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Olivia Daniels Oct 2018
And here I sit
in this old restaurant,
-- i wonder what history this table holds
eating food gone cold.

It's 10 til close
and I'm that *******
who refuses to leave.
-- they wonder what i'm avoiding by being here

My eyes glued
to a laptop I can't read,
they've long glossed over,
and I came here to work.
--i wonder if they watch and ponder me
I should probably go

All I can think of is sleep
but I flinch at the thought of
what lies behind closed lids.
-- they wonder when they'll get to go home
10 minutes have passed
Olivia Daniels Sep 2018
She lives her life with tears in her eyes.
From day to day, tears in her eyes.

No one can tell—
she hides them so well—
with bangs down,
and a smile on her face.


The general disposition
that showing emotion
makes you weak.

Why should she show them anyways?
When no one can make her feel better
    and no one understands
the pain in her heart that resides there from day to day.

It originates from small things that bug her
                       to things people say—
and the fact that they just don't understand.
                                          No one understands.

It's always the same,
they get defensive
when she tells them the truth
and how she really feels.

but she's so tired of hiding and pretending to be ok
Olivia Daniels Sep 2018
I've seen you cry
I hear it in your voice
The way each word
weighs 1000 tons

From late night calls
to drowning yourself in music
I see you sitting there
headphones on your ears
and sunglasses to hide your eyes
The air is a void around you
touching (hurting) no one but yourself
although you feel like you're suffocating others

The slashes on your wrist
                             and heart
All an angry red
with the occasional bandage
Though you try to hid your pain
with conveniently placed tattoos
(all beautiful in their importance)
(they're almost as beautiful as you)
(i wish you could see)
your scars are apparent

are NOT
a burden
are NOT
too much work
brave and strong

have been through hell
or at least you've tried to
Thank god it didn't work
and you came back
Because if it had
the world would have lost
another light to the darkness

You are so full of love
and care for others.
I wish I could alleviate your pain,
but all I can do is sit
and listen
and watch you destroy yourself.
I know you have no control
over your sorrow.
It hurts all the more
knowing there's nothing I can do.
But I'll always be there
a shoulder to cry on
giving you a reminder
of how glad I am
that you are here
and alive,
such a vivid part of my life.
For my friend who doesn't see how amazing she is
Olivia Daniels Aug 2018
You see-
Love likes to toy with your heart.
it loops your string around its finger
and drops you
with gravity as your guide
you plummet toward earth
only to be yanked back up unceremoniously
in a matter of seconds
the momentum works
against your former guide
as you rocket toward the moon
caught in its orbit
and brought full circle

Love drops you again
and the cycle repeats
you do flips and figure-eights
an act that awes gathered crowds
as you're exposed to their starry eyes
up and down, your heart goes
in all its fragility
beating as hard as it can
until either Love gets bored
or your string snaps
  Aug 2018 Olivia Daniels
thank you,
for reading my words.
this community is so welcoming
and im never afraid to show what i feel.
every like, love, repost,
makes me feel proud
(not something i feel often)
and every comment
makes me cry
to know someone spent their own time
on my poems.
and those comments move me and my poetry forward.
we are all evolving together,
and we are working towards something greater,
and you poets are inspiring
individuals like me
to express ourselves
so thank you,
to all the poets before me,
remembered or forgotten,
I will always remember how you've embraced and lead
communities like us,
and still do to this day.
thank you,
to all the poets of the new century,
for opening our minds to something new,
nothing stagnant.
thank you for accepting yourselves and your words for
what they are.
continuously remember how much you influence our generation,
the students,
the teachers,
the parents,
the children.
thank you
from the bottom of my heart.

Ashley Marie
I am so thankful to poetry and you artists for inspiring my daily life! An ode to you for listening to other's words, perspectives, and ambitions. I truly love you all and hope you can continue to write knowing that your words are heard. LUV U ALL
Each one counts.
  Aug 2018 Olivia Daniels
Someday you’ll love you.
From the sparkle in your eye,
To the pitch of your laugh,
Even the color of your hair.

You will love every part,
From every wrinkle,
To every crinkle,
Every part of you.

But they will try to tear you down,
To make you frown,
To make you think you’re not worth it.

But darling you listen to me.

From the way you walk,
To the way you talk,
You will be mocked,
But don’t you listen.

From your weight,
To your height,
You are all wonderful to me.

Maybe one day you’ll see,
The beauty I see.
The way you were made,
So beautifully.

But until then,
Do not forget,
On how true beauty,
Comes from within.
I hope one day that you love you the way you deserve. You are worth it ❤
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