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2.7k · Mar 2015
Jerielle Lasac Mar 2015
I admire you a lot
For just being who you are
It makes me forget you not
You gave me a smile on fire

I miss you when you are far
My eyes long to meet your beautiful eyes
You set something in me like war
O, why do I feel this when time flies

When you're too close to me
It bothers me as well
Because when you talk so gently
I'm afraid I might deeply fell

Maybe we're better this way
Words unspoken, feelings unsaid
I know it's something we both pray
That may our hearts still be guarded

I want to say many things to you
Something I don't want to just keep inside
You have no idea how it makes me blue
When I'd rather keep silent and hide

I don't want to awaken things not on its time
I'd rather keep it to myself and sacrifice
Right now maybe it doesn't rhyme
But it's for the future's great surprise

Somehow it breaks my heart
The thought that I'd meet you in a while
On the corridor not too apart
And all I can do is just smile

To me, you are very dear
Maybe it's best to save the friendship
Rather than temporarily happy yet in fear
I don't want us to be in hardship

So maybe I would just keep this mine
And I guess I'd rather not tell at all
In time it will be fine
And I'd be thankful for this achy fall

It's not really goodbye
Rather, "Take care of yourself always"
I hope this will make us comfortably say hi
Whenever we cross ways

Maybe we'll meet again soon enough
And maybe the time is right
Maybe we'll be ready and our hearts are tough
Enough to push through something our hearts long to fight
1.7k · Mar 2016
Love Hangover
Jerielle Lasac Mar 2016
I still feel all the vigors
And my mind is still sore
But my heart is too frail
To feel anything

I still hear voices at night
Or maybe it is just the sound
Of your voice
Sweetly calling my name

I still feel those chills
Or maybe it is just the longingness
Between the spaces
Of my fingers

I still look at my walls
As if my sight can strike against it
So steady and deep
With the sharp thoughts I have

I cannot tell  what it is
But if there is something
That makes it hard for one to breathe
That is exactly it

We all get it
And the worst ones you get
Comes *when you love
Jerielle Lasac Mar 2015
Here's to the person I love so true
To the one who does not weary over and over again to start
I hope right now you have a clue
Because I'll be telling you something straight from my heart

Maybe we are all designed to give and feel comfort
And I've been out there to crave for more
Most people cut me short
But you're different, you have so much in store

It might be true I don't tell my deepest fears
And because sometimes things could get a little rough
It could break me and be in tears
But knowing you'll stay is more than enough

You probably do not know I admire you a lot
The angles of your character give me hope
To the ties of love the world usually cut
You taught my heart how to cope

I cherish the strong and soft side of yours
Something you won't let anyone else to know
It makes me laugh sometimes the way you interact
All in all great, I hope to them I can show

I'm glad of how you demonstrate humility
You understand that everyone could fall
You're a person of inspiring integrity
To me, you are a good example

Your love is so true it covers distance
Further than the foot can go beyond
I know you'll take every chance
So that our hearts can always bond

I love how you keep your words and not fold
It's incomparable to riches
You give something strong to hold
That there are still people who keep promises

I know we will not always understand
Anyway, we are all intended to be scarred
I believe, no matter what, we're still fond
So it's okay, you don't have to try hard

I am blessed to have you
You're an uncomparable catch
So let me tell you something true
Dad, I love you so much
1.5k · Mar 2015
Tell Me It Was Real
Jerielle Lasac Mar 2015
Scattered pieces of flaws
Stitched together in perfection
Just beautiful

All these of good intentions
Why do we not see these all the time?
Why can't it be just the good days?
Why can't we be still?
Why do we turn things vain?

Are we seeing soreal?
Tell me this is nothing in a manuscript
Tell me we're not actors of our own movies
Lest t'was a hopeless love
It frightens me

*Tell me it was real
I wrote this to God almost a year ago. It was something intrapersonal. Then I realized it could also be interpreted as something further.
Jerielle Lasac Feb 2017
If you doubt your capability to love
and you are emotionally unsure,
perhaps I am not the one for you.
No, I am not your cure.

Know that you are about to love someone
who will not hold you liable
of helping her define her existense
for she knows in thee she is responsible.

For I am in the rescue of my own soul,
teaching my heart how to behave.
I cannot be in love and be a hero at the same time
with someone who still needs to be saved.

Because my mind is a galaxy
of wonders and uncertainties
and if you do not know your direction,
you will be lost in my infinity.
1.3k · Jul 2015
Beautifully Flawed
Jerielle Lasac Jul 2015
I'm an image of actions and floral words
I could be a poem in another world
They hymn when someone strums the chords

But I am no image of someone in the history
I'm a poem more likely not to rhyme
A music unlikely for the ears

I'm the three lines on the expected four-line-poem
The disappointment to the words at the end
A sound you will not recognize

I'm an art made of flaws
Made in time of burn and fire
Maybe to dust I came, to dust I'll belong

A hypocrite of my own
My thoughts betray me more than my words
A sinner who creeds at night, whole but shattered

