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 Jan 2016 Kat
Rachael Judd
At one moment, your depression is telling you that you don't care what happens. Then the next moment, your anxiety is screaming and clawing at you to do something. Having depression and anxiety is a constant war inside of yourself. Though, there are no winners.
 Jan 2016 Kat
My name is Sophia
Trembling hands,
palpitating heart
my vision starts to fall apart
my leg wont stop shaking
No, im not faking,
I'm just nervous.
 Jan 2016 Kat
Rachael Judd
 Jan 2016 Kat
Rachael Judd
Controlling my everyday life
Taking my heart and throwing it against the wall
Wrapping around in my head to consume my thoughts
Crying and screaming against my throat
Crashing and thrashing its way into my body making me shudder
When theres a knock at the door
Lighting fires to my insides
Making my hands shake so someone will notice im unbalanced
Life ***** and I want to leave this place people call home, because no where is home anymore and I cant feel safe unless I am free
 Jan 2016 Kat
Anxiety Anxiety
 Jan 2016 Kat
is a breath never released
suffocation of the lungs
and the whole of your mind
is a clock
that never stops ticking
with the constant click, from past to present
Time never ends
and oh darling
nor does anxiety.
 Jan 2016 Kat
What is a eulogy?
A confession of memory--
An avoidance of the singular truth.
I'm whispering to ghosts with no ears like they do on Sundays, in stuffy confession booths.
Eulogies are for the living,
The ones he left behind--
For his mother and father and two older brothers,
and truths to answers that they'll never find.
Eulogies are for the living but he's taken me with him.
 Jan 2016 Kat
J Valle
 Jan 2016 Kat
J Valle
I had some letters,
Written with your small
Handwriting and,
Filled with promising moments.

Now they are somewhere
Where the trash went
Along with our pictures and,
All I thought mattered.

Conversations deleted
Sad songs play on repeat
Avoid your profile
I won't be able
To see you together
I've had enough with,
My ******* imagination
 Jan 2016 Kat
Look at me
My skin
Has dealt with a lot

                         I have lived through
                         Tumors and attacks
                         Cuts and bruises from me
                         Bruises from him

My poor skin
In the end
This damage is
All for naught

                            *"Scars are only **** on guys..."
I don't know whether to hate myself or you more right now.
Everything is so confusing I could cry.
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