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49.3k · Sep 2014
Hakeem Jenkins Sep 2014
The more the beautiful the girl, the more I wonder what other defense she contains to keep her emotions latched,
21.1k · Jun 2014
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
It is complete crap
when people think your color
equals your nature
just let me be me
5.1k · Jun 2014
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
why does it take death
for people to feel guilty
crazy isn't no guilt until a life is lost
4.9k · Sep 2014
I believe in nonbelievers
Hakeem Jenkins Sep 2014
I believe in non believers,
I believe that they believe that science is magic and therefore,
I believe in magic,
4.4k · Jun 2014
Butter Brand Rumors
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
Rumors spread,
but you control the size of the bread
people don't help
4.3k · Jun 2014
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
Show people who you are,
so they do not misunderstand
rumors spread
3.7k · Sep 2014
Hakeem Jenkins Sep 2014
To Be Honest, no one will care, until you do.
3.4k · Jun 2014
The pursuit of Thrills
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
We blink quickly,
so that we miss nothing,
we compact an entire lifetime within an allotted time of two hours and a small two minute window for creditentials that acknowledge 1,326 people,
not including "special thanks,"
we indulge on the dramatized events that may or may not have happened, We thrive on sports that televise a group of ten to twenty-two grown men that run fast jump quickly, and
dance weirdly,
but that is the pursuit of thrills
3.3k · Jun 2014
Little Light
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
you may not know this
but your reading light is just
another fire
inspiration Fahrenheit 451
3.0k · Jun 2014
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
a voice can influence nations
but they can't persuade minds
it's your choice to change your own mind
2.8k · Jun 2014
Train of Dreams
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
Why do they believe they can crush all my dreams
for a friend
1.8k · Jun 2014
Necessary Tears
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
Do not cry for me
don't even cry for yourself
cry for those worth it
don't cry
1.5k · Jun 2014
I Jumped
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
before I run out of falling space I just wanted to tell you that it wasn't your fault.
1.2k · Jun 2014
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
your love for someone grows
without the need for nourishment
a possibility yet discovered
1.1k · Jun 2014
Nonexistent Lover
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
My love is for someone who does not exist,
but I will hope and save it for them,
And maybe I won't need to choose my second choice.
1.1k · Jun 2014
Real Life
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
So because you are sheltered,
means that I don't struggle
For the sheltered ones
1.1k · Jun 2014
Why Seize the Day?
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
Is the day precious
even when it really *****
or is it mindset?
it's all on how you see it
902 · Jan 2015
Hakeem Jenkins Jan 2015
Everyday people make mistakes,
I guess it's finally my turn,
876 · Aug 2014
Hakeem Jenkins Aug 2014
The Fear we face the most is the fear of Failure; consequently we fear the key to all success.
848 · Jun 2014
Self Deception
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
Do you really think because you think something,
it's true
don't believe yourself
740 · Jun 2014
Silent Treatment
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
Silence gives me too much time to think of you,
That is why I talk to myself
727 · Jun 2014
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
Often I think of you,
maybe too much at times,
but you are a love I have never experienced,
even though I have never experienced love,
your snow white skin creates a vibrancy for your fragile blue eyes,
it always seems like you believe in me, even when I lack belief in myself,
your words are my wings when my day has hit rock bottom,
You have two years on me but I always feel like we were born to be,
or maybe we were all born to believe that love belongs to us,
and maybe that is my reason for thriving...You, but am I allowed to love you?
it bobbles in my hands when I try to use it,
it makes me wonder how can I love without knowing what love is or having anything to compare to it,
For the longest I believed that love was a feeling something you showed toward someone,
but maybe I'm mistaken,
maybe it's what I'm feeling now,
yet heavy with love to give away,
just tell me it's hopeless now...Cassandra,
I'm never sure about anything
715 · Jun 2014
$Price tag$
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
Why put labels on people when we can put price tags on them instead, because everyone is worth something.
feeling inspirational
656 · Jun 2014
Living in The Gray Area
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
They say darkness represents evil,
but I use the darkness to stay humble, and hide from my enemies,
The lime light is the true evil,
you change before your own eyes,
good becomes evil and evil becomes maleficent,
So what hero saves you from the Good?
653 · Jan 2015
Hakeem Jenkins Jan 2015
C an i even attempt to be
A miable to your lover? Or is the
S ensitivity of my ego beginning to
S eparate my link to you, should I
A ssume that you have
N o love to spare for me?And
D oes he meet you demand of your
R outinely constant love or am i too ****
A rrogant to see you have no need for me?
624 · Jun 2014
Side effects of Love
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
yesterday I thought I wanted to grow to be a doctor, but now I realize I just want to grow up to be somebody to you.
614 · Jan 2015
when the time comes...
Hakeem Jenkins Jan 2015
When the time comes...
