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 Aug 2014 Victoria
I'm running out of time
And I don't know where to start
But it seems that from the inside,
You're tearing me apart
See you're a ticking time bomb, sweetie
And I thought in my frozen heart
You wouldn't tick, wouldn't hurt me

It appears I was wrong.

My veins are splitting, eyes drying
My skin is becoming ash
But I haven't even thought of crying

I hadn't smiled in so long.
when i saw you
i could feel
my presence
to you...
i just want
to know
my absence
to you????
 Jun 2014 Victoria
Grey Davidson
I want to be pretty.
Not in the way magazines do it
where everything is tucked, twisted, tuned and polished
because I am not an ideal.
And I will never be the Mona Lisa
with a coyness that leaves people wondering
what I've smelled, touched, tasted in
every moment of my life,
because I am not a treasure.
I want to be the kind of pretty
where my little sister can see a galaxy of pride in my eyes
and know she's ten times more beautiful
than I could ever be
(or at least she'll know I think so.)
I want to be pretty in the way that
strangers don't know if I'm kind or
powerful or
and are timidly curious that maybe I'm all three.
I want to be pretty in the way that
I am all three, and so much more.
I want to be pretty
so that when I'm older
I can be half as beautiful as my mom.
I want to be pretty so that
my friends see honesty in the corners of my eyes
and security in my fingertips
and hold my gaze with evenness as my equals.
I want to be pretty,
the kind of pretty where you bring me home,
we reflect each other like lighted mirrors
and your mom will smile that knowing smile
because in three years you'll want to see a ring on my finger
and she knows her baby will do it in five.
And I want to be pretty so when my hair is damp,
my eyeliner cakes my face like charcoal
and a towel is wrapped around my body...
When I look in that mirror I see fireflies and lightning
and not an abandoned house
in a quiet street
with the attic light left on.
this is a poem I wrote for an upcoming slam poetry night. it will be my second poem ever performed and I am very nervous and excited. please feel free to critique before this Friday (June 21st) and let me know your thoughts! wish me luck!
 Jun 2014 Victoria
                                       ­      were                               
                     ­          burn               

                              ­                                       &
                                                                ­                    scar
                                      ­                                  my  
                          ­                                                           cheeks
                                                                ­                       wouldn't
                                                        ­          mind
Some people choose to live a fictional fantasy, their own world.
While others choose to live in the bitter reality, as it feeds on their blood.
Tonight I choose to break away from both, some other voices are calling.
And that was the moment I saw poison creep in through the cracks of my safest haven.
My safest haven was paper-made, now washed away by the tender droplets of rain.

Where am I to go?
No place to call home.
As cold as my first sin, I chose to disappear.

How or why or when?
Only God can answer you to that.
Because sadly, I no longer have any control leading my own head.
 Jun 2014 Victoria
Nathan Squiers
The air was thick with rancid hate as we squared off in the mist of night.
There was no words--no grunts nor groans--that oozed past sneering
lips. It was a rustic sort of torture; the time slithering between you
and I, as we each came to grips that only one could anticipate the
dawn. Oil stained the rain-soaked way; the alley shimmered in
the moon. I couldn't recall what had brought us there; what
ill-will we shared. And though your eyes shone with scorn,
I swear you felt the same. It was then the hatred started
rolling like a current 'cross my back; as though the
energy inside of me was fighting to break free.
I watched with eyes uncaring as the glass
began to break, and scattered bits of this
and that began to whip about! You had
never known me well enough to truly
know what lurked within, and as
your startled eyes betrayed your
fear I knew that I'd already won.
So much viscous agony--such a
glorious defeat--a body left in
ruin. I stared at what I had
done, awash in a morbid
optimism, and I saw the
shards of glass twinkle
under a cracked light.
Consumed by the
sight, I saw you
sink into a sky
of oil and filth
and eternal
I was inspired by some busted beer bottles that sparkled on the side of the street like stars when I was driving one night. The irony of a beautiful night sky replicated in such a violent way got me to thinking of how I, myself, could create such a replication while paying homage to the inspiration. Because of the death theme, I wanted to start with a very broad, wordy "life" and slowly dwindle it away. Submitted for your approval, ladies and gentlemen, I give you "Urban Starlight."
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