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I see you from across the room
I've known you for years
But I get this feeling inside
Like I just met you
And as I watch you
You slowly walk towards me
And my insides start to melt
As you get closer, our eyes lock
And I feel things I've never felt
You move me, make me wobble
Once your close enough to touch
I can't help but giggle
You put a finger to my lip
And I secretly smile to myself
Your fingertips move down my arm
Softly landing on my hip
You caress my face with a gentle touch
Then get closer until there's barely a breath between us
My knees go weak
This is all just too much
I sigh and lean in to your mouth
Your lips surround mine
Removing all my doubts
I can feel it in your kiss
And a sudden bliss overwhelms me
This electricity is too hot to miss
I go in hard, I can't help myself
My arms around your neck,
I feel you losing control of yourself
No holding back
I can't help but want for more
And in a flash
We're lying naked on the floor
Fingers, legs, hands and arms
We're completely intertwined
From our souls to our hearts
I feel love to depths divine
And there's no greater sensation
Than when your body finally enters mine
It's an overpowering friction
I'm surprised we're not engulfed in flames yet
These sparks are flying
I've never been hotter
The sweat starts dripping
We've never been wetter
The passions an electric surge
And my body's on fire
I fight the urge
Taking myself higher and higher
I'm lost in you
In your touch, in your eyes
And I'm surprised how unafraid I am
A guilty pleasure with no shame
We climb together as one
A game that we'll both win
Reaching peaks we never knew existed
Crying out in ecstasy
Again and again

I sigh...
And sleep
Cuddled in your arms
Heart and body
Safe from harm
For and Inspired by DaSH ❤
 Feb 2017 joel hansen
I hang on his every word
Like a wriggling worm From the beak of lovely bird

He's the safe I'll never crack
The elusive dancer covered in black

He terrifies and confounds me
And I don't even think he see's

He is the closed book that I can never open
All the words I wish to say but can't be spoken

He's the poem, that I can never write
For me, he's the moon glowing at night

My closed book, who's stories I'll never know
Because I'm the desert, and he's the snow
So maybe, just maybe, it does snow in the desert;) He said it does. Sometimes.
Is not an overreaction
Is not a figment of imagination
of the ones who feel too much

Is not simply a word
for the ones who have loss.
Is not simple at all.

Is ripping
Is the tearing
of one's heart into miniscule pieces.

Is the breath
that both catches in your throat
and completely leaves your body.

Is the physical reaction
in which your heart stops beating
and your lungs stop working.

Is when your smile stops working
but you use it to cover up the tears anyway.
*Is when you picture your life without them in your day.
 Feb 2017 joel hansen
Some people are either such fools or double-mouthed liars,
They can bring my blood to boil and my sanity to turmoil.

Chat with me as if I'm a brother and much more than just a friend,
Send me your pictures and all,
But suddenly,
Then tell me that I am a stranger when I ask your number in the end?

I'll just block your sick personalities,
Your HP profiles and email address.

I won't leave any stone unturned,
Enough being the ideal good boy.

I will be the realistic man,
Not for your playing a toy.
Some people are just so sickle-minded.

My HP Poem #971
©Atul Kaushal
 Feb 2017 joel hansen
I am not who everyone expects me to be,
some think I'm a ditzy blonde who can't think for herself,
some think I am one to be pushed over, repeatedly hurt,
some know I have a brain, but expect too much from me.

I do not even know myself anymore...
always compared to my brother,
my aunt, my cousins....
newsflash, I'm not them!! I am who I am.

I am a teenage girl...
I love classical music, I don't just hear the music, I feel it.
I love the opera, there is so much emotion in these.
I love the fine arts, music, museums, art.

It's true I don't love reading, but yet my favorite book is 'To **** a Mockingbird'.
I am homeschooled, so what? Homeschoolers are some of the most brilliant people out there, no one should call us dumb.

I am a blonde, I'm not ditzy, I don't need everyone to tell me things I already know.
I love nature, and photography.
I am great at math, I love it, along with science. I have a 4.0 GPA.

I'm not mall, gossip, and makeup.
I am, sports, cars, weaponry, and music.
I don't wear dresses, and skirts.
I am gym shorts, jeans, tees.

I am a fantastic cook, but I ain't no "house wife" type.
I clean, but if I didn't who else would?
I love kids, but not in my life until after college, and marriage.
Do you get it yet?

I am one of the most honest, trustworthy, kind person there is.
I love easily, but I do not trust as easy.
I trust no one, but I love, and get hurt.
I am a broken spirit, I love, and I forgive too much, I am too trusting.

No one knows me,
like they think they do.
I am who I am,
not who everyone wants me to be.
stop thinking you know me, cuz you don't!!!!
What did I think you were?
An angel in disguise?
What did you think I was?
A kid hiding behind her lies?

You took me in
under your wing
did you really know?
Did you know everything?

I was a child lost in the store,
You were the parent, sick with worry
You found me
With love, fear and fury

I love the friend I found in you
I love the person I am now
Because you had the faith
I know we will all make it somehow

Brother, You've been there
In my darkest hour,
You were the darkened hand on my shoulder
Behind the scenes, the cloaked power

You kept me uplifted
You kept me on track
I owe you my life
You've always had my back.

I was scared, I was hurt
I didn't understand the things you said
I didn't understand the anger you had
I had no idea how your heart bled
This is a poem for my brother who always had my back. Who I never knew was standing behind me, comforting me. It always seemed he was just behind me breathing down my neck, until I grew up and saw him for who he really was. Thank you Tom.
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