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679 · Apr 2016
beautifully depressed
Kaleb Grimes Apr 2016
I am completely and utterly depressed.
My life seems to be in shambles.
I feel as if I am living in a shadow;
covered in darkness.
Yet the stars are still shining so beautifully.
Why is the world around me bursting forth with color?
Does it not know what sadness is?
Does it even care?
Sometimes when I am at my saddest I really begin to wonder how nature stays so happy.
665 · Feb 2017
Can't let go.
Kaleb Grimes Feb 2017
You can’t let go because you're afraid of what life is like without her.
What would it be like to not wake up to her.
If you're being honest you don’t want to know.
You'd rather spend everyday saddened by the problems between you two
Rather than living a life apart from her.
That is what love is.
574 · Jul 2015
How I Feel
Kaleb Grimes Jul 2015
It wasn't at first sight.
No, it came much later for me.
The moment I fell in love with you came with much time.
But when I did, I fell flat on my face.
It didn't just sneak into my heart.
In one moment every definition and rumor I had heard of loving feeling like engulfed me like a flame.
From then on, I noticed that your smile was highly contagious.
I began to view your little quirks as precious little parts of you.
It’s extremely tough to tell you how I feel.
All I can tell you is this:
If loving you is anything different from what I feel when I watch you drift into sleep, I don't think I shall ever experience it.
You bring me bright laughter in my darkest moments,
a colorful day in my bland week,
and an engaging conversation when my stress stiffens my words.
For that I thank you My Dear.
I just wanted to try to explain to you how I feel.
I really need help with this. I would love to eventually give this to the one I wrote it about. If you have any suggestions please feel free to tell me. I am very new to this
572 · Nov 2016
Kaleb Grimes Nov 2016
I realized something:
our greatest fears will come true
only if we let them.
458 · Mar 2017
Kaleb Grimes Mar 2017
While I was grasping every word from her lips
he was in the background
giving her a false meaning through her hips.
a really rough poem about a really rough subject.
Kaleb Grimes Feb 2016
When I find myself afraid of what is to come
I lay in the grass and soak in the sun
What happens if I die before I get to live?
I pray for one more day that God will surely give
As I lay I begin to feel my spirits arouse
When I focus on the great allurement of the clouds
I am amazed by what Beauty I see as I lay
Why worry about the future when I can watch the clouds today?
432 · Nov 2016
When I See Him
Kaleb Grimes Nov 2016
When I see Jesus
I see a man in color
Wearing clothes of grace
428 · Jul 2017
Kaleb Grimes Jul 2017
I always told her,
"Go make history,
Before you become his story."
Something I want my daughter to see.
390 · Mar 2017
Heaven's accent
Kaleb Grimes Mar 2017
She speaks with a heavenly accent;
breathing words of life into my ear.
She's so perfect. There's no way God isn't behind her.
389 · Nov 2015
Love isn't hard
Kaleb Grimes Nov 2015
Love isn’s hard.
Love becomes hard when it isn’t allowed to be spread.
Love becomes hard when it doesn’t get to rest.
Love becomes hard when it has to be held to a specific standard.
Love becomes hard when it is left to itself.
From my experience love is easy.
It spreads peace throughout my hectic life.
It tells me rest when I put too much work on myself.
It allows me to share my opinions when society tells me to accept others’.
It lays with me when I feel all alone in the midst of this fast paced life.
Yes, my love is easy. My love is mine.
What inspired me to write this was a poem actually by Petrarch. His expression of love being so hard for him really made me think about the love of my life. If you have any comments or suggestions please tell me. I am very very new to poetry so I need all the help I can get. Thank you!
389 · Apr 2016
It is simple
Kaleb Grimes Apr 2016
I thought loving you would be the hardest thing I would ever do;
Accepting your flaws when the seem too big for any man to take on,
Being forgiving even when it feels like what your'e doing is personal,
Staying with you when I have all of my life to live.
Now I see just how simple it is.
I love you.
I love you. When I fell for you I fell fell in lover with your flaws as well
I love you. It becomes easier to forgive you as my love grows
I love you. Why would I ever want to spend a day apart?
382 · Apr 2016
Without Love
Kaleb Grimes Apr 2016
If love isn’t real
romance is nothing more than
unfulfilling ***.
372 · Jun 2016
The Worst Addiction
Kaleb Grimes Jun 2016
nothing seems to give me the same high that loving you does;
nothing gives me the same low as knowing that I can never have you.
I know I am addicted because the saying “I can stop anytime I want”
does not hold true for me.
I will continue to embrace the rush
that comes with looking at you from across the room
as well as taking the crash
that follows when I see him reach for your hand.
It’s almost comical: you are my addiction and my cure.
370 · Nov 2015
my perfect sky
Kaleb Grimes Nov 2015
My perfect sky is like the eyes of a old, wise man,
With a pale blue outline that deepens as one looks more to the center.
It has puffs of whites where one is left wondering what is behind them
Puffs of white that make you wonder if there is more to them than just their color.
My perfect sky demands to be looked into.
My perfect sky is beautiful.
Honestly, I just hope someone can understand the connection I see here. Thanks for taking the time to read it!
351 · Apr 2017
the girl of my dreams #1
Kaleb Grimes Apr 2017
Bathing in the sun,
counting the clouds as they pass
the girl of my dreams.
341 · Apr 2016
American flag
Kaleb Grimes Apr 2016
American flag
Flying in the sky so blue
telling me I'm free
340 · Aug 2016
Kaleb Grimes Aug 2016
She's an open book,
but I haven't made it past the first page.
Afraid of what the second may hold
while still amazed that there can be a third.
she's so easy to read; I just **** at it.
308 · Feb 2017
Kaleb Grimes Feb 2017
Heartbreak isn't how the movies show it:
At least in a movie
there is a happy ending.
287 · Apr 2016
Kaleb Grimes Apr 2016
She has ruined me.
I will never love again.
no one can match her.
286 · May 2017
There hangs the moon
Kaleb Grimes May 2017
There hangs the moon
Orchestrating the position of the dazzling stars
by the power of the sun shining through it
providing hope for men
so that one day
he too can orchestrate others
using the light of the son shining through him
284 · Jan 2017
Last Kiss
Kaleb Grimes Jan 2017
That last kiss
showed me how much I should have appreciated
All the others before it.
278 · Jun 2016
Beautiful Remembrance
Kaleb Grimes Jun 2016
..And then I rolled over
I was forced to take in her beauty piece by piece
for if I tried to soak it up all at once I would have surely missed something

