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I stood afraid to love you
Completely as you needed
So I kept my distance
Ensuring our romance was defeated

My reflection darkened
In your sweet eyes
By another's shadow
Such a hard compromise

In their eclipse
I felt atoms tall
I apoligize for everything
I hated feeling so small

I know now what I should have done
Taken the dive
To show you I was the one
I'm beginning to ponder
Is reality an escape from our dreams
I'm beginning to wonder
If everything is as it seems
Telephone poles flicker past
Eating up this tarmac
Only one speed, fast
Racing like we're on a track

Smoke rollin out the window
Cold brews in the console
Eyes closing from the dro
Bodies loose from the alcohol

Jammin them back road tunes
This is how we roll
Peanut butter and mushrooms
Some X for a real good stroll

Feelin like we're floatin
You know we're totin
Driving round and round
So lost we don't wanna be found

Sounds dangerous you say?
You may think me insane
But I find it all mundane
It's just an average weekday

Hittin the road I call it
Covering county after county

If the authorities only saw it
We'd fetch a hefty bounty
That's all I wanted
Was not to be shunted
A GOOD morning
To make it A Good Morning
Heat and pressure build
Slowly I am filled
Jostled by my brethren
I can't wait to join them

As it gets more violent
They rumble with sound
Harder to stay silent
Feeling so profound

So close can barely focus
Overcome by stimulus external

Finally it happens...POP...
Surprise, I was a popcorn kernel!!!
For my sister, who asked me very seriously what it felt like to be a popcorn kernel about to pop.
I'm glad we made the uniting
Life without it unexciting
I love you so much
Almost like a crutch

Chocolaty cup filled
With peanut buttery goodness
What a dream

But wait there's more
The first has a partner
Another sweet addition

You can have it
On one condition
Let's be like Reeses
At peace I walk your creation
Unhurried and unafraid
Trusting the promise of the Son
Mine is everything you made

Though it demands my sweat
And I be a stranger of the land
Your covenant holds true
My needs are meet at the requirement of my hand

You reassure and calm my soul
After realizing your love and grace
I know what it is to be whole
And that will keep me till I see your face
I've explored unfathomable depths
And soaring peaks
My love of reading has colored my views
It's hard to believe but I'm afraid of how you chose to speak
I'm a skeptic of the method you used

There it is all laid out
The reason I've slacked
When it comes to reading your word
I've been a lout

But I'm sure now like never before
Regardless of what they say
Every word in that book is yours

So I'll study them and learn
And trust in grace
To help me discern the way
Of finishing strong in this race
As I sit and listen to the grass rustle
I begin to think
Now this is a welcome bustle

Birds whistle and chirp
As they search through the dirt
Looking for worms and hay
How I love the start of the day

Pale sunlight creeps
Over starkly contrasting trees
Soon to dry up the dew

A rooster brazenly crows
"Its morning" so everyone knows

I observe a butterfly
Slowly fanning wings dry
Shaking off the night
Then gracefully take flight

The squirrels chitter as if to say
"You should come and play"
Jumping from branch to branch

As I watch and listen
My eyes begin to glisten

Now this is a welcome bustle
Clamouring to be heard
****-a-doodle doo
Cries the vain bird

So many people
Too much noise
Fighting for the steeple
They ruin my poise

Trying to be number one
Fighting for thier piece of the pie
They bicker and cry
Because they get none
A silhouette
Just a husk
I am a creature made of lust

A *******
Who knew
His ******* father

His name at least
Is know to me
The nature of the beast
A fleeting memory

Yet so readily can I recall
The feelings of fear
Each and every one
I hold them near

For his best instruction
Was what not to be

I wish I could hate
For every hurt and every blow
The man who left me to this fate
How much he'll never know

Except he made me who I am
Nothing like him
At least a better man

Its useless to expend the effort
On a shadow with no substance
So I've become better for the hurt
Predawn hangs wetly in the air
Silently we begin to prepare
Nervous anticipation palpable
Doubts of Will we be capable

A Motley Bunch I agree
But together bound in purpose
We all do a great service
After I am through you will see

Drawn to one another by fate
Willing soldiers one an all
In this battle we participate
A battle for hatred's fall

We arm ourselves with pens
Armour our comrades with words

Wading into the fray
This charge we lead in full force

Bringing light and hope along
I sing this my Battle Song
Join with me Sisters an Brothers
To our cause we must call others

