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Mar 2015 · 429
Suffering Alone, He comes
Dark Jewel Mar 2015
Agonizing pain..
Suffering alone in the rain.
Tears of blood stained,
That last rose that laid.

Down the tropical path,
Raining it's aftermath.
Pouring a renewal,
Upon the trees and soil.

I suffer alone,
In this rain of blood.
Burning like fire,
Unable to move.

Within a distant call,
His voice..
He calls.

Searching for his love,
His mate.

I barely have time to say,
"I'm here.. Please come what may.."

Suffering alone..
In the tropical rain..

With a mate,
That is many miles away..

Short cries,
Thundering footprints.
Arms enclose around me,

He is here?
How can this be?

Warmth touches my lips,
He is here..
It's him...

Now suffering,*
But not alone..
He suffers with me,
Watching the blood.
Mar 2015 · 256
Dark Jewel Mar 2015
The bounty of a heart beat,
Is quite greater.
When the stake of love.
Is at risk.

The plethora beating like a drum,
The music making heart shining alone.

The bounty of a heart beat,
Is a plethora.
Compared to whats at risk.
Mar 2015 · 201
Dark Jewel Mar 2015
Space is needed.

When the beast is asleep.
Mar 2015 · 309
Two hearts as one
Dark Jewel Mar 2015
When his bodies against mine.
I feel at home.
I feel loved.
I feel our hearts,
Race with time.

Within us,
A bond lives harmoniously.
Two hearts became one.
To live peacefully.
Mar 2015 · 316
My mates mind in wonder
Dark Jewel Mar 2015
Something is ticking,
Turning the wheels.
In my mates mine.

He says, "Later."
It has a strange rhyme.
My eyes perk up,
My anxiety increases.

What is he thinking?

Only one can wonder.
Dark Jewel Mar 2015
Feasting my eyes,
Upon the opportunity to sleep.
Beware my slumber.

I belittle the news school.
Mar 2015 · 278
In the eyes of my lover
Dark Jewel Mar 2015
When I see pain,
In the eyes of my lover.
I only want to help,
To keep him happy.

When truth has been revealed,
I'll always love him.
Even if a past friend,
Affected him.

I pray every day for his safety,
I pray he always smiles.
When he sees me.
A kiss to release,
All emotions.

To let him know,
That I love him
Feb 2015 · 301
The Battle fueled by Rage
Dark Jewel Feb 2015
You will burn this time,
Feeding your rage with mine.
Wings clashing in the skies.

Dark eyes,
Slashing claws.
We fight,
Because it's our fate.

On your wings of darkness,
You will retaliate.
To bring me to my knee's.

In this hell,
We will battle to the end.

Until you fall,
Burning in the ravages.
Of one million souls.
Feb 2015 · 359
Frozen Soul
Dark Jewel Feb 2015
Frozen in the depth,
Of the wide ocean,
I cannot expand my wings.
Unable to reverse,
This accursed labyrinth.

My heart is frozen.
Lost in the empty soul.
Forever forgotten,
From this world.

Remembering only the love,
That was shared.
Now it doesn't blossom.
Feb 2015 · 833
The storm, Into your arms
Dark Jewel Feb 2015
Standing here,
In the battering storm.
My heart corrupt,
Fighting to hold on.

Across the ocean,
Where you watch.
Your hand extends,
Reaching for my touch.

Your love is stronger,
Than this weakening storm.
I feel like holding on.

My hand extends,
Entwining with yours.
The storm ends,
And I'm in your arms.

I love you..
It's stronger than any storm.
You help me hold on.
For my love who I love the most. To brighten his day <3
Feb 2015 · 993
Dark Jewel Feb 2015
My body trembled.

I could hear the voice,
Velvet like silk.

I heard her,
The one inside me.
The beast that hides.

It became louder,
Down I went.

On fours,
One last word.

Before the mirror,
Stood an elegant animal.
Who wandered the mountain wilds.

A cougar,
Beseeching a human soul.
For my new series I'm writing.
Feb 2015 · 368
Being Apart Hurts my Heart
Dark Jewel Feb 2015
Being apart from him,
In this wonderland of snow.
Missing his touch,
Who could calm a storm.

The snow barricading,
Me into my house.
Under the covers I weep,
Missing him more.

Please Mother Nature,
Melt the snow away..
Let me see him,
On our Anniversary.
The winter weather keeps me from my love and it's painful, had my fair share of tears this morning.
Anniversary 3rd- 02/18/2015
Feb 2015 · 423
Happy Valentines Day
Dark Jewel Feb 2015
I wish you,
A *Happy Valentine's day
my dear..
WE have come far..
Our love now stronger..

Hold me close,
The Hot kiss Radiating.
Our hearts..
Beating so rapidly.

Hands entwined,
Matching our bodies..

