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 May 2015 Kida Price
SG Holter
Cover your nerves.
Stop picking at scars to
Make them wounds again,

Healing is the super in
Dry your tears when looking

Back; you'll see yesterday more
Bitterness is darkness to

The blind, grenade shrapnel
In the body of a brave one now

Stand up and smile at the light;
There are many enough who bask in
The blackness of their history.  

You've fought.
Cried rainstorms and tidal waves,

Run your hands across the view of Heaven
From the bellies of Hell shivering.
It takes courage to fall,

Grace to fly.
So fly.
It's as easy as trying.
I sit and I think, planning my future,
Looking at my wounds I never suture,
I just re-open all my scars, live in ignorance,
and just plain relive the same sequence,
Do I like to bleed? Or am I just used to it?
Am I good? Or just another *******?
I don't know what I need, well I never do,
Until it's too late, then its me I *****,
So what should I do? I need some advice,
Stay and wait, or run and never think twice,
Be a devil, and break everything to be selfish?
Be an angel, silently waiting for the world to grant my wish?
**** it, neither, a grave sounds best,
Finally a chance to get some rest.
When I was a kid I
Didn’t understand
Why people
Would beg to leave this place.

They would call it boring,
And ugly
And terrible.

It was only until now that
I understand.
It wasn’t the place,
It was the people.

This world we live in
Offers such beauty
But it’s often the people
That make it ugly.
I do not own this.
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

- Robert Frost
I do not own this.
I find that
I spill my heart out
To anyone who gives me
The slightest bit of attention
Silly me
Thinking they actually care

- K.B.
I do not own this.
When I was little my parents told me
Bad things happen to good people
I never really understood that until
I was at your house
And I heard your dad hit you
Or when
My sister’s fiancé cancelled
The wedding
Because he saw his high school sweetheart
At Starbucks
Or when I heard my old best friend
Got hit by a car and died
Right after she left her volunteer job
At the shelter
But I finally understood
When I came home
And saw a note on the counter
Saying “I’m sorry”
And I saw drops of blood and tears
Heading towards the bathroom
I do not own this.
If I killed myself tonight, the stars would
Still appear, the sun would still come
Out, the earth would still rotate, the
Seasons would still change ... So why not?
I do not own this.
 Apr 2015 Kida Price
Phil Lindsey
The dark of night cannot compare
With the unlit cave into which I stare;
Once entered there is no way out.
Fighting still, I thrash about
Reaching for a solid wall
Terrified that I will fall
Farther down into the void
Into the great abyss, destroyed.

No sunlight reaches into Hell
To light the way for those who fell.
No candles burn to show the way
Up from the depths to light of day;
What would have redemption cost
Those wandering souls forever lost?
The fallen will not rise again
For the flames of Hell are black with sin.
PwL  4/18/15
The water is clear,
But your wrists are stained
Your face says happy,
But your eyes say pain.
I do not own this.
When the sun sets and the moon rises,

The demons come out to play,
with the minds of the innocent.
Torturing them with cruel words, cruel intentions.

And what if the innocent play along?
Are they really so innocent.
Torturing themselves with cruel words, cruel intentions.

Drowning in the hopelessness of the innocent.

Breathing seems like a job,

Death seems like a chore.

Living is hell.


The innocent succumb to the demons.
I do not own this.
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