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it's like I have to die,
for you to notice me,
and it hurts because,
all you have to do,
is cry a little,
and I would be by your side.

we all do it;

when we're in pain,
we listen to that song,
that makes our hearts mend.

when we're broken,
we cry,
until there is no more tears.

when we have no other way to express ourselves,
we put a razor blade to a skin,
and pray it will go a little deeper than planned.

when we wanna feel the beautiful numbness,
we stab needles,
with love potion,
into our veins,
waiting to feel no more pain.

and when we're heartbroken,
we smoke a lot of menthol cigarettes,
because she only smoked Marlboro.

 Aug 2014 just a girl
What if your soulmate was living on the other side of the world?
Singing songs in little venues
About girls nobody else knows.

What if your soulmate was sitting in a coffee shop 30,000 miles away?
Writing words into that old journal
About guys she's too shy to talk to.

What if your soulmate walked right by you, in a sea of people on a busy street?
Running for a bus to take to his mothers
Eyes never meeting.

But what if your soulmate met you.
And talked with you.
For seemingly endless hours.
But only for two days.

What if your soulmate had to stay in her boring town life.
What if your soulmate had yet another flight to catch.

What then?
What if soulmates exist?

I don't want us to have any what if's?

So stand a little closer to me.
And kiss me how you would if you knew this was the beginning of forever.
 Jul 2014 just a girl
I've never had somebody want me so bad that they'd spend money to get a flight to see me....
He's searching for flights for September..
I thought it had been going pretty well.
I thought this was easy,
I have not given you a single thought,
I have not cried a single tear.

but now it's 12:21,
on a Friday night,
usually on this time,
we would have talked,
but it's quiet.

I was stupid,
and turned on your favorite song.
tears were coming.
not just a single one,
but a whole flood.

why am I putting myself through this,
when we haven't even met?
when I know,
that you haven't given me a single thought,
or cried a single tear?

Heroes - David Bowie
så kig på mig.
se min fejl.
se hvad der sker når du ikke er her.
jeg dør indeni.
kom tilbage.
man glemmer aldrig den som knuser ens hjerte.
slet ikke når det var dig der knuste hendes,
for at hele dit eget.
*** sniger sig ind og sætter sig på din hjerne,
på hele dit nervesystem,
så hver gang du hører de sange,
*** sendte til dig klokken 2 om natten og skrev at *** savnede dig,
så meget det gjorde ondt,
kramper du sammen af smerte,
mens varme tårer,
der slet ikke burde eksistere for piger som hende,
løber ned af dine kinder.
du prøver på at stoppe den knytnæve,
af hårde ord og levende eksistenser,
der banker ind i dit hjerte mens den skriger af dig,
at det at leve dit eget liv og tænke selvstændigt,
uden hende,
er fuldstændigt utænkeligt,
også selvom piger som hende,
er kolde som sten,
og har metalhjerter,
med skarpe kanter.
men tænk tilbage på den tid.
vi var ægte,
vi skete.
imens du har læst dette usammenhængende volapyk af ord, der slet ikke passer sammen, håber jeg du har lyttet til sangen ''Heroes'' af David Bowie.
 Jul 2014 just a girl
Is there anyone
on the other side
of that door?
I'm in fear for my life.
it's much more than innate
it's the things I create
in the closet of my mind.
I design my friends
with big black eyes, and dark histories
and sharp teeth
and secrets.

I'm the author,
the artist,
the god,
in the realm that I hide in that's reserved in my mind.
I don't go outside
the terrors inviting, so I've convinced myself,
this is where I belong.

Just leave me alone.

This is where I belong.

I need to be alone.


*With my friends.
This is written to a song, so these are lyrics, but here.
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