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Jun 2014 · 847
Payment Due?
Janet Brown Jun 2014
No stars illuminate the Earth tonight.
Alone, the wet new leaves and I survey my plight;
The issue here so dark we may not find the light,
And only you and I will ever know what's really right.

I only want to give my very best to you,
Yet somehow that may work toward a great "undo"
Of everything I hoped to be, it's true.
At least until the next big bill comes due.

I know we'd love to think that love is free
'Though somehow still we know that just can't be.
I don't know how to make it feel like there's no fee
Because there's one thing you will never ever see...

The most expensive gift I ever gave to you was me.
-2011 does the lease run out?
Jun 2014 · 695
The Initiate
Janet Brown Jun 2014
O Mage, just how does magic work?
Alignment, Components, Words, and Signs…
    A wand or rod is helpful, too
The stars and moon mark time for you.

Breath whispers words so softly now,
Eyes light the night with tongues of fire
The circle is created here
So walk the blade edged wire, desire

Each step is painful ecstasy
I follow though I fear we’ll fall
Perhaps the greatest spell will be
To somehow just outlive it all.
~2008 Sigh.
Jun 2014 · 1.3k
Immortal in Poetry
Janet Brown Jun 2014
If you would Immortal be,
It isn’t any mystery.
You only have to find and be
The “true love” of one cursed to see
Through Poetry.

Love comes! The rhyming words will start
Your  “face is carved into her heart"!
And then come rhythms quick and smart,
Enjoy your lover’s fine honed art…
Ah, Poetry!

Wait! See now, love has run it’s course
It’s time to stop and stay: divorce.
As pain and sadness, dark remorse
Fill up the soul they feed the source
Of Poetry.

Your Name and Deeds Immortalized!
You cannot really be surprised-
As love’s lost, watch poems crystallize
Right before your aching eyes,
You're Poetry.
6/2014 Thanks to the Inspiration of the fine poets here!
Jun 2014 · 441
It all goes up in smoke
Janet Brown Jun 2014
When I come and I lay here
In the circle of your arm,
And I know that you love me,
And would never mean me harm,
Then I rest at last,
And breathe you in.
And a fire starts burning
Up from within,
Then I know how much I need you -  
That's when it will begin..

But it all goes up,
Eventually, yeah ...
Yes, it all goes up in smoke.

And you know
That I need you
And I will do you right,
You don't need to be afraid,
'cause it all will turn out right...

But when it's all over,
And still my body's throbbing
Then the fear returns
And I know somehow it's robbing
Me of the peace I should feel
'Cause the release is real
And yet it burns.
Oh how it burns me!

And it all goes up in smoke.
Yeah, baby, just like a sacrifice,
It all goes up in smoke.
-6/2012. Actually, this is a song.
Jun 2014 · 479
Are you Everything?
Janet Brown Jun 2014
You are Music, you are Light, you are Gravity.
On a Cold winter's night, you are my Hot cup of tea.
You are Silence, midnight Darkness
and complete Weightlessness.
On the Hottest summer day you're the Iced Tea in my glass.
You are Alpha; Omega,
The first and the last.
My Future, my Present,
And a big part of my Past.
If it's Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall-
Then it’s I follow You: the Best plan of All!
-2012 Ah, Love.
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
Janet Brown Jun 2014
Silken square fills with air,
So warm, so very warm...
Hotter, higher...
Pumping in, and in,
In... more air, please, more...
Falling…, falling...
****! Really falling!!
Strong arms drag me to center.
Hotter, higher, further and farther,
and Oh! Oh!!
Tighter and higher than it can go...
and Implode! Explode!!...2...3...
As the colored patches swirl around me, strong arms
Pull me up and over (breathing and uh...wheezing!)
Landing sideways, mixed together, to sleep.
Huddle of humans, one or two?
Arms are somewhere, leg over leg,
You hold me,
I pass out.
Best is ...
Opening eyes,
Nose smashed in stubbled cheek,
Seeing my son's chin.
Thank You for Now,
Thank God forEver.
-2007 This will always be reunion day to me. I don't even blame me if I couldn't parse it to perfection! :)
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
The Old Moon
Janet Brown Jun 2014
The old moon wanes
Her light so sweetly,
As dawn is breaking over neatly.

