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 Jun 2019 Lama
Pagan Paul
Pain (10W)
 Jun 2019 Lama
Pagan Paul
Pain should be written beautifully,
achingly displayed upon a page.

© Pagan Paul (20/06/19)
 Jun 2019 Lama
 Jun 2019 Lama
A portrait of love
In the realm of fantasy
Our hearts beat in sync
Rainbow paints on a canvas
Only us, in bed, naked
 Jun 2019 Lama
I shall be a starving artist then.
eating my heart to fill my belly,
throwing it up into my work.
 Jun 2019 Lama
i am not easy to love
i am broken
you can't just plant kisses on my skin
and expect me to grow

 Jun 2019 Lama
 Jun 2019 Lama
Hmm I've only got a
few likes today hmm maybe
my writings not good

Why am I even
writing what's it's all about
What's the point , I only feel

anxious now , deep breaths
Now I feel silly why did
I write that , oh jeez

heart beating feel sick!!
Then my self doubt passes and
I'm back to lovely

place again! Self doubt
sure can grip me making me
feel really down! But you

see writing helps dig
through negativity , am
I a poet or not

Maybe , I'm not sure
But I'm much more too , I'm a
wife a mum a sister

a friend. I've wrote my
heart out for five years now non
stop to be honest

But now I'm in such
a lovely place of content
I'm living happy

Of course I still get
life stresses hit me and yeah
I get negative

But one thing I can
always rely on is my
passion for writing

It helps mentally
to keep me strong and focus
May it come from my

heart or mind or once
in awhile I like to write
stories , fun fun fun :)

I'm slowing down now
Gone and got myself married :)))
Tis so wonderful

Children are growing
up fast , there leading there own
life's more every day

So I'm finding new
hobbies to keep me active
Life changes happen

But to write , will be  
in me always , tis part of me
it's just there always

So to all who love to
write have fun dry those tears up
Find your happy place :))
Have a lovely week ahead :)) love to u all xxxx
 Apr 2019 Lama
violet brownlee
Caffeine is the only drug
I don't need

Because your love
is the only pick me up I crave
We would date, but neither of us wants a long distance relationship, so we're just friends with benefits atm. Still love her though.
 Apr 2019 Lama
La Luna
 Apr 2019 Lama
The moon changes it's shape to please your eye.

I know you won't believe it.

Even if the moon is eclipsed or out of sight, it will change it's shape to suit you right.

Stand under it, right now.

Even if you can't see her she's there.

And when she appears looking broken and uncompleted, in your eyes it will change to a perfect sphere.

Just for you.

So pay attention to that, and appreciate her for all that she is.

Because for you she would change her entire shape, just to please you.

The moon always hangs in the sky.
 Apr 2019 Lama
Rose Cliff
I want you to open up my mind
Look past this life’s lies
Ask me what colour did I paint the sky
What does wind look like through my eyes
And what is this force that binds us together
Is it the same force that compels the earth and moon to dance forever
Ask me and I will describe the way the sky bends
They way the moon mends
Each and all of my wounds
You see my mind is a beautiful place
It’s a shame to see you let it go to waste
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