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Father take care of him
Ease his weary bones
He's spent so many years
And seen so many woes

He's been my guiding light
Shining brightest in my mind
Please keep him in this fight
I need a bit more time

To show how much I love him
Now I close this prayer in Rhyme
Do I tear it out
And wear it on my sleeve
Tear it out
And let you see

Seeing you is agonizing
Your feel haunts me
Poisoning my thoughts
You dominate my memory

Heart in my throat
I'm paralyzed
This is all rote

Darlin I'm weak
Nothing but a shell
The words I won't speak
I'll sit alone in my hell

Yes I'll stay away
Why should an angel
Lower her gaze

Do I tear it out
And end it all
Tear it out
To the ground to fall

No way to recompense
Without ground to stand on
In silence I'll persist
Hand brushes through blonde locks
I lose touch with the clock

A victim how long
Body language your siren song

Liquid blue eyes burnt into my soul
Pools drowning me deeper in you

Smiling sweetly
The way only you do
I am further disarmed

Senses raw and walls crumblin
I can't stand how badly I want you
You send my thoughts  tumblin
Wishing all these feelings were untrue

Fear of losing myself to your touch
Evaporates as I see your face
Like a little boy with a crush
Finish what you started
You have it in you
Don't let this opportunity pass
Because you're feeling blue

Good things come
To those with tenacity
Go about your life
Sure and steadfastly

Keep a firm hold
Keep chasing your dreams
Nothing can keep you down
Move ahead full steam
If you don't like the weather
Just wait fifteen minutes
Quick as a bird to feather
This blowing April snow will finish

In a minute it'll drizzle
About the time yer tired of that
It'll get so **** hot
We'll throw an egg on a rock to sizzle

Its the freakest thing
Now it's so muggy
It feels like we're swimming

All in a day for Indiana weather
Don't like it
Just wait it gets better
Where have they gone
Wherever could they be
The Children of the Forest
Have become lost in the city

Their laughs no longer echo through treetops
Children now draped in tee tops
Tuned in listening to that beat drop
Never stopping to wonder why they can't stop

So the trees remain quiet
Day after day the same
Waiting for a dreamer to awake
And the Forest to reclaim
I've planted my seed
Patiently I wait to see what it will become
I hope it's great indeed
I hope I have a "green thumb"

I'd like to make my Poah Tree
As beautiful as yours are to me

So I'll revel in your beautiful foliage
Full of love and tears
Packed with joy and fears
Even those full angst and rage

They move me one and all
So let's grow this Forest big and tall :)
Release the clutch
Pin the throttle
Never felt so free
Never been so in touch

Bang second just before redline
Best rush you'll feel
Hands down every time

Straddling barely contained fury
As it pulls the wheel

I hit third doing ninety seven
I know I'm in the zone
Surely this must be heaven
This power has my mind blown

Fourth and one thirtys all I got
I need to change my backside
So I think now I'll cruise

I'll take Throttle therapy
Over any kinda *****
I want to disappear
To sink into obscurity
Drown beneath the waves
Of all my insecurities

I'm riding high
I'm crashing low
This raging ocean
Outta control

Wake me up
I hate this nightmare
Wake me up
Is anyone out there

Can't escape this apathy
It's swallowed me complete
Can't go on much longer
Stranded at sea

Pull me from these dark tides
Rescue me from myself
I'm staring from inside
Slowly losing to this hell

Wake me up
Keep me from despair
Wake me up
Please make me care
Immersed so deep
Questioning the way of the sheep
Sheep who conform to this reality
Without so much as a peep

They might begin to realize
Just what they're missing
If they saw the world through my eyes

I wish I could share this vision
With more than just words
This reality is derision
This mockery for the birds

Some may call it escape
Looking at the world through open eyes
But when your pupils begin to gape
You can see through the lies

So partake and open yourself
To a world of beauty and wonder

These are my trippin' bawls
I hope they make you ponder
Bury me in an unmarked grave
When it comes to be my day
The only marker I need
Are the ones I leave

No stone do I require
To show I have passed
I'll be remembered by those I inspire
That is how I want my memory to last
I'm not dead
Just screaming inside
I'm not dead
Just stuck in my mind

I'm sinking beneath the waves
The voices crashing round and round
Every time I come gasping up
I push me right back down

Gotta hold on
Remember the light
Gotta hold on and remember
The day divides the night
Gliding down this asphalt ribbon,
I let my mind wander where
It will
Take me where I want to go,
content and drifting with
No urgency
can catch us here,
eating up pavement at a
Steady pace
keeping me sane,
from the cacophony
I'm denying
this fickle conscience,
the power to control
My emotions
won't  be compromised,
by despair for I have
No worries
as I cruise safely along
This vagabond's meandering highway
What's that riting on your walls?

Just some thoughts that all

Just some thoughts?
Why I'm appalled
These are an amazing collage
A wonderful sensory barrage

Have no worries just write
To the world say ***** you

Fly your finger like a kite
And do what you do

To my fellow poets
In your works be proud
Your souls beautiful show it
And write your words loud

Do not desist
In what you're creating

Nor be remiss
Tons of us are relating

— The End —