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 Mar 2017 joel hansen
have you heard the wind
the trees rustle
the wings fly by
the sea roar
watched the mountain
and wonder
sink down
on your knees
knowing this is life
the end the beginning
we are no more
than a bird a mountain a tree a leaf
a wave crash on the shore
a shell
maybe a sunrise
or a moon on the horizon
but nothing more
 Mar 2017 joel hansen
Pagan Paul
How I wish I could lay my head
down gently on your thighs,
to make you moan and sigh aloud
and slowly close your eyes.

How I wish I could use my tongue
and give you more than rhyme,
to bring a flush up to your cheek,
of feelings beyond space and time.

How I wish that I could speak
in words of feathered certainty
and so entice your curious mind
to lay down with me for eternity.
© Pagan Paul (2017)
For the Muse I have yet to meet.
For the Lady I have yet to undress.
For the Lover I have yet to eat.
For the Goddess I have yet to impress.
I continue searching for you.
 Mar 2017 joel hansen
Anderson M
If reason was kind.
It wouldn’t allow people
To go to hell in handcarts
Whilst it sits by pretty and dolled up.
It’d go out of its way
Lend a listening ear
Offer its counsel FOC
It’d compel its narcissistic ego
To allow it to attend to people’s issues.
It’d come out of its ivory tower
To see what the world’s “really” like.
But methinks reason’s unkind.
It’d rather have its wits around itself
Than waste time availing itself to people’s thorny issues.
It’d rather have us be blind to it.
 Mar 2017 joel hansen
i love you
i feel a pit in my stomach
i love you
i love you
i do not deserve you

you are an angel
crafted from warmth
sculpted from light
your eyes were formed from the soil of the earth
and your skin the light of the moon


what i would do to be in your presence!


like the moon tugs in an incessant loop
i am drawn to you


what would i do to touch your skin
to feel your breath on my neck

to feel,
to feel,
to feel,
you are what makes me feel!
to be adored by you!

this was written in a somewhat surreal state at very early hours of the morning
 Mar 2017 joel hansen
I'd give anything
For you
To tell me I'm not crazy.
For you
place your hand
On my thigh,
While looking me in the eye,
And sweetly utter the words
"I NEED you too"
To feel the passionate confirmation
Passing from your lips to mine,
As that last color of my soul
Is shaded in by your
Bravery and truth.
Together we can shine.
Together we can conquer.
Together we belong.
i found out the meaning of home somewhere along the broken highways of new mexico, red sands chock full of iron and cars carrying tumbleweeds on the underside of their exhaust pipes. i found life out in the desert, spinning off road and out of control until the crash, totalled, broken bones and putting the pieces together again. sometimes it’s hard to love someone when you’re always with them, like how looking at the same side of the moon never gets old because it hides in the daylight, like how eleven-hour car rides can turn into tense late hotel nights.

i found out the meaning of home in a kaleidoscope, neon street signs in a language i’ve never been able to speak, looking for eyes looking for me. there’s something unnerving about the dead of night in kansas city, like a piece of me that no one else has ever been supposed to see, old marks and places where bones were forced to regrow, old sunburns that just live under the skin instead of on display again. i keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, but i’m not sure when the first one fell in the first place, like i’ve been waiting to figure out if i’ve ever belonged in a single solitary place, like how every single star that i’ve ever seen sounds like it could hold a home in its heart for me.

i found out the meaning of home in the decay, the falling apart at the seams, plucked out by a compulsive need, snapping loose strings from the sleeves of hoodies until there’s nothing left of me except for the unravelling. the southwest is scattered with the rubble of long-abandoned twice-owned properties, old lots where children never played because the tar has always been melting, liquidating, capitalizing on the collapse of what used to be.

i found the meaning of home but i lost the memory. every word i’ve ever spoken is rotten poetry because i can’t remember what i’ve said or who i’ve claimed to be. i feel most at home when i’m lost, when i’m wandering, and now i’ve been far enough to know that the twisting highways of the midwest will never be confusing again for me. i need to go further, farther away from the mess of puzzle pieces that i’ve been handing out to anyone who wants a part of me. i’ve always been disjointed, like since july i’ve been popping my jaw into place every time i have something to say because it doesn’t want to stay the way that it should be, like i don’t want to stay the way that i am but i have to because it’s expected of me.

i lose myself every time someone asks me who i want to be: lost until i know everything, then pushing and going and moving and never ever staying, making a home in the bones of the sun before she ejects me, evicting me from the ghost town of what her heart used to be. why has everything become arizona to me? like the edge of the grand canyon promising something better than a downfall, a mile down of feeling like flying, like standing on the edge gets my heart racing. maybe the only reason i ever wanted to be dead was because everyone stopped listening, and i’ve always been a performer before anything.

i wish i could find answers from highway signs, in the songs my friends sing in my car as we speed, five ten fifteen eighty, integrity. i wish i had more words after eighteen years of spewing things that don’t have meanings. i wish things were easy, like the rocky mountain breeze coming down from the north and infecting the humidity in a way that makes the sky feel more free. i wish that i could find something that made me feel that free, something besides the seconds before the fall, the anticipation of the drop, the sensation of weightlessness that only comes with being bound or released from gravity. maybe someday i’ll grow wings, fly faster than this toyota ever drove me. maybe home is in the shapes of the clouds, a castle in the sky blinded by the sunrise. maybe home is in the memories, and maybe that’s why i always feel like i’m chasing things.
He holds her with his hands.
Kisses her on the cheek.
Loves her like no man ever before.

He said he wants to marry her,
take their kids to school.
He said he wants be next to her,
he’ll never lift his hand against her and will
never ever be cruel.

A blind man could see his love,
how much he loves
his woman
and how much her loves her heart.

So when they whisper their I loves you’s
and well-wishes
They do not see me watching
They do not not hear the thought,
for they are together in bed sleeping…

*I wish I could be loved like that.
I wish I was loved like that :(
 Mar 2017 joel hansen
Have no restraints,
No second thoughts,
We are two saints,
Tangled in knots.

I am broken,
Still under construction,
So out-spoken,
With a niche in dysfunction.

You are perfect,
Everything of my dreams,
So very worth it,
Tearing at the seams.

No matter where we go,
I could never forget,
You helped me grow,
You carried my debt.
 Mar 2017 joel hansen
"no wonder why
you have no friends"
who said
i ever cared

i would rather
have no friends at all
if all they are going
to do
is stab me in my back

i am not
here for friends
i don't need anyone
but me

you say i
complain too much
you say you
don't complain at all

i look at you
like you are crazy
what do you
think you are doing then?


you cry to
all your "friends"
you say that
I am being mean

so i confront you
and i tell you
that you are
a hypocrite ..

and of course
you didn't like
what i had to say

so you started
and said that you could
"take me"

then you
stormed out of the room
into an endless pit
of your lies

i don't have the time
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