I want a large festival named after Mark Twain,
I want the streets to be cloaked in color,
I want peopleto ride in on horseback lightsaber in hand,
I want the wind to be whispering the best puns the world has to offer to the trees,
So that trees can laugh, giggle, snicker, and chortle with fluffy forest friends,
I want music of every kind playing across the living mountains and through the clouds and rain I envy,
I want it to rain so hard that persons of all shapes and sizes are forced to take off their heavy drenched clothes and just dance in their underwear, playing with glow-in-the-dark footballs with Lionel,
I want absolutely no lights,
I want the ugliest girl in the world to appear to be the most beautiful under the sun of the night,
I want everyone to come only by bicycle, skateboard, foot and any other non-mechanical way,
Not for the earth but because i don't like the sound smell of look,
But most of all...
I want to leave a legacy,
Not a huge one, just big enough to live forever...
In the back of one's mind,
597 · Jun 2014
Meaning of Life
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
You live another day,
to contemplate why you are here,
I've always is clear now.
564 · Feb 2015
13 word memoir
Hakeem Jenkins Feb 2015
One day in the snow becomes one more day alone without her love
559 · Feb 2015
Forgive me Naomi
Hakeem Jenkins Feb 2015
I didn't truly understand your heart,
Until it's veins and arteries intertwined with mine,
Sorry for being too passionate aka obsessed
529 · Jun 2014
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
I only cry to keep my heart watered,
498 · Jun 2014
Your Only Source
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
If you are told lies
and you do not know the truth
will you be content?
sometimes you only hear one story
480 · Jun 2014
The Truth (Haiku)
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
people don't make you
and they don't ever break you
you are in control
you think therefore you are
479 · Sep 2014
Hakeem Jenkins Sep 2014
When I win award at school and look at all the smiles that surround me,
I always wonder which ones are actually real,
462 · May 2015
Hakeem Jenkins May 2015
When you grow older,
What will i honestly love,
It won't be beauty,
457 · Jun 2014
Natural Connection
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
The hills roll over and over creating dimples within the earth where tears flow down to my heart,
the mountains are just an excuse for a blanket,
I draw my heart from the trees,
timid under the circumstances,
We trade hearts and you walk away,
your heart now hid away among the trees,
my heart hopefully hidden away from danger,
until we meet again
448 · Jun 2014
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
I thought falling stars were good, but turns out all they do is make the sky dimmer.
443 · Feb 2015
Sorry Naomi
Hakeem Jenkins Feb 2015
It was critical for you to be my chance to take a chance,
But now I'm wishing it was someone else,
I need to stop
438 · May 2015
Hakeem Jenkins May 2015
When you grow older,
What will i honestly love,
It won't be beauty,
433 · Feb 2015
Hello, Naomi?
Hakeem Jenkins Feb 2015
Even after i fell on my face,
You didn't stomp on my dignity,
sorry for being awkward Naomi
431 · Jun 2014
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
Thank you for your dreams,
For now there is hope,
to all dreamers
402 · Jun 2014
Flaming Love
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
I'll give you my heart,
as long as you don't sell it back to me,
I'll shield you from the fire,
as long as you don't burn me in return,
I'll will be your love,
as long as you don't become someone else's,
but if you commit all the don'ts,
I will be forced to throw my love in the fire and shield you from my heart
For someone who is hurting
387 · Jun 2014
I Wonder
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
dinosaurs roamed the earth once,
nearly a million years of life for them,
I wonder if humans can last that long,
or are we just a insufficient species just occupying the world until God can make a better,
more advanced species that can save it
383 · Jun 2014
Crush Heart
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
you stepped on my heart, and now it's stuck to the bottom of your shoe...sooo I guess you can keep it then.
375 · Feb 2015
Hakeem Jenkins Feb 2015
Powder falls, schools close, and hearts open.
374 · Sep 2014
Long Distance Call
Hakeem Jenkins Sep 2014
Why do people think I am still listening when I get farther away,
373 · Jun 2014
I'm Sorry
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
Had my hands not been sweating from peer pressure,
I might have saved you from suicide,
you might still be beside me today,
sometimes I feel your words in my mind when I do something wrong,
I smell your cigarette stained clothes that your mom didn't have enough quarters to wash,
I still see the burn marks that are on your arms from the hot cigarette pressed to your skin,
I wish I could have saved you from the man you were supposed call Dad,
but I couldn't,
I remember the way you cried when he beat you in the other room while I just sat on your bed crying with you, you would come back and we would cry together,
I should have done something, but fear covered my mouth like a muzzle,
I wish I could have brought myself to look death in the face with you,
but I couldn't,
I couldn't save you, I couldn't protect,
but I could watch you deteriorate inside,
I'm sorry
this was almost real
359 · Feb 2015
Excuse me, Naomi?
Hakeem Jenkins Feb 2015
And to my surprise,
Who i thought i could never understand,
i loved,
Forgive me Naomi for stereotyping.
358 · Jun 2014
Broken Rules, spared
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
I fractured your rules,
but I should have broken them,
inspiration Carson Bockoven.
334 · Jun 2014
Permanent Plant
Hakeem Jenkins Jun 2014
I planted this flower because it was the only thing that didn't leave me.
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