Happy Valentine's day..
My *dear..
For my mate who I love now more than anything..
Feb 2015 · 257
Dark Jewel Feb 2015
Wishing this to end,
Wanting the pain do dissipate.
You cause this.

*It's you I sever.
We as Human- Sever
Dark Jewel Feb 2015
Silent screams,
Only heard by those
Who listen.

The one they call,
The Listener.

The Silence has been broken,
The Listener has been chosen.
Feb 2015 · 325
Quote of Pride
Dark Jewel Feb 2015
Beware the pride of others,
Sometimes absurd,
Can go a long way.
Feb 2015 · 370
Loves Continuum
Dark Jewel Feb 2015
Loves birth,
Continuum into pleasure.
Soft kisses,
Touching so hotly.
To my skin.
Feb 2015 · 784
Purple Roses of Redemption
Dark Jewel Feb 2015
With a rose of Purple,
Death calls to you now.

With one ******,
Your blood is mine.

Purple Rose for Redemption,
For you to be revived.
Feb 2015 · 734
Devoured by Hollows
Dark Jewel Feb 2015
Dire circumstances..
Call for drastic measures.
When you scream,
They break your bones,
Tear you apart.

Your soul is theirs,
To devour..
To savor..

Their mask hiding,
The wicked smile,
With blood staining the white coat.

They care not,
Your their slave.
To torture..
To burn..
To devour..

They will drag you down,*
Into the very bowels of *Hell..
Souls be ****** by the white mask,
Savoring your blood.
Feb 2015 · 528
The Moment of Remorse
Dark Jewel Feb 2015
From this moment,
I can hear a small cry.
Calling out to anyone,
Who happens to pass by.

From that instant,
I knew the voice.
It's sorrow like mine,
Devastating with remorse.

It was my voice,
Calling out to them.
Those who have left me,
In a nightmare.
Feb 2015 · 1.4k
Undecided Forest of a Dragon
Dark Jewel Feb 2015
Once in a forest far away,
Undecided by society.
Living beings strive,
To protect the landscape.

Calling it home..
Majestic mountains,
Fruitful valleys..
Simply breath taking.

Desire of the King's Mountain,
Rumor has it,
That A dragon lives in the cave.

Fire breathing dragon,
Like the landscape.

Mother's tear,
The cave,
*of the scorned.
Feb 2015 · 261
Promised Generation
Dark Jewel Feb 2015
We are the Kings and Queens.
Of our future.

Now is the time,
To begin our reign.
Feb 2015 · 9.9k
Adjacent Segregation
Dark Jewel Feb 2015
Adjacent heart,
Segregating the mind.
Differing opinions.

An argument,
On line.

Segregation of the mind and heart,
Different from the soul.
All do battle,
To decide your fate.
In this world.
Feb 2015 · 517
Frozen Land
Dark Jewel Feb 2015
The frozen land,
A blanket of snow.
Dancing flakes,
Feb 2015 · 232
Breath of Love
Dark Jewel Feb 2015
Craving his love,
His touch.
The hot kisses I can feel.

Warm embraces,
Oh so much.
I want to be with you.

Kisses part,
Not wanting to let go.
Kisses so hot,
It's a breath of love.

Craving his touch,
The fiery heart.
Burns still.
Feb 2015 · 514
To protect those
Dark Jewel Feb 2015
For those you love,
You would lay down your life.
To protect their souls.

To keep them safe,
*From darkness...
Feb 2015 · 260
The love that waited
Dark Jewel Feb 2015
Holding your hand,
Watching you smile.
Seeing you laugh,
It warms my heart..

We were meant to be,
I could feel it.
AS true as I feel your heart beat,
With mine.

I've been having dreams,
Of us kissing in the rain.
Our eyes of love meeting each gaze.
You kneeling down,
Showing the ring that waited so long.

A smile upon your face,
A sentence in your eyes.
"Will you marry me?"
You say.
Feb 2015 · 2.2k
Daddy don't leave me
Dark Jewel Feb 2015
I feel as if I'm fading,
This last few months..

Everything's wrong at home,
Tensions are high when I'm here.
I'm alone in my room,
Knowing their leaving me.

Daddy don't leave,
You're leaving your baby girl.
Your leaving my brothers and I behind,
It's breaking my heart.

It feels as if my heart is fading,
I've lived with daddy for so long.
Why did everything go wrong?

Daddy please don't leave me,
I want you to be there.
When I walk down the aisle,
When I have a child.

I want you here daddy...
To have you hold me when I cry,
To make me smile.

Daddy please don't leave me,
You're breaking my heart..
Why move 900 miles away?
When you won't see us everyday.

In tears as I cry out,
"Daddy don't go!!!"
Don't leave me behind!

