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Once I was lost
Wandering in my own limbo
Craving for my own life

My dreams would haunt me
My nightmares would disturb me
I felt trapped by the darkness
With no end to the suffering

I was useless,hopeless
Afraid to sleep through another helpless night
Thinking that death
Might have been the only way out

However,even in dark times
Help comes in different ways
The moon turns into the sun
The night turns into day
The darkness turns into light
And once again,
You feel the cold breeze in your face
The warmth of the sun in your heart
The ones you love around you.
i am pushing you away
i am doing it.
i beckon you closer so
you can leave me
because im used to it
i'm used to scaring
so i remain safe.
because if you stay
i will ruin you
and make you a
boiling mug of dried out
hibiscus leaves that once glowed with the pink of ignorance
and will burn your throat and make it hurt to swallow so you believe that you are sick and you must begin to ease the shallowness of our framed existence.
in the wheelbarrow of neurons
its my love that refuses to grease the wheels
"Are you okay?"
- "Define okay."
Frost cracks under feet
In dragonfly wings I hear
Memories of spring
Routine daily, lost inside completely
Burning flame, flowing like rain
Still night outside, filled emotions inside
I saw it, the MoonLight

Deep thoughts, thousand quotes
Soaring high above, heavy clouds move
Wandering sight, took flight
I saw it, the MoonLight

Keep this to me, or let the world see
How it feels, desire to love
Her heart, the pure secret
Yes, now I see it, the MoonLight

Dedicated to a feeling called LOVE inspired by someone truly beautiful.
As I go through this desert of pain
I want look back
I'll keep moving forward
Until this journey is over
I'm alone, fighting
Outside smile, defeat
Crying but not weak
Just touched by others deceit
Hoping love would reach out to me
Not really, I understand
People are lovers of themselves
They can care less about me
Lesson learned a long time ago
Hush, whispers I hear
Sounds like my mothers voice
So faint I can hardly hear
It'll be alright, daughter
Hold your head up
Walk on
It's sweet but bitter
The choices I must make
Staying here are leaving here
A struggle coming to the surface
Doubt and fears
Hate not love appears
Truth, come and rescue me
Set me free
Hold me near and don't let go
Feel me with the things I need most
Joy, peace, and a since of belonging
If I wait here long enough
I know it will come
Waiting, Waiting, Waiting
It's here
Came in on the wings of a song
I wonder if my thoughts are blocked from over thinking.
Maybe my urge to write is scarcely needed,
If I stopped writing would anyone notice?
Shall I jot my thoughts in a journal safely hiding my moments?
Self expression through words means no expression at all,
When the words no longer flow and keen fingertips lock.
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