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m Feb 11
i think i figured out
while i'm alive
i'll bleed out on the floor

and most everyone will go around me
and silent sound will sit beside me
so i feel the burn on my skin

but the tremble of my body will harmonize with yours and the blood we lie in
will taste like glitter when i kiss you

and the sound will sit in another room
while we fall asleep

just for the night
just for the night

silence was the sound of us breathing in just for the night
m Feb 11
is it bad i wish you suffering
because it means you're alive

we promised moonlight
we promised beach

but i float down the shore alone
my feet yet to touch ocean floor

as your dust settles back into the stars
the tide keeps pulling away
i see the rippled glass of the sand

a face shaped wildly by the sunlight you never got to see
a distorted image of me

i imagine you lived a hundred thousand years just to believe the line wasn't cut short

i imagine you lived a hundred thousand years just to believe the line wasn't cut short

in the shells i pick up, are lies
and i fill my mouth with all these little shells

you lived a hundred thousand years
you lived enough to see
you know me, even now
and your dust wont settle in the stars

it'll form in a ghost in my backyard
m Apr 2020
Floating forward on empty feet
Music clinging to every second that passes my ears
Im overwhelmed by the quiet vastness the world has become
Green spilling over pale balconies
Flowers take their place without remorse
Sturdy white buildings with their usual red caps filled to the brim with life
They feign stillness secretly teeming with love, with hate, with anger,  enjoyment of life, with overwhelming loneliness, with boisterous laughter, with shared meals and smiles and tears
It’s alive, every person a vein, i can feel these buildings breathe as i walk by, feel it’s pulse, every beat resounding deep in my skull
An irrefutable reminder
as my skin crawls from solitude, we are alive, we are alive
quarantine feels
m Jan 2019
I have felt the weight of so many feelings pile up inside me over the years
The top layer of myself is composed of a loss for words
I fell in love once and back then it was as if the words would never stop flowing out of me
Poem after poem pouring out of my soul about a girl who i ended up falling so completely out of love with
Ever since then i have looked at my notebooks, stray post it notes once equipped for a passionate flurry of words to be smattered onto and then neatly folded into an origami heart  
I’ve looked at them and felt only loss
Falling out of love overtook me as slowly as falling in
Shy moments persistently becoming noticed until i realized that
I wasnt who i used to be when this all began
And honestly?
I dont know who i am anymore
I really don’t
And perhaps that’s why i havent found the words yet
These past few months i have been urging myself to write, write, write,
You know you will want to remember what this is like so write
But i looked inside myself and all i saw was a confusing blob, a living person with questions for organs and i didn’t know what to do
What had become of who i was
And so i pushed writing away
Words that so easily poured from my fingertips, trapped behind a self made dam
I felt silly
I feel silly
How to i begin to describe that i no longer recognize myself
That the image of who i was
A scared angry depressed teenager has been smeared at, scratched away with rough greedy hands
And i am left looking at an empty husk of an adult
A living breathing ‘what could be’
And i am lost
And i dont know
I must really admit, i know nothing- at all.
i havent written a poem in months. I kept stressing and worrying so i decided to just, let my brain do what it wants. And this is wat it did.
m Aug 2018
flat washes of ink in blue and pink
dragged fingers across the sky
leaving fuzz and glitter in their touch
heavy colors leave me feeling light
the trees give me breath in the morning crisp light and i am mist
floating and twinkling in the air
feet touch the floor
the cool air with its hands
interlocks with my fingers

my hand wishes for yours
it reaches and it falls
empty promises that i’d wish you made
so maybe i can hope for someday
the sky wasnt made- with its pretty pastel shades
to enjoy on my own

pretend with me
take my hand like you can
walk with me like our feet can eat the miles between us
let our lungs fill with freshness
let your lips touch mine
i know you cant but
please step into this painting of a world with me
hold my hand and smile at the watercolored sky
dont tell me yes or no or why
just kiss me under inky pink skies
apparently i wrote this 10/13/17. Things are different now, yet startingly the same. I dont know how to fall out of love with this person and I think. I’ve accepted that. Im ok. Me and her. Are ok. Even when we arent, i know we will be.
m Jul 2018
slowly everything that we once were drips out of me
i know it will take time
for when you loved me you embedded yourself into every part of my being
i will wait until it falls below me
like i’m the top half of an hour glass
i will wait with time dripping at my feet
i will wait to be ok
i finally got closure fellas. And shes my friend now and im happy with how things are  i just need to wait. For now im still,... in love with her. A part of me feels like there will always be a tiny cell in my body that will always love her. I dont know. I know that i need to move on and that I will move on. Its time to work towards happiness again. And I trust it wIll come soon.  Its only a matter of time
m Jun 2018
im so sorry
i miss you so much
i didnt mean to miss you this much
but i dont know how to *******

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