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 Nov 2016 joel hansen
The Sun Always Rises

and the dark always
gives way to the light.
Remember that,
in turbulent and troubling times.
Like these times
right here and right now that we are immersed in.

We are wading through this sludge with trepidation and angst and with the fever
of revolution.

Do we fight? Retreat to our separate corners?
I say fight.
Be bold.
Be ****** and resolute and be belligerent in thought and word.

Do move forward, kindly, and with the spirit of all that have ever been repressed- with the spirit that breaks the chains of uniformity and oppression.

Fight for freedom.
Fight for love.
Fight for a hopeful future.
Thoughts on current affairs...Let freedom ring-MLK junior
 Nov 2016 joel hansen
 Nov 2016 joel hansen
How are you?
How are you feeling?

It's so **** easy to just say "good".
To hide a lifetime of worry and fear
In one simple word.
The alternative is...
The truth

To look at someone and say
"I'm worried about money"
"I haven't been feeling so good lately"
"I have fears about where my life is headed"

It's easier to say
"I'm good"
But it's not true.
I feel now, more than ever, that I need to put everything into words. I'm too scared to let my thoughts just ramble about in my head. If I make them words then I can face them.
Have you ever heard the rain,
Fall softly on a tin shed,
A thousand ball bearings tinkering softly above your head,

Have you ever felt  a mountains breath,
Bite at your fingers as you climb,
The dead stone calling you to fall,
But still you press ahead

Have you ever felt the sun
Scorch the earth, but not your flesh,
Where you bask for warmth,
Plants lie dead

Have you ever felt loves warm embrace
Raw and powerful,
Sweep itself  from your life
Tyranically, full of dread.

Have you ever found yourself  lost
Only to find yourself exactly where you
Need to be.
The good things come with bad. And if your fortunate.  The bad comes with the good x
There is s boy.
Always reaching.
For what is just out of reach.
The boy knows he will grow.
Even after the disappointment of not being enough.
Does he cling to the wall.
Eyes fixed.
The cadaver bellow.
Grows as well.
Some days it feels as if it will grow limbs.
Just to rip him from crossing the finish line.
Each day is a sacrifice.
A communion with death.
For losing a piece of oneself.
Is a small price.
To be able to...
Love a day longer.
Only too many days have inched by.
Too many scars have been accumulated to be seen any other way.
All the pain.
Is met with disgust.
No one would dare lock eyes with such a grotesque.
The cries of agony and sorrow.
Are heard only as rage and hate.
Should the next ledge come into reach.
It is unknown.
What defines my name?.
Life gave me a lesson
i have learned not to trust a person,
But what defines my name?.
Life is a big test,
Its better to wake up in the noon
knowing what to do
or where to go too.

Who am i?
Do i let every person to drive
my life?.
Why should i live my life
the way you want,
Do i need direction for in
which path to use?.
Why every step i take
you the first to judge?.
Oh my God!
who is in charge in this life?.
Is it me or them?.
Why it has to  be them to
tell me on what to do.

I repeat, Who am i?.
Yes the journey it is not determined
by where you are from
But where you are going to.
My life is unstable
i don't know who to listen,
Who to believe.

Who am i?

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Copy righted 2016
Its getting increasingly closer..
We're getting increasingly closer.
Opening up is like moving a dam thats been lodged tightly in place for years.
And what if all you see is rupture underneath?
Sometimes I'm not sure if I have feeling left in the vicinity of this body
so many numbed 'I'm fines' over the years.
But what if someone was really listening?
What if you touched me and my body responded
in the form of a deep set howl?
A wail of tears neither of us are prepared for-
because I've worn my vulnerability on every corner of this face
and I shake, I stutter, when I even muster the courage to allow
syllables leave my mouth.
And too many associated memories..
I try and allow myself to forgive-
And here I am
Once again
Planning my destruction

Today I stop
I stop the medicine
I stop eating and drinking
I stop sleeping
I stop socializing
I stop lying to myself

And today I start
To cut
To purge
To drink
To lie
To cry
To write
To save

I start saving pills
To stop my chills
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