Though we toil day in an out
Our resolve will not waiver
We long to call this a rout
To be for all a savior

Tired an ink stained we remain
A constant vigil we shall keep
Over those longing for final sleep
An they who struggle to maintain

A feeling of purpose an sense
Glad I joined this crew of crews

Thank you brave Army of Poet's Corner
For in you I've found my Muse
A dedication to all of my friends on Poet's Corner (an android app)
I've grown so numb
To pain, to love
Trying to find a way
From below to above

Detached from the world
Detached from myself
Is there anything of worth
In my little slice of hell

When I try to look up
It seems the same as down
My smile feels empty
Worse than a frown

This hole in me
I can't seem to fill
I can't see the way
I can find no will

The days keep passing
Darkness continues to fall
It seems like nothing
Will clear this dismal pall

There's a hole in me
That I can't seem to fill
Leaving me empty
Except for this bitter little pill
You looked for my buttons
With nerve and steady pace
Licking my muttons
I loved your sweet-
+Of victim's meat
This you sought in loving me
It helps you to feel complete
I know this-
+Do I miss
The way you made me feel?
My heart filled up with zeal
As I-
+About the nights we had
I'm afraid I'll resist
For my health it's-
+For I'm betwixt
A rock and a hard place
Feelings all a mixed
I'm slowly losing-
+This simple musing
Like Dexter's DeeDee
BOOM...My la bora tory
T    y   s    a              g
  o    o   o    m        n
          u          u    i
                     ­     s

My Buttons all scattered
My world a tilt-o-whirl
I fade into red
I hate you stupid girl

Sorry for my hasty reactions
I know I blew my top
You only had the best intentions
But Sweets I couldn't stop

Just like a Sour Patch Kid
Sweet, Sour, Gone
I wasn't sure if you did
Ever love me at all
In my silence you hear anger
In my words you hear the same
This is the danger
Of hiding one's shame

You become a stranger
Running from the pain

How can you find happiness
When those you love become estranged
Everything seems impossible
When it feels like you're being hanged

Struggling to breathe
Afraid it's too late
My emotions seethe
And they all seem akin to hate

Once you've come this far
It seems like you've sealed your fate
I do confess to ****
But I can't not aspirate
Have you stared into the flame
Knowing you're it's master
All the while catching fire

Believing the illusion
That nothing really matters

We're slowly being murdered
Consumed while we wait
Not realizing we've lost control
We've sealed our fate
I swear I had snus
Sorely missin my chew
Well ding dang
I got myself the Copenhagen blues

Guess I'll run to the store
Cuz I just ain't sane
Without a little Copenhagen
I might forget my name

Looks like I'm makin a ***** run
I love Cope so much so
I gotta go get some

But when I ask for a can
The clerk says sorry sweetie
Just sold my last to that man
Too much goin on
Beneath this duck pond
Calm on the surface
Below so nervous

I come off so confident
Oh but if you only knew.

Floating around in my head
Nothing but a Brain Stew.

Making me feel like a Basket Case
I cannot properly interface.

With Mainstream Society

I seem to run cross current
Something almost Abhorrent
Just so slightly different
Not quite a part of this Torrent
Takin wax off this fender
I'm gettin into the beat
This Rag held loosely in hand
I begin to tap my feet

Slidin smoothly across these body lines
Like we're on a dance floor
Groovin to these rhymes

I remember the one instance
we really danced.

Wishing I'd taken the chance
just a little more often.

My body moving rhythmically
I'm twirling you expertly
Through the depths of my mind

I flash back to me and realize
I'm just holdin a Rag
Laughing at how I symbolize
You're a much better dance partner
Dealing with these devils
Dealing with all these levels
Dealing with it all reveals
Dealing with it all heals

Dealing with my broken thoughts
Dealing with putting them back in their slots

Dealing with cards from my heart
Dealing with intent to restart
Dealing with my best poker face
Dealing with these thoughts of haste

Dealing with all this nonsense
Dealing with it all in silent recompense
I feel a bit more lost
Each day I don't see your face
Not hearing your voice
I feel outta place

I wish I knew
Some magic word
To ease your mind
Take away your hurt

In my heart
You burrowed deep
I wanted nothing more
Than you safe to keep

You should never feel
Like you're second best
You're an awesome girl
Unique among the rest

