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 May 2015 Victoria
To me you were the stars.
Illuminating my world.
But to you I was a satellite.
Just passing by.

If that's what I am.
What you will me to be.
Let me soar into your world.
I the satellite, Your beacon,
Have come back around to show you.
I'll be more than what you could ever fathom.
Inspired by a variety of poems.
 Mar 2015 Victoria
 Mar 2015 Victoria
I miss the way my name slipped through your lips the way water slips through finger tips
 Aug 2014 Victoria
 Aug 2014 Victoria
I wish I could describe love;
Give it a definition
Or some understanding,
But I am so young
And so confused
And all that I know is
My chest hurts
When I think of your voice
And my lips go numb
When I spit your name
And the emptiness hits harder
Than any liquor I drink
And I just can't come up with
A way to define
My state of being.
Yet another annoying poem about how you've ruined everything.
 Aug 2014 Victoria
You fell for the girl
with a travelers heart
who's eyes mimic
the worlds most vibrant art.

You loved the girl
with marks on her skin
like permanent kisses
from the places she's been.

You held the girl
with songs in her soul
which she learned from experiences
you'll never know.

You were angered by the girl
who left you alone
'cause the need for adventure
was etched in her bones.

 Aug 2014 Victoria
I remember laying under the stars with you
and I remember talking about everything under the moon.
You promised me you would keep me safe.

You told me I was beautiful and then you started to kiss me.
I still feel what it was like to have you on my lips.
And more importantly, I still feel what it was like to let the words
“I’m to drunk to do this”
spill from between my teeth

Then everything is black.

The next thing I remember is you pushing my head down, forcing me to pleasure you
and me crying
and you telling me you were going to **** me

Then it was black again

I still feel what it was like to regain some sort of knowledge of what was going on around me
and realize what I was doing
I can still taste you in my mouth
I can still feel your voice pumping through my veins
 Aug 2014 Victoria
 Aug 2014 Victoria
How can I get mad over the fact that no one stays,

When all I do is beg to be left alone?
 Aug 2014 Victoria
Karen Newell
Between the hemispheres,
beyond the furls and
wrinkles of the mind,
the limbic brain beckons.

Ancient keeper
of primal instinct,
of collective knowledge.
I open my inner eye
seeking bliss.
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