She's nestled in a cove of clouds.
I watch and know she is too soon
to be engulfed by their onrushing banks
and I can't bear
To lose the little light she bravely
Chose on me to shine.
Oh little light,
Be mine.
As if she heard when I looked up,
A miracle!
The clouds broke up!
And there she was, my yin-yang crescent - snuggling cold against her Warm black velvet twin. And nary a cloud in sight
Against the movie screen glow of periwinkle light.

Sweet!! Miracles still happen when You say.
God, please! Remind me of this fact every day!
-2010 Couldn't make it rhyme, and refused to delete it, 'cause there was something about it...
Jun 2014 · 904
Janet Brown Jun 2014
In all the world, there'll never be
A man I love as much as Thee!
Even on the clouds or the deep blue sea?
That's a lot o' love for me!

(and then:)
I sent my dreams to look above,
And see if any other love
Was away up there and could be found
But woke up lying on the ground!
So I pushed my heart into the sea -
I have been told, so many times,
How cold my heart is- frigid me!
Alas! there's no one quite like thee!
So, Zeus, with all his charms and flair
Can keep his castles in the air!
And Neptune, though his cold match mine,
Must swim alone and drink his wine.
For all the changing shafts of light
That pierce the depths of deepest seas
And all the twinkling hosts of night
Can never match the depths I've seen
In those most twinkling human eyes.
that constantly can change their hue,
And taught me about the color Blue.

In all the world
There'll never be
A man I love
   As much as Thee.
-2011 A poem grows from texting. Truly 21st Century!!
Jun 2014 · 397
Janet Brown Jun 2014
More than any song could ever sing
More than winter ever wanted spring
More than any words could ever say
More today than you heard yesterday

More and more and more, round runs the ring
More and more and more than anything
They say in years that time will numb the sting
And less will be the thing that time does bring.
  But night still follows day in it’s own right
  As evening follows noon and dims the sight.
  The weeks pass into months with a fine blur
  And in your heart you dare not feel a stir

  As year turns into year, still my heart waits
  The turning of the hand that wields the fates.
   Eventually she’ll turn my way and see
   I’m here for you, and I need you for me
~1993 Ouch. In real life, I should not have had a second chance. But this is my life, apparently not necessarily Real. Of course, it was more than 12 years before Fate thought she'd take a look at my loss...
Jun 2014 · 695
Entangle me
Janet Brown Jun 2014
Entangle me, Entangle you
For what’s a friend supposed to do
But live inside each other’s dreams?
It’s never really what it seems.
I never made a worse mistake,
I won’t live through a second take.

       Recycle me, recycle you
       We split this crazy world in two.
       And all our kids sleep in their beds
       While all our friends just shake their heads.
       But no one here will ever know
       How hard it is to just let go.

Immortal me, immortal you
The only way to join the two.
 So live inside my sweet, sweet dreams
 Where all is really how it seems -
 And put outside your weary chest
 Your pain and fear and on it rest
      My head throughout Eternity
      Embracing me…
   Entangle me.
~1994 Oh, my. Why is it that as a poet I keep telling myself I can pour my feelings into words and it will make them go away? Really, it seems I just store them up for later.
Jun 2014 · 423
Rondeau #1
Janet Brown Jun 2014
There is no hope in wishing, my dear
Still I wish I could make myself clear,
For as far as I know there's no star
Will make miracles grow where we are
And I can't keep on living this here...

And yet while I can hold you near,
I am sorry if you see a tear,
'Cause I don't want our time to be marred...but...
There is no hope.

No! I will not succumb to the fear
That this is the last time when we're
Being together and you will not bar
Me from knowing the real you inside where you are.
It's the same sad story year after year.
There is no hope.
-2011 Trying for a" real"  rondeau.  It says what I want, and comes close to the form at least...
Jun 2014 · 822
Lies? Who cares?
Janet Brown Jun 2014
The darkness and the deepness of night sky
Contrasts the path pale clouds make like a distant shore.
The half moon glitters brightly on your face
And in the silence all I crave is more.
The silence there is frozen by my heart.
Sweet words pour out of you and into space.
I do not hear a single word you say,
I only want to memorize your face.
I'll never know if who I saw was real;
I only see you through Love's perfect eye.
But only know how that night makes me feel,
And simply do not care if it's a lie.
-2010  No actual template was followed.This poem just happened and again refuses editing. Oh well.
Jun 2014 · 481
Janet Brown Jun 2014
I stand on this shore looking back
‘Cross crashing waves of long past years
The purchase made, head on your chest
The salt I taste is my own tears
The pain I’ve felt were my own fears
Of drowning in Oblivion,
Where once assigned at your request.