But I am graced, making me beautifully flawed
The novel that may leave you warm yet hanging
Like how I am built with good intentions and wonders
1.1k · Mar 2015
Jerielle Lasac Mar 2015
Whenever I feel the distance
In times my heart longs love a lot
Remind me to take a while to glance
To what matters most and to what this is about

Whenever my heart is searching
Let it be a time for me to seek You
Keep me from the things that are luring
Fix my eyes on what is true

Remind me we are not really apart
Whenever it feels like a hard pruning
May You keep me still, my Lord, and steady my heart
I trust in You that Yours is the best way of learning
990 · Nov 2015
To the Flows
Jerielle Lasac Nov 2015
The future scares me
Also the familiarity
It’s a little scary
But not as it used to be

Sure it doesn’t get easy
I just learned to find courage
To discover maturity
Not just age

It’s not the fear of future
But of repetition
Of what I used to endure
Of the things I held on

But maybe I have learned
To hold on a little lighter
That if things just turned
I can let it fly better

It is being brave
And bold
Knowing what is good and naive
And what is worth to hold

I have to seek wise
No matter how long is too far
Or the possible sacrifice
Or how scary the waves are

I cannot have it all in hand
This is how life goes
Even when I do not understand
I have to dive brave in to the flows
919 · Aug 2015
2 a.m.
Jerielle Lasac Aug 2015
They say it's about who comes into your thoughts at 2 a.m.
But you came to me like war and flame
That runs in through my mind night and day
847 · Jul 2015
Jerielle Lasac Jul 2015
Like a cup of coffee
     in my rainy night,
Like the night walks
     in summer days,
Like the road trips
     on windy fall,
Like the warmth
     on my teary
     December eyes,

It was overwhelming to the heart
and a refreshment to the soul.

Just like those days I will remember,
times someday I will recall,
could be a one-time moment
I can never replay.

Just like a beautiful memoir
I'll recall with a heavy smile
But I am thankful
I have something to look back,
     the comfort I will never trade
     the laugh so real.

I'm glad it happened.

I'm glad it came.
626 · Sep 2017
Walk Away Now If You Must
Jerielle Lasac Sep 2017
Walk away now
from the ones hindering your growth,
the ones degrading your worth.

Walk away now
if it ever made you doubt yourself,
your capability and your esteem.

Walk away now
if you exerted so much love
yet all you get are doubts and fears,
and it made you just more sad
than glad.

Walk away now
if you shed so much blood
with all the puzzle pieces
that never really fits.

Walk away now
if you see yourself in years
in the same situation
still wondering what it will be
if you have walked away.

Turn your back
on things that are killing you
if it stays
or if you stay.

Time ticks fast,
it is not going to wait for you,
but it will always be on your side
if you just move right.

So walk away now
and I promise you
you will love yourself more than ever,
because as you walk away
you are believing
that you are not just a stone
but a jewel of so much worth.

Walk away now
if you must,
and you will come out stronger
than ever
because you will choose your worth now
and you will always be able
to choose it again.
574 · Jul 2016
Maybe This Is Why We Write
Jerielle Lasac Jul 2016
To whom do you write those words?
Who runs in your mind
When all those thoughts
Started to cloud you again?

Do you write to express
To translate all the things
That is probably, or just maybe,
best untold?

But maybe we have said too much
or said too less
than what we wanted
that it made us write again.

But the thing with poems,
It never settle for just fine.
It require too much
Or too less.

We write when we are too angry,
Or too sad,
Or too overwhelmed,
Or maybe when we feel almost nothing.

Because poems are meant to tell
Only the things from the heart;
And the heart never accepts
Things that are "just fine".

Maybe this is why we write,
Because either we have
A little love
Or too much.

And maybe it doesn't matter
If in the way we hope
That it will be read
To whom it is intended.

535 · Aug 2015
523 · Jul 2016
Would You
Jerielle Lasac Jul 2016
If you will see me
To the deepest of my flaws
Would you still love every part of my soul?
461 · Apr 2016
My Random
Jerielle Lasac Apr 2016
I may forget you in some of my prayers
But in the most random of moments
It is you I will remember
457 · Mar 2016
I Do Not Want You To Fear
Jerielle Lasac Mar 2016
I do not want you to fear.

Like the flower he gave me

of how he handed it to me
brighter than the color of my lips
on the day that the skies
are seemingly well-arranged just for two human beings;

of how I let it die
beneath the pages of the book
he once read as he found it
in the storage of my secrets;

of how it grew old in there
and perhaps made him wonder
why I keep it
and why I think it is always beautiful.

My dear,

we are set to grow and bloom
in our own wonderful seasons.
If we will bloom, then we will.
If we will fade, then we will fade.

I do not want you to fear
of the things that has not yet happened,
or take an air that suffocates
every lovely pieces of ou.

So just breathe that warm air
that cleanses your veins up to your soul.
Unfold on your perfect rise or dawn
and be what you are to be.
427 · Apr 2018
Jerielle Lasac Apr 2018
And she began to wonder if it is the coffee she had
that keeps her up all night
or all the thoughts she chose to keep inside
374 · Mar 2016
Jerielle Lasac Mar 2016
If you wait for happiness
Somewhere in the future
It will never come

— The End —