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In That Moonlit Night Standing In The Abaft,
Watching The Towed Flaccid Wooden Raft,
I Thought That I Saw An Angel Resting,
Lying Exhausted There In That Craft.

I Call The Girl Out Unbeknownst Of Her Kind Name,
"Hey Young Lady!!" To Which She Didn't Much Respond,
She Looked Up Towards Me Once In Anguish & Collapsed,
I See Desperation In Her Amber Eyes & Resolve To Help Her.

The Crewmen Had Now Been Doing The Paddles After Resting,
I Summon My Captain & Ask, "Do You See That Girl In The Raft?"
The Captain Now Smiles To Say, "Commodore, Better Get Married,"
I Look Just Clueless To Which He Simply Replies, "There Is No Girl."

True He Was As She Had Simply Disappeared,
I Started Thinking Of My Sleep Needs That Day,
I Looked Around Again In A Hope To Find The Girl,
I Had Compromised My Routine As The Commodore.

Then I Immediately Realized It Was My Wild Phantasm,
Now This Was Just A Plain Illusion Of A Tired Sailor's Mind,
No Mermaids Could Have Ever Existed In Reality & Were Fake,
I Turned Towards The Deck To Go Back To My Bunk For Sleeping.

As I Climbed Down The Stairs To Enter My Room Amazed & Dazed,
I Saw Her Standing And Waiting For Me By The Side Of My Bunk,
I Accepted That Delusion Of My Mind & Started To Lie Down,
She Said, "I'm As Real As Your Thoughts, Don't Fear Me."

She & I-Me & Her, Had The Best Time That Night,
In The Morning She Was Gone & Was Just Gone,
Disappeared Into Thin Air While I Was Asleep,
Each Day I So Dearly Long For Her To Return.
November 28, 2012 poem.

7 Stanzas Of A Beautiful Open-Eyed Dream Written In A Lonely Evening Reflecting Upon What I Lost Due To The May 7, 2010 Accident.

Read the entire Angel Saga by me, Atul Kaushal.

My HP Poem #19
©Atul Kaushal

I thank you all so much for the overwhelming response that this poem has received.

If you get interested in reading any of my novels after having read this poem then do visit for buying any of my stories.
A Reader lives
A thousand lives
Before he dies.
The man who
Never reads
Lives only one.
I know why you cry
The sun has stopped shinning
The moon no longer lights the night
I know why you cry
Those silent tears
When your not heard
And no one sees
I know why you cry
Those silent tears
When the pain inside
Overshadows your dreams
I know why you cry
Those silent tears
As you attempt to enjoy yourself
Among the crowd
Yet you feel alone
I know why you cry
Those silent tears
When the one thing
That your passionate about
Is overlooked
And not taken seriously
Your told to do this
Not that
What you want doesn't seem to matter
I know why you cry
Those silent tears
Just remember my friend
Be happy
Life is short
Find the joy in living
And don't let it go
Anything that tries to abort happiness
Take it out immediately
There is a reason to skip
There is a reason to smile
There is a reason to dance
There is a reason to show kindness
There is a reason to love
Find It
Your that reason
I lie awake some nights
I try to achieve some form of stillness
I listen so hard I swear I can hear the earth breathing
I wait for any answers
I wait for any sign of hope
I wait for some distant echo from a past or future self

What I hear is the wind at my window
What I hear is a great big nothing
What I hear is my own voice whispering something like a prayer

It’s okay
You’re okay
You can sleep.
 Mar 2015 elizabeth capital
I sat there a while, growing wilder and fighting against it. I couldn't leave and I had to keep contact in order to fight. But I would never be the same. Never. After tonight I wouldn't ever look the same, or feel the same. Just what I'd be, I didn't know; I couldn't go back to what I was- which wasn't much- but I'd lost too much to be what I was.
(A Psalm of Declaration: the sovereignty
of God.)

From everlasting to everlasting,
Behold—I am God.
I've created mankind
From the dusty sod.
There is no disparity
Nor variance with me.
In truth, as I am—
I shall forever be
Alpha and Omega—
The first and last.
The dawn and scope
Of ages past.
There is none like me,
And my decree shall be.
I declare all things;
There is none like me.
I am self-existing:
For I alone am God
Who rules the powers that be
With the scepter and rod.
I, Jehovah, never change.
And tho' the heavens sever—
I the Lord am the same
Yesterday and forever.
Original and inspired by tthe biblical psalms
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