O happy day, to watch again
Through azure depths the world revolve
Ignoble joys, I play with toys
From which I thought I’d long evolved.
Someone outside this locked door
Is holding on to every key.
“Release!” I beg and chain my leg
With my own hands. O sorry me!
-2007 This poem firmly resists editing. I know it doesn't have the "correct" number of lines... It doesn't seem to care and will not give me more. So,  I guess it is finished...
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
Shells and Hopscotch
Janet Brown Jun 2014
Shells and Hopscotch, Kites and Stars
Treasures found on sea wet sands
Cover up your battlescars
Hold them tight in your cold hands

Mimsy, mimsy, swear your fate
Hold his face and kiss his cheek
He’s here right now, it’s not too late
Don’t turn away or be so weak

Toss the stone up ,it's so high
Don’t hold your breath or close your eyes
You’ve hit the square now don’t be shy
You have to jump, you have to rise...

You got so high! Now grab the string!
It’s caught the wind and makes away
It strains like some great living thing!
The past is gone. Now is today.

The stars, the stars so brightly singing
Don’t watch what’s in between, the Dark
They catch our eyes like bright birds winging
Don’t just hear crows. Listen for the lark.

Shells and Hopscotch, Kites and Stars-
Children's things? Not just, I think.
Don't pet your pain, or count your scars.
Relax. Life's quicker than you think.
-2014   Thoughts while walking on the beach, what else?
Jun 2014 · 740
In the parking lot
Janet Brown Jun 2014
What did she want? Will you ever know?
    Flakes of time hide the past like the gathering snow.
    If it ever was lost, it was finally found
    As there in the rain we ran it to ground.
    All the passion of fire on two fingertips
    As gently each one traced the other one’s lips.
    Kindled deep in the past, flames still lick at the air.
    If we both outlast time we know Love will be there
-1997  So sorry about the title. I have tried to retitle this over the years and usually end up losing it. So, there it is with it's seemingly unrelated start... At least I can find it!
Jun 2014 · 1.7k
You are the star
Janet Brown Jun 2014
You are the star that pierces darkest night
When new moon doesn’t rise or shine her light.
You are the melody that knits night’s sweetest songs,
The resting place my lonely heart belongs.
You are the star. You are the star.

You are the juicy peach plopped in hunger’s outstretched hand.
From the ocean of my tears, you are the sight of land.
You are a mountain stream rushing through Death Valley’s thirst.
You are the biggest, fastest, slowest, best and worst.
The very end of ends, and always, Absolutely, the first.
-2011 I am a fanatic about loving to write and then about re-working and editing my words. This came out in one piece while drifting in and out of sleep with the person it was written about.
Jun 2014 · 541
A Summer Storm
Janet Brown Jun 2014
Sudden storm raging, wild winds whip high,
With frantic fury from azure eye.
“That feels so good”, the deep wind sighs
Towering trunks like trembling thighs.
Wood petrified by warm wet breath
Pummels to the little death.
Lightning strikes me with that smile
Embrace me yet a little while.
My shelter snores. A summer storm:
Wild and raging, strong and warm.
Jun 2014 · 522
Sonnet #5
Janet Brown Jun 2014
The ocean foams it’s frothy grey grey green head
It’s often where I’m called at last to be
       To think sweet silent thoughts of you and me.
       With shells and driftwood down the beach I’m led.
       Gulls somber songs accompany my dance
       While searching for a treasure in the sands.
        It soothes my brain, gives purpose to my hands
        And turns my worried mind from our romance.
        So sad, sweet man! Just who would ever guess
        The reason why my heart keeps breaking more
         Just like these swells that crash upon the shore?
         It’s not because our hearts hold any less.
         Requited love should not so painful be
         Nor breaking waves mock authenticity

— The End —