Daddy please don't go..
Don't leave me behind.
I don't think my dad understands how much pain I'm in.. He's moving to Florida after I graduate highschool with his wife, leaving his children and his family behind.. I feel broken and empty because I don't know what to do.. I've cried so much writing this.. Daddy don't leave me :(
Jan 2015 · 345
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
Deny your marks,
Smile upwards.
Fake the density,
Of this situation.
Jan 2015 · 932
A story of Love
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
I was just a girl,
Full of dignity.
Slightly reserved,
With a sense of humor.

He was a guy,
With a mask.
Humor carried his smile,
With a sarcastic tone.

His vibes unreadable at a distance.

Every inch of movement,
Caught my blue eyes.
A sense of amusement from the boldness.

The way he carries himself,
Like someone with a purpose.
For crossing paths with me.

Me being slightly reserved,
Knew no bounds of his honesty.
Testing the waters.
Wanting the mask to be removed.

I never knew his life story,
Never knew he almost sacrificed himself.
Never knew he was abused by a past relationship.

I didn't care for that,
I wanted to know him.

This blond haired,
Brown-eyed guy.
Knew I was watching him.

I wanted to break the ice,
To plan a surprise attempt.
He beat me to it.

Ever since day one,
His vibes became readable.
When the ice was broken.

The memories of darkness,
Pain and stress covered his soul.
His eyes were deep with understanding,
His wits high like a fox.

I wanted to help,
To hold his hand.
To hold him when the memories attacked.

I was too scared to say Hello,
He said it for me.
His boldness giving me courage to respond in kind.

After our official meeting,
I became anxious to see him.
To see him laugh at lunch,
To see him focus in English class.

I wanted his mask to be removed,
For him to show his true self to me.
I gained his trust and respect,
He fell for me.

Now my past has been dark,
Mates of that past cruel..
He healed me of this wounds,
Just by being nice.

I've fallen for him too.
*It was like love at first sight.
This is for my boyfriend who I am currently with.. I wanted to tell him how my mind carried out love to him when I first saw him.. I wasn't able to say it but I knew it was love at first sight.
#300th Poem
Jan 2015 · 254
Lost without Him here
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
My body is nervous,
MY balance is off.
My mind is clouded...

I know not my way,
Without him here.

Some say,
You can't be around him.

I say..
"I love him,

More than you will ever know.

I feel unbalanced,
When he isn't here.
To hold me in his arms.

To soothe me..
From my anxious soul.

When Two hearts collide,
They form that bond...

Mine and His,
Form Balance..
Jan 2015 · 877
Too attached to Love
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
When he's so close,
My heart races.

When he is so far away,
I have separation anxiety..

This is when I know,
That I love him too much,
To let him go..

Guess I'm too attached.
Jan 2015 · 230
Promise to Hold
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
Promise me..
That you will hold me in your arms...
Jan 2015 · 293
Lion of the Kingdom
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
Hear me roar,
Ontop the mountain Bourne.
Beyond the royal court.

Hear me roar,
Challenging the lord.

Hear me roar.
Jan 2015 · 746
A Semi-Prayer
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
The Spirit guide thee,
Through turmoil and strife.
To seek wisdom,
In my newborn life.

Grow in happiness,
And also pain.
Learn which way to turn,
In the pouring rain.

Spirit guide me,
In sickness and health.
Keep my heart pure,
When I hurt myself.

Keep your hands,
To catch me when I fall.

Keep watch over me,
Guide me through this world.
May all who read this know my story told here. Look to happiness and love, in this New year
Jan 2015 · 857
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
Ancient Prophecy..
By fate.

For us to believe..
To seek.

The secrets,
*That lie within...
Jan 2015 · 647
Mirror of Mask and Beauty
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
One day I sat by a stream,
The water still.
Like a mirror.

Seeing my reflection,
Reveling in my beauty.
Though it was only a mask.

Everyday I hide true feelings,
Unknown to those I love.
I fear for its surface,
The claws like daggers,
To my throat.

Gazing into the water,
I can see my face.
Eyes of Ashure haze.

From Right to Left,
Two completely different people.
Stare back at me.

What was once beautiful,
Is now hideous.
Beyond comparison.

By the mask.
Known as *"Torn.."
To those who know this feeling. What do you hide from your family everyday? What do you hide from your mate to be or a temporary fling? Can a mask truly hide these feelings?
Jan 2015 · 272
Ying and Yang of Hearts
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
Two hearts can create Ying and Yang,
To form the bond,
But both must balance.
To have *
Jan 2015 · 495
Heart Analyzed
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
A heart so pure,
Is more dead.

Than a heart stricken,*
With experience.
Jan 2015 · 356
Poisoned Arrow
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
Poisoned by an arrow,
Struck into the core.
Of my heart.

*By a living parasite.
Jan 2015 · 249
Guided By You
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
My heart is guided,
By your loving gaze.