I first noticed how her forehead was free of any kind of wrinkle
Mom once told me that wrinkles on the head meant one of two things:
The person is either stressed  it’s from smiling too much
I wonder why she doesn’t have any.

I then watched as her eyelids began to roll back
unleashing the beauty behind them
Blue eyes or yet maybe green;
they seem to change every time I looked at them.
her eyes began to enslave me.
I was locked in a gaze with a window to her soul.
She then closed her eyes shut again as if closing them had a meaning.
I would have to stay here to be a able to look deeper.

Then I ran my eyes down to her cheeks.
Her freckles looked as if they were painted in a deliberate pattern
like constellations in the sky
They way they were peppered across her olive skin
made me almost dizzy from trying to trace the dots.

Finally my eyes found her smile.
I quickly realized that smiling was almost natural for her.
Not only natural it was as contagious as a wild fire
I noticed that I myself had started smiling.

I then looked back up and met her gaze.
Again I was locked into her eyes
wondering how much more she had to show me
if this was just a fragment of what was to come
I didn't know how long I could go before I would have to marry her.
planning to one day give this to her. Any thoughts?
276 · Apr 2017
the girl of my dreams #2
Kaleb Grimes Apr 2017
Peacefully she sleeps,
smiling through her sweet dream
the girl of my dreams.
276 · May 2016
thank you
Kaleb Grimes May 2016
Thank you for teaching me who I am
Through loving you I subconsciously began to discover myself
I began to break down the walls that haunted me ever since I was young
I began to break down the walls that were guarding my heart.
You came in and tore the walls down;
leaving my heart bare and vulnerable.
I guess that is what it means to love someone.
So thank you for breaking me down so that I could begin to rebuild myself but this time
with you by my side.
270 · Apr 2016
Don't let it kill you
Kaleb Grimes Apr 2016
"Find what you love and let it **** you."
this is where I am currently at
I'll be dead in an hour
If she keeps nagging like that

It is true that I do love her
But really I can't go on
She's gonna be the death of me
Tomorrow I'll be gone

Because of this, I have but one request
She may be what you love today
But don't let her **** you
Tomorrow will come and you'll be dead while she is here to stay.
265 · Jul 2016
Night's Chance
Kaleb Grimes Jul 2016
You look so beautiful in the light of the fireflies around us.
You aren't speaking but yet I can hear everything you want to say.
The only noise to be heard is the crickets trying to join us closer with their music.
As we draw closer I realize it.
Here, on this moon lit bridge, the most beautiful girl in the world is giving me a chance.
Will I take it?
It's hard to explain where this one came from seeings how this never happened between my girlfriend and I. However, whenever I picture this moment in my head she's the girl in front of me. In my head, as I lean in, the picture begins to fade. After that my mind stops just as this poem does.
264 · May 2016
love is scary
Kaleb Grimes May 2016
It is really terrifying
I have no walls;
no lines that you cannot cross;
no doors you are not allowed to open.
you are allowed insight to every piece of me
my heart is yours to hold and yours to explore
please don't drop it for it is fragile from being broken before
please love what you find on your exploration into my soul
for others have turned away after seeing what hides inside
I pray that you can hold my heart better than others have in the past
I pray that you will love me better than others have in the past
254 · Apr 2016
meaningless words
Kaleb Grimes Apr 2016
It was just small talk;
meaningless words traded while walking home.
That moment opened my eyes to you.
those meaningless words held all the meaning to me.
252 · Mar 2016
Kaleb Grimes Mar 2016
I see you all over my walls.
Covering any empty space that I am afraid to leave bare
I wonder If the same goes for my heart.
251 · May 2016
breaking me
Kaleb Grimes May 2016
Thank you for breaking me
My dear, by accident you broke down the walls of my heart
the walls that were so tall that even I could not climb them
You tore them down faster than I could repair them
leaving my heart vulnerable and bare
I must say this really is a terrifying feeling
but thats just what love is
237 · Apr 2016
Kaleb Grimes Apr 2016
You are a warm summer;
I am a cold winter.
I wonder what we would create:
a stormy fall or
a blooming spring.
237 · Oct 2016
a wish
Kaleb Grimes Oct 2016
I wish I could be him on his worst days
Because at least on his worst days,
he has her.
236 · Apr 2016
Monotone Colors
Kaleb Grimes Apr 2016
They say when you're in love colors burst and words come alive.
All I see is monotone colors.
Black, white, grey: the colors that fill my paper
I write the words but they no longer hold meaning.
#sad #sadness

— The End —