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Dear God, whoever, whatever, wherever you are- can you see me?

Can you see the terror in my eyes?
This day I wakened gripped in fear.
Can you see me behind the lies?
False is my smile, real is my tear

That trails my cheek the stain remains
The mask each day I don at morn
No soul beholds the blinding pain
For not shall I allow one's scorn

Dear God can you hear me?

My screams are stifled by the sound
Of winds I turn to carry me
Away from dismal strife abound
I turn my back one step to flee

When I speak, my voice not mine
Tis what you wish that you will hear
That life is good and all is fine
Expression when my soul can't bear

Soliloquy for me alone
With words that bring me to my knees
I shake with chill deep to the bone
Despair I pray that no one sees

Dear God, can you feel me?

I know my heart beats within
Yet how I wish that it would cease
Perhaps no longer that I shall sin
And finally gain a sense of peace

I wish to hate you for you have made me
Look how I've grown with this weak shell
Assembled pieces faithlessly
The cracks run deep, dear God, pray tell

Can you see my tears and hear my cries?
Or feel the knife plunged deep within
My heart, my soul, my mind defies
Hope, joy, and love, my harshest sin

Are you there, my God, or no!
Why have you made me thus?
Alas, no one shall know my woe
To will my body back to dust

Tis all my own, this place I made
No one to blame only myself
Goodbye, farewell and so I bade
Sorrow, oh flame! My life engulf!
when god lets my body be

from each brave eye shall sprout a tree
fruit that dangles therefrom

the purpled world will dance upon
between my lips which did sing

a rose shall beget the spring
that maidens whom passion wastes

will lay between their little *******
my strong fingers beneath the snow

into strenuous birds shall go
my love walking in the grass

their wings will touch with her face
and all the while shall my heart be
with the bulge and nuzzle of the sea
"**** it"
I refuted

I said,
"Bless it"

The world is enough a hell to be ******
Why curse it further?
a mini-work
 Apr 2018 Jessica Lofts
Aa Harvey
Deathstar Prince and The Princess of Death

I’ve lived here for eternity, I’ve seen them come and go.
They all smile throughout the summer days,
But hide once winter brings the snow.
Too cold for some, that human bunch,
But I can’t feel a thing.
I am The Bringer of Agony and Death!
I am the Sorrowful, Deathstar Prince!

Such heartsore mist creeps over me
And washes my happiness away.
The night has once more crept upon us,
To bid goodnight to the day.

It’s lonely here inside my heart, whilst she is lonely too.
My Angel of the Bitter Heart,
I see you watching me, as I watch you;
But I saw this ****** death coming,
Since long before you were ever born.
Drawn together forever,
In love’s twisted mind of thorns.
“I shall make you feel each other’s soul,
And then I shall tear them away.”
I’d like to say it all came as a big surprise,
But I’d be lying once again.

Another century passes by; time to get a bride.
The last one didn’t like me much, so I’m afraid she had to die.
Such bitter sweetness to be tasted in her veins.
The body remained perfect;
It’s a shame the same couldn’t be said of the brain.
Next time will be sweeter though, I shall find a star.
My pale white dark love of temptation;
I can see what you truly are.

The She-Devil stands before me, waiting to be wedded in white.
This ***** of the visual ****** sends shivers down my spine.
She draws me into her engulfing buxom; tender loving care.
I draw her into my cold dark world, full of death and despair.

Eternally devouring each other’s love;
This attraction has gone beyond any reasonable version of lust.
It crashes through the sound barrier, it jumps off the chart.
My lust for this woman is greater than,
The love that I have hidden within my heart.

I kneel before my Princess of Death;
She allows me to gaze upon her as I rise to my feet.
My desire cannot be hidden from her eyes,
As we stand breath to breath.
Our lips touch, we fall in love again, as we join the deceased.

The hunt is on for a fresh victim tonight.
Who will find the tastiest blood?  Will it be me or you?
Let’s take our death, to her or him, my bride.
The moon is drawing low now;
It lights up her skin, as pale as the moon.

Hand in hand, we carry the body;
This beautiful damsel in distress.
Her name unknown, her view not asked for;
All we ask of her is death.
Her blood still pumps fresh inside her neck.
She screams; she tries to reason; in vain she doth protest.

I gaze my deadly stare upon her and offer her some pain.
She gladly offers her wrist to me, so I can have a taste.
But my Princess is the only one who can ever truly love me;
For she is my Forever Bride, she is my Everything.

I pity you food, you lack any imagination.
I’ve spent three thousand years, living in damnation;
But death I was able to grasp.
Whilst you struggle and squirm,
Before you’re bitten and collapse.
Your last gasp of air, is replaced with despair,
As we take all your troubles away.
Your deathly stare at my debauchery enslaved,
Lets you realize, how little I care.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
by all means do
Enjoy the chemical  
i        b     l         n            e
   m      a      a            c              s
And did I tell you
about how the
you painted on my skin
crave for you
every morning
yet the winter
never ends.

Where are you, my sunshine?
Sometimes I get tired
Of all the blubber
The grinding of systems
The metal to the rubber

The pushing of points
The singing to the choir
Pickaxe in place of featherc
Look there's a bird upon the wire

Maybe potions going dry
No thank you please
And fingers going all stiff
While here awaits the feast

And vases laying all smashed
Words sitting there all torn
Lets gather the broken scraps
Rearrange them and be reborn

Maybe it's me and only me
Closing an old and tattered page
Maybe I've overstayed my welcome
On an old and creaky stage

Ah the sticks an stones are smiling now
The crows I think they've left
But the cinders upon ash
Still burn bright upon this hearth

Out into the clearing
See it twinkling up ahead
An inkling of some something
Some of us have thought of and said

Merlin's done it agian
Con-Ed's shut down
Tesla's come into power
And White Bear gets his crown
George Carlin is pope
Shakespeare is president
They both know the ropes
And you what ya think?
Wink, wink
Old out dated systems gone haywire, personally,socially, politically. A system soaked in ideals we call 'civilized'.........from my collection The Situation@amazonbooks/taralizdriscoll
 Apr 2018 Jessica Lofts
B Young
To the Age of major gains,
But no progress.
Abundant selfies,
But harshly any selflessness.
Delectable boomerangs of delicious dinners,
While many suffer starving in foreign winters.
Become the end-all-be-all of the winners?
Chicken Dinner
Chicken Dinner
   I          R
    C       E
     K     N
      E    N
       N  I
 Apr 2018 Jessica Lofts
B Young
Things you need are that hard
To find.
There, over there, outside your window, not the breeze. It is a disease, who waits outside that window. Inside growing groaning please please come and  play innocently come please play. Forget about everyone and anyone you love.

Lubricious ànd concupiscient

There are things that are not that easy
To find.
Say; Love, Friendship, Absence of pain, A feeling of hope-unfueled by any dope. A monster which waits outside your window while you groan and moan for these things, inside blow your window.
Not that easy to find.

Lubricious ànd concupiscient

There are things that are easy
To find.
A blade of grass, a crumbling building, war, hate, and mallace. Yet look harder and may also, easily,
Find beauty.
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