Guarded by you,
As my shield of justice.

My precious love,
So beautiful to me.
Behind those eyes of dark.

I am guided,
By you.

Your personality,
You love.

So pure,
I love you forevermore.
Until death do thee part then?
Jan 2015 · 684
Life's Deck of Cards
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
Gone through the wind,
Through the deck of cards.
Known as the possibilities.
Of life.

Breeze caressing the skin,
Challenging the decisions.
Changing your perspective.

Wings stretched wide,
Halo crooked with horns.
We aren't perfect.
WE are far from it.

By life's deck of cards.

Flipped face down,
Curiosity kills the cat,
Mistake one made.

One mistake made,
Hundreds more to come.
Maybe millions.

Wings folded,
Blocking the heart guarded by black.
Broken by a simple,

The deck of cards stand,
Your life purpose in your hands.
Seven to choose from,
Six to fail.

Between Heaven and Hell.
I got the Idea from an essay I wrote.
Jan 2015 · 243
What love must feel like
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
Thou knoweth my soul,
Creaking through the crevices.
Of my wooden heart.

Surveying every piece,
My skin has to offer.
Cool lips like fire,
To my frozen body.

Traces of flame,
Igniting my coat.
Skin feeling warmth of Fire.

Cool lips like fire,
Testing every crevice.
Pushing limits,
Unknown to a no-lover.

So this is what love,
Must feel like.
Jan 2015 · 192
Pain that is not felt
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
I know not of pain,
I only know destruction.
The fire that keeps burning.

Fear my awakening,
Blood will spill,
Staining the ground you walk on.

I only hunt to ****.
Jan 2015 · 974
You Are Mine
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
You are my shelter,
My strength.
You provide love,
To keep me alive.
You care,
Even when times.
Are dark.
You love me,
All I ask is this much,
Provide love,
Keep at peace.
Hold me in your arms,
Forever comforted by thee.

You are my shelter,
In the times.
Of good and bad.
I love you,
More than you know.
Hold me for an eternity.
Jan 2015 · 212
To be or not to Be
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
To be,
Or not to be.

To breathe,
Or not to breathe.

To seek,
Or not to seek.

To live,
To become fulfilled.

To become a Guardian.

To be,
Or not to be.

What you seek,
Is all you see.
Jan 2015 · 304
A youthful Choice
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
Forgotten into the mist,
Everybody I loved.
Everything I've seen.
All by a simple choice to be free.

Surviving the crisis,
Driving the darkness away.
Around every curb,
Tires squeal to drive it away.

Choices made,
This world belongs to me.
My World,
In the swallowing mind of a youth.

No one can see my scars,
No one knows what I think.
I'm only a youth.

A youth who learns,
Stabbing Darkness in the back.
Fighting to keep sane.

Eyes to the sky,
Of frozen dreams.
To live or to die,
Is my choice.
Jan 2015 · 424
Heart that Leaps
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
I walk alone,
Along these hallways.
No one to hold hands with,
No one to kiss before leaving them by the lockers.

Always alone I say,
Never seeing love.
For it has cut me deep.
MANY times.

My eyes cast down,
Hood covering them.
Music jamming in my ears.

Wild noises,
Voices of student's.
Chatting about anything they think of.

I cast my eyes over the cafeteria,
Spotting my group.
Spotting you,
Sitting there joking with your buddy.

Cocking my head to the side,
I read every vibe.
Your's in particular.

Interested in you,
Your form quite attractive.
Your dark eyes catch mine.
We stare.

I smile,
You turn away back to your buddy.
I breathe deeply wanting to run,
Something in my heart leaps.

I walk up and,
"Is this seat taken?"
You smile and say,
"No, you can have it."

As I sit,
My heart races beside you.
Your heat touching my skin.
Only words I hear,
That come out of your mouth.

*"So...What is your name?"
When your heart leaps, You know that you have someone to connect with. Mine did that day when I met him.. I wanted him from the start. Ever since we have been together. 2 months of love and compassion. Lives are healed by love and faith in one another.
Jan 2015 · 164
On Fire against you
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
My body is on fire,
As we lay together,
Pressed close.
I can feel your soul.
As we dance together.

Breath hot,
Marks shining brightly.
WE lose control,
Under the cover of darkness.
Dark Jewel Jan 2015
Love covers,
The slightest scar.
Even if the screams,
Cause you to be torn apart.

I can see the darkness,
Within your brown eyes.
I noticed the vibe you gave,
That day at lunch.

I know you more,
Than those who know you well.
I know I've fallen for you,
Just to afraid to tell.

I speak.

I'll always be there,
To guide your heart along.
I made this promise,
Two months ago.

That day I met you I know,
That you were the one.
I'd love forever.

Eternity has spoken.
You are mine now.
Don't be afraid.
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