's a song or a picture, feelings resurface,
And for just a second you remember how with him you never felt worthless,
You'll have moments of strength when you vow to move on,
But they flee quickly when the reality sets in that he's gone,
A lifetime of reoccurring heartbreak can be heavy to bare,
Don't give your heart away to a man that doesn't care.
 Jun 2015 Lisa Jarwal
I hate myself.
I'm scared to sleep at night because whenever I close my eyes it's as if the ruthless words of hatred and disgust that you throw at me relentlessly replay over and over in my head as if it was a broken record perched on the top of a dusty shelf that isn't within a reachable distance.
I don't know who I am anymore. I lost her somewhere within this sea of sadness I plunged myself into.
Fat, Ugly, Worthless. Fat, Ugly, Worthless. Fat, Ugly, Worthless.* These are the words that taunt me everyday and latch onto me like a bloodthirsty leech that just found a new piece of flesh to feed off of.
Whenever somebody tells me to be who I am and that they won't judge. I laugh. I laugh because being who I am is just a distant memory. I cant be who I am because I lost when I skipped my first meal. I lost who I was when I learned what it felt like to genuinely hate myself. I lost myself when I learned how to numb myself so that I feel nothing at all. Now here I am in present time, curled up in a ball of my own self pity, crying out all the feelings I wish I had.
Somedays, I wish I could find the me that loves me, but I can't because the horrid words that you uttered to me stabbed her over and over again relentlessly and when you finally walked away, she stood there bleeding out all the love and trust she used to have.
I hate telling people how I really feel because they take it as a yearning for attention, not a cry for help. I hate telling people how I feel because they would treat me as if I was a problem and not a human.
I just wish that someone would paint on me as if I were a blank canvas and turn me into something magnificent because I am tired of continuously painting
myself in hopes that my tear-stained cheeks, lifeless eyes, and pain will turn me into the beautiful girl society expects me to be.
I just wish I was normal.

First poem I published on here, I hope you like it. -b.c.
 Jun 2015 Lisa Jarwal
 Jun 2015 Lisa Jarwal
I remember that night,
You said you were alright.

I remember you saying that nothing was wrong,
and turning the radio to your favorite song.

I remember knowing that you lied.
I remember the night you died.
I once knew a boy, who fell in love with a girl,
Who smiled the thought of her name.
I once knew a girl, who fell in love with a boy,
Who felt the very same.

But it became a struggle, and timing was wrong,
And love decide they didn't belong.
Oh my, what a terrible fate!
To bid goodbye and walk away.

After many years they meet again
He knows their love is worth the climb,
But the poor little girl is afraid of heights,
And leave the boy hanging behind.
 Jun 2015 Lisa Jarwal
sometimes you're like homework
so confusing
and i just stare at you
hating you
yet you're important to me
it's so hard to finish you
and i lose inspiration every now and then
but when i get high as my grades
i come running back to you

i can't wait to graduate from school
get rid of this infatuation
we would be adults by then
and hopefully this mess will be sorted out

— The End —