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792 · Jul 2021
Junnie Jul 2021
You don't have to hesitate
Cut them off.
774 · Jan 2021
Junnie Jan 2021
If I will finally found that person

Who gives light to every darkness

Who shine brighter than anyone

Who brings calmness in my system

I don't want anybody else

But you, my endgame.
652 · Feb 2021
Junnie Feb 2021
Those  "I love you"
Turn into "I loved you"
539 · Feb 2021
Junnie Feb 2021
In this meaningless world,
We find our meaning
Why we exist
471 · Jun 2021
Junnie Jun 2021
Isn't too tiring to be an adult
I just wish to go back
When I was a kid
Our only problem is what to play

Crying because we don't get the toys we want
Got hurt when you stumble
Have tons of time to sleep
I wish I was a kid again.
392 · May 2021
Junnie May 2021
I was busy saving him
That I forgot to do it on myself
274 · Nov 2020
Junnie Nov 2020
Whenever I'm happy,
I paint
Whenever I'm lonely,
I paint
Whenever I'm alone,
I paint
Whenever I'm broken,
I paint

You see,
my artworks depicts me.
259 · Jan 2021
I told the stars about you
Junnie Jan 2021
How ungrateful that I told the stars about you

How you shine bright as the moonlight

How your smile lifts up all positivity

How warm your hands when you hold mine

How your voice like a melody to my ears

How ungrateful that I told the stars about you..but you never did the same
227 · Oct 2020
Have Your Way
Junnie Oct 2020
Inside me
Seeking for you
Trying to find the your light
For me to be right

But, I need your guidance
I can't just do this by myself
I need you.
To have your way inside me

Help me come back to you, Lord.
221 · May 2021
Junnie May 2021
I just want to ask,
will you cry if I die?
107 · Oct 2021
Junnie Oct 2021
Drown with thoughts
Feeling the drought
Of sea of sadness
Chest filled with emptiness

A bottle of beer
Eyes go blurry
Crystal tears flowing
Pain is not going

I'm still here
But end is near
106 · Nov 2020
Look Above
Junnie Nov 2020
Looking above,
I see those moons and stars
Reminds me of you
Place in darkness but still shines
Always remember that
I will never get tired looking at you
96 · Nov 2020
Junnie Nov 2020
Whenever I meet new people
I look on their eyes
To see truth
To be aware

Maybe this is what past made me
Anxiety to be betrayed again
92 · Nov 2020
Junnie Nov 2020
I smile
I laugh
I function

Everything was in control
Living my life like I used to
Waking up every morning
Like a normal thing to do

Getting along with people around me
Doing my task as a person
I thought I was fine
Then it started,

I wake up feeling those emptiness
That made me want to go back to sleep
I distant my self from people
Losing my passion in an instant

Then every night,
Darkness has been my best pal
Anxiety never leave me
I don't know anymore what living a life is

The funny thing is,
I never knew I was bleeding
Until it kills me

— The End —