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I am surrounded by suns and stars
A measly old lamppost that can barely stay lit
In the shadows of their bright lights
I'm barely visible
Who wants to watch a flickering lamp
When there are beautiful suns and stars all around
My heart is breaking
But they don't mean anything
It's just what happens when your a broken lamppost
Surrounded by suns and stars
No one can help me
I can't find any beauty
All I can see are suns and stars
And I feel all alone
A broken lamppost
Old and forgotten
All but abandoned
I just want to feel loved
I want someone to show this broken light
That I can be star
Or maybe even
In my dreams
I can be the moon or sun
In someone's eyes
But  tonight I'm a broken lamppost
And they are more beautiful lights to watch
My friends and loved ones all shine so bright. I won't ever measure up.
Do you ever get ideas...
Really big ideas
Huge ideas
And they never turn out right
You always end up dissapointed
Either you fail
Or someone else fails
And it all falls apart
My really big ideas never turn out right
and it always leaves me sad
Unbearly so
That's why I end up so sad all the time
One day I'll fall in love with my huge idea
And when it doesn't work out
It will be the end of me
I lay awake all by myself
Wishing you where here to cast the spell
Cause being around you...
It's like magic
Instant peace and gladness

I want to feel your touch
Cuddling me up
Hold me close in your warmth
Your love will always be enough

Even as I dream I know you're not here
I'm constantly missing you even there
So hold me close
Come hold me tight
Help me make it through tonight

I want you close
I want you near
This constant space is becoming my biggest fear
A living nightmare
It's hard to talk
It's hard to breathe
But witg you there is always ease

I'm not sure of much but this I know
I love you more than days of snow
I miss you so much when you aren't near
All I want is for you to be here
Today made me pensive
Today made me think
I don't think his dad cares for me much more
Somethings wrong
It leaves a bad taste
I wasn't careful in my haste
He walked by the open door
My heart feel to the floor
I was mostly on top of you
Fully clothed
Still I feel judge
Even after his past
I wonder if he'll let me come again
Take some time to look within

Even so I feel so safe with you
Your warmth calms my soul
Your presence fights away my every fear
I love just having you near
You comfort me in ways you'll never know
I hope you can see to my soul
I want to be with you for all of time
Come on baby say your mine
Your dad used to like me
I'm sure he'll get there
That won't be a problem
Just stay with me here
I need your touch
I need your warmth
Come be my blanket
Be my shield
Forever yours I hope to be
Maybe even there will be a ring
Soon before the end of the school year
His dad walked in.. we werent even really doing anything but kissing. Idk maybe it's not a big deal... but maybe it is. All I know is I'm happiest with that man's son. Connor is my only love
The grass is green
And blue is the sky
The air is clean
And the clouds sail by

Far up in the Tallest tree
The birds sing Jolly and free

The children are running
In the meadows and play
It truly is a beautiful day

Our hearts are warm
And free from fear
That's how we know
Summer is here
I lay in bed late at night
Wishing you were there to hold me tight
Of all the thoughts that are in my head
You're the one with the most stead
I lay awake and think of you
While sleep evades and leaves me with nothing else to do
But even so your always on my mind
Your the perfect waste of time
I'd lose sleep and time for you
Give up my pride and ego too
So just know before the night
You will always be my light
I love you more than the sun and the moon
I hope I will get to be with you soon
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