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I'm just a memory in your head,
Long gone, but missed in your bed.
My skin is aching for your touch,
Even association for you is too much.
Wasted nights thinking of your name,
Now my head bows in shame.
Never could I ever leave you alone,
Sitting here empty, my heart has no home.
Oh what a mistake I had made,
"Love me, love me" I prayed,
And if I had known of what frayed,
Then maybe you would have stayed.  People change and time goes on,
But a picture of friendship has been drawn.
All I wanted was your attention,
Your acknowledgement of me was an honourable mention.
Now late at night when you enter my head,
No tears for you will be shed.
So tell your self when you cry to sleep,
Love is not love when the other makes you weep.
getting over you.
To be unable to sleep without a drink in my system
To be unable to feel love, but seek it
To not know what beholds for me
But crave something

I feel so incredibly alone,
Summer is over and my birthday is tomorrow
I feel so low, all time low
I need something to believe in,
A war to fight for
To serve a purpose other than plating overpriced proteins

I feel stuck, unable to get myself out of this rut

It is 6 in the morning and I haven't slept yet
Im not tired
Falling skies and exposed bricks

Life has proven to be hard for me
I feel it all, everything I've done wrong
But I just cant let love feel

I am so incredibly alone
 Aug 2015 Gabriela Baldini
Sometimes ...
A little touch of magic
is all that is needed

to mend a broken smile;
to walk another mile,

to touch the lovely sky,
to dare to dream and fly,

to dance and love and sing;
to heal a wounded wing,

to live, to laugh, to breath
to teach the heart new beat

a little touch of magic
is all we sometime need.
As I lean back
To float
Upon the clear, bright waters
I heard the whispers
Of the water

They tell me,
You see?
You float
You are naturally buoyant
You are not meant to drown

**Hold on
Put together in like 5 seconds, but whatever
pick me up and hold me until i melt
squeeze me so tightly that my bones are crushed
like a mosquito exploding on your forearm
like a stress doll
exhaust me
get lost in me
i'm as wondrous and expansive as a cave
filled with bats
that will sing until you let go if you are to catch one
i promise i can be fun
if you promise me you won't run
when i pull out my guns
I need some happy poetry
I'm tired of sadness
I'm tired of not seeing the sun
And the bright side of things

I need some happy songs
I've been lost for too long
I need to find myself now
No time to get stuck in the past

I'm more than what
Never let me smile
I'm tired of this charade
I'm tired of being cold

I want to get lost gazing
At the possibilities in the stars
Not at their fateful destruction
Not at their fall to nothing

I needed some happiness
For some time now
Because I broke the chain
That dragged me down
you said my hair,
so awful red, set fire
to the gorse petals,
you said my eyes,
darker, more green,
than any kelpie seas,
were sunken treasures,
skins on the stars, murky,
pearls to milky velvet face
of freckled, violet heavens,
you gave me wee flowers,
wilder than heather bloom,
you kissed me so deep
i fell over the moon,
you breathed bare
my holey soul,
you, my lad,
were rare,
my only,
As the world defends itself from the anxiety of death,
a wind-caressed woman waits by the water,
and signals for silence, unceremoniously.
Waiting for the blood-banks to breed ideals --
which will, inevitably, be exported --
that will turn Natives into faceless, finger-painted  
neo-orphans of the broken nuclear home;
old souls, convinced to be the youth in revolt,
and to be the scrambled egg individuals of a melting ***, that disguises uniform for diversity.

Her lavender dress dribbles the spiraling air, as the copper dust swims by her ankles, knees, and thighs.
I do not remember when she told me that everything we do and say is a defense-mechanism,
distracting us from the fact that one day we will die and be as imaginative as the roles we give ourselves,
as the people we think blend into us,
and as the gods we use as an alternative to a morphine drip.

I stood by the bad river, knowing that all of my attempts at being more than what I was,
was my grasp at an out-of-reach eternity,
and a dream of a humanity that could be affected by one person.

I do not remember when she told me,
"All of our attempts at progressing,
is our way with dealing that we will someday die
and may not have been successful at living forever."
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