I'm sorry a thousand times
That I didn't make this more clear
You're a precious soul
To me very dear
Why do songs about lost love
Always bring to mind your face
Every wistful tune
Filling my mouth with your taste

Your memory sneaking from my radio
Making me think again
Why didn't I take a different road
Why wasn't I a better friend

My speakers filled with tunes
I could swear you wrote
Highlighting all my wrongs

Now sing me into misery
While your memory haunts me in song
A renown and traveled Friend
Reconnoitered with help from the college
Top Secret File: Fountain Of Youthful Knowledge
Curious? You'll find out in the end

Searching patiently then with more fervor
As he continued the sun was replaced by moon
Fading in and out of my stupor
"Don't worry," I heard "We'll find it soon"

I never saw him the next morning
Not once till just after lunch
Then came a shrill scream without warning

When he appeared back on the scene
He carried proudly a jar full of 'punch'
He'd learned the secret of Amphetamine
These beats thumping
In my chest confirm
My blood is pumping
I begin to squirm

Their message powerful
I hope they never stop
Fading slowly to a halt
My body would drop

Thundering in my soul
Beating of a drum roll
Commands movements
That just make sense

Rhythm in my chest
I move effortless
Heart upon my sleeve
Movement mirroring my feelings

Dancing to this music
These Heartbeat's beats beat
I hope they never **** them
Leaving me bleeding incomplete
Trekking down the road
I'm giving up hope
Failing under this load
At the end of my rope

Heading towards a way out
I just want to shout
As cars whizz by
I just wanna die

Come such a long way
With such a long way left
I am feeling bereft
Stripped of my senses

This long awaited heat
Now a curse as I sweat
Stopping to rest my feet
I begin to fret
Death strap
Hanging at the gallows
I feel like I'm in a death trap
Waiting for ghostly hallows

Brushing at my skin
Claustrophobia sets in
Always choking me
I just wanna be free

When I have to wear it
I wanna tear it
I throw a fit
This is bullsh*t

I always feel welted
Each time leaving a new scar
Every time I'm seat belted
Into this car
I really don't like seat belts.
Out of a Jeep
Onto his ****
Cute little sh*t looks up
"I fall"

What goes up
Must come down
If you don't wanna fall
Keep your feet on the ground

Sometimes I wanna **** you
Always pushing those limits
Then I remember you're two

So I smile as you jump
Right off the couch arm
Right into mine
For a special young man named Wyatt Michael Birner when he can read one day :)
I'm no Dickinson or Poe
But I still let my ideas flow
No great writer of inspiration
I'm no Poe or Dickinson

I try to follow in their path
But I'm no Shakespeare or Plath
I will write for all my years
Though I'm no Plath or Shakespeare

On you I hope my words are not lost
I'm no Blake nor Frost
I hope you won't think I'm a fake
Because I'm not a Frost or a Blake

I'm no Kipling or Silverstein
But I think my words are keen
So I'll keep on writing
Even though I'm no Silverstein or Kipling
Enraptured by the glories
And wisened by each sin
I drink in every story
Written by many a pen

I find myself afloat
In seas of ink
Adrift without a boat
Into the words I sink

Immersed in their pages
As many men and women
Dance across as many stages

I find solace beneath the black waves
Bound betwixt two covers
They bring me so much joy
And always brighten my day
What needs have I
In the face of yours
My father cares for me
As I tend my chores

By spreading his blessings
And sharing his love
Someday we may live below
As he does above

Extend a hand
To someone in need
Take the stand
I promise you'll see

So give of your time
Be of cheerful heart
Remember this rhyme
Remember where it starts
Don't let your lows
Define your heights
Keep your goals set
Firmly within your sight

Focus on yourself
What you want to achieve
You can bring about
Whatever you believe

Pick yourself up
Brush off the dust
You're almost there
Right on the cusp

Learn from the past
Rise up from the depths
Climb the stairway
Step by step

Like a Phoenix
Reborn from the ash
Ignite a new flame
Shine with a brilliant flash
A fresh cut, a new mar
Soon just another scar
One more to add to the collection
Every time I look in the mirror

Yet I still seek my reflection
A fresh cut, a new mar
I can't help but keep collectin

The sort of cuts I make
Could make minds break
And still I seek my rejection

I don't know how much I can take
My mind it's strong
But everywhere
There's another mirror

There's no escape
When the blades
Are my own eyes

Staring with their haunted cast
At a shadow cloaked in lies

These scars are ugly welts
I stare at shamefully
But the cuts need to be made
For I hate what's become of me
There is a reason
I listen to angry music
Yea these primal rhymes
Keep me from losing it

My tide of angst, hate and rage
Welling deep inside
And caused by this day and age

Those angry words do stem
Holding back the flood
As if I'm the one singing them

So I'll crank the volume up
Right through the ceiling
And let these raging sound waves
Pour out my innermost feelings
Splish splash splish splash
Into the water
My paddles crash
Neither a care nor a bother

Gliding along
I listen to the river's song
My mind it soothes
My soul it moves

Silver flashes
As a drum flits by
And otter play
So pleasing to my eye

Water sloshes against my boat
While I watch an eagle fly
Man I love to float

Muddy waters flow on by
Man I love to float
Orange my other favorite
Really hard to find another
Another color that looks so right
Never had a druther
Greater yet when paired with P.U.R.P.L.E.
Even love you more than my mother
Steel cuts and fire burns
Leaves us to choke on fumes
Nothing to be done
As we turn our heads

Ways of life and medicine
Gone up in smoke
Losing more than we know
Though most have no idea
Show me how to live
To die another day
Living in this sickness
Thanks for the band aid

Don't push me your pills
My problems not your solution
My problem is you
Your whole evil evolution

Thanks for showing me how to live
To die a slower way
Please torture me with sickness
May I have another band aid

You've warped my perception
Made another slave
Medicated to complacency
I can never expect to be brave
Let's get this coaster  Rollin
to my station's dark end.
I'll take you for a  Strollin
to my world of pretend

There will be
            Once you pass
                        Through this glass
     No more me

Trapped in this prison
Two tiny windows, no door
Panic level rising
Cannot take much more

Head pounding that invisible stall
You regret ever trusting me at all
Tricked you much to my glee
"Gotta split, I'll be sure to call"

"Oh, before I go"
"You may want to know'
"To escape that stall
someone else must fall"

"Welcome to my mind"
"I hope you enjoy your time"
I don't do this for the thank you

I do it for you and only you

These rhymes I do chime
I hope they will calm in time
The roaming of your heart

Bringing me not a part
Instead the whole thing

Our pinkys would make a ring
Our thumbs we'd kiss

Squeezing them together
We'd seal Our Promise
Purple you are my favorite color
Un comparable is any other
Regard you as perfect
Please don't stop
Loving your Royal hue
Everyone to their knees should drop
Rise up and sing
In yourself believe
Shattered is nothing
Escape this pensieve

Under the surface
Perhaps YOU'RE WORTH IT!!!
Ride and shout like Paul Revere
Inside you is great power
So open up and let go your fears
Evict them from your tower

Up up and away we'll fly
Please come join me in the sky
Reveal your true spirit
Inside you are beautiful
Show it off, in yourself be full
Even the aliens should hear of it

Understand when I say
Prove me right, rise up today
We are stewards of the earth
The sweet mother
Who has provided for us
Since the day of our birth

She cares for us
So we should care for her
Don't be callous
As a caretaker do not err

Be one with nature
And ensure that it grows
You reap what you sow

Abuse and misuse her not
You reap what you sow
Akin to a swirling mist
I swear standing just like this

I never believed him
Until I saw one of them

They hover just outta sight
Something I thought I'd never see
This guys been up too many nights
Then it happened to me

Late one night
As I lay awake
I saw her there

She was doing dishes
I couldn't help but stare

In a blink she was gone
Evaporated into thin air
I had been wrong
I began to despair

They only pop in
Harbingers of excess
Once you're off the deep end

This must not happen
I must get away
I sat shaken
I had thought I could play
I know in my heart
We're here to grow
Become like stars
Shine with a benevolent glow

Light up a life
Show love to someone
Keep in mind
It's a job never done

The more you shine
The brighter we get
Let happiness reign
Keep your torch lit
I try not to speak words without flavor
When our speach is without substance
We practice and promote ill behavior

So learn to speak life
And maybe you can be a saviour

To someone going through rough times
Anything can be a saving grace
So make a rhyme
And lift someone's face

Help them see the glory in this life
To bolster their fight
Look past their strife

Set fire to the night
Light the way
Staying the knife
Staring at the ceiling
Making smoke rings
Only you can send me reeling
Koffing up
Dear Sudoku
How I hate you
Because